Seeking Center: The Podcast

Akashic Wisdom: Tapping Into Your Soul’s Blueprint - Episode 152

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Krista Rauschenberg Season 2 Episode 152

Have you ever wished you could access deeper guidance, clarity, and understanding about your life’s purpose? What if there was a way to tap into an infinite source of wisdom—one that holds the answers to your past, present, and future?

In this episode, we dive into the mystical and transformational world of the Akashic Records with the extraordinary Krista Rauschenberg. As an advanced Akashic reader and breathwork practitioner, Krista’s work is about much more than just insight—it’s about release, reform, and realignment.

Through her practice, she has helped individuals, couples, and even corporations unlock a level of clarity and support they never thought possible. Krista also recently launched the first season of her podcast, Beginner’s Guide to the Third Eye, which explores spiritual experiences and the dedicated practitioners guiding people on transformative paths.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
✨ What are the Akashic Records? Understanding this energetic archive of your soul’s journey
✨ How do Akashic readings work? What to expect and how to prepare
✨ Breathwork & Sound Therapy: How they enhance healing alongside Akashic work
✨ Krista’s Journey: From skepticism to spiritual awakening—how she embraced her calling
✨ Practical Tips: How to start exploring the Akashic Records on your own

Krista also shares how the Akashic Records are becoming more accessible to everyone, and how our collective consciousness is shifting to integrate this ancient wisdom.

More from Krista Rauschenberg:
🔗 Visit to book a session or explore workshops
🎧 Listen to Krista's podcast Beginner’s Guide to the Third Eye 
📱 Follow her on Instagram @akashicglow

If you're feeling curious, called, or just need a little guidance, this episode is a must-listen. The answers you’re seeking may be waiting for you in the Akashic Records! 🎧✨

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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.

Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.

Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. Have you ever wished you could access deeper guidance, clarity, and understanding about your life's purpose? What if there was a way to tap into an infinite source of wisdom, one that holds the answers to your past, Present and future. Today. We're diving [00:01:00] into the mystical and transformational world of the Akashic records with the extraordinary Krista Rauschenberg as an advanced Akashic reader and Akashic breathwork practitioner and sound therapy practitioner.

Krista's work is about more than just insight. It's about release, reform and realignment through her practice. She's helped individuals, couples and even corporations Unlock a level of clarity and support they never thought possible. Krista also recently launched the first season of her podcast, Beginner's Guide to the Third Eye, which delves into the profound realms of spiritual experiences and the dedicated practitioners and modalities that guide us on transformative paths.

We'll be talking about that as well. So what exactly are the Akashic Records? How can they help us navigate our personal and professional lives? And what happens when we combine this wisdom with breathwork and sound therapy? Krista is here to break it all down for us and share how accessing the records can be a game changer for our healing, growth and [00:02:00] transformation.

Let's get going. Hi, Krista. Hi, ladies. It's so nice to be here. Thank you. 

Krista: Oh, we're so glad you're here.   

Robyn: I had a reading with Krista years ago that has stuck with me. And when Krista works with you, she works on the phone and your voice. And the frequency of your voice has stayed with me for all this time.

I just have to tell you that. And the insights that came through have stayed with me all this time. So I just need to start out by saying that. 

Krista: God, it makes me so happy. Thank you. 

Karen: Krista, can we start, your background is so diverse. It feels like you've done everything. So postpartum, doula, sound therapy.

Akashic records, what led you here on this journey and we got to hear more about how 

Krista: you discovered the Akashic records. I'm very curious by nature and I'm someone that's wanted to try everything and have As many experiences as I can the working in energy as I do now [00:03:00] was such a big pivotal transformational moment in my life and they didn't make it easy for me.

I was in a really difficult chapter. And I had to really have a giant. Trust fall, I would say. Everything in my survival was telling me to go get a job and go get a paycheck. And when I discovered this work, I stuck my feet into the sand. And I said, No, I'm not.

They're not going to take it away from me. I'm going to do this work. I'm going to trust I'm going to trust that I will be cared for supported And I have been in really powerful, beautiful ways, and that was the beginning really surrendering that first big surrender changed everything. And I have to continue to surrender as my work changes as I evolve on a personal level.

. But that first surrender had a really powerful purpose. And I can really look at my [00:04:00] life in significant chapters. And that was a big direction change. And I'm so grateful for it. 

Robyn: How was that? what were you doing?

And then how did Energy even come into your vocabulary in your world 

Krista: through postpartum doula work because that Was the first time that I could recognize that we are all energy because babies are pure forms of energy They have no language other than an energetic exchange. I stepped into that work and Was propelled into that work.

Really. It was a the first time I had a skill set where I was helping people and that was life changing. And then I was a natural. I had a gift for it. I don't have Children. I wasn't raised around babies, but you could hand me a baby and I knew exactly what to do outside and above and beyond whatever training I received.

I knew what to tell the parents it was as if I Done it a million times before and I [00:05:00] in my skepticism in my human had to acknowledge. Oh, this is this has to be a gift because how do I know how to do this? There's no other logical reason that I've done this before. And it felt too, it wasn't the sensation of it.

Just even the muscle memory of it. The coming home of it allowed me to really start to look at the world differently and communicate differently and feel differently, or at least on a different level than I had ever before. So I loved that work, but. it wasn't sustainable. The bulk of my business was working nights and my body started to really shut down.

So after I think almost a decade I had to stop. And I went back to production where I'd come from. I was miserable and a good friend said, go get your Akashic records read. And I'd never heard of that, but I'd had other readings and I loved the esoteric world and I'd been told I'm a healer and I always dismissed it because I was in survival and [00:06:00] needed a paycheck.  

And it was just too fringe. as much as I loved doing it, I had skepticism naturally me about it. And it just wasn't something that felt safe to me to do for a living. I was closed minded, really. And I went and got my records read. And the first thing this woman said, and you could see in her.

As she opened my records, something impacted her and she said, there's an invitation here for you to do this work and my initial reaction was to dismiss it, but something in me something that I don't know who that person was started to read and study and I took Every class I could take. And then I just stepped into it and it felt a lot like what it felt like when I became a postpartum doula in that I was supported that it was a calling that it was my next evolution.  

I had a gift for it again. . I knew what to do. I knew how to structure my business. I knew how to [00:07:00] structure a session. it was, miraculous. Wow. 

Robyn: We're going to get into the Akashic Records.

What are they? How do you read them? And have you had a past life regression , that have taken you back to those times where either you were taking care of babies, or maybe you were some sort of mother and then same with the Akashic Records Have you looked into that?

Krista: , I have had past life readings. No one brought the Akashic records into view for me. But when I'm doing things, I get these third eye flashes. I get these sensations. I'm very visual. So I'll see things. I'll see pictures. I'll see motion pictures of me in certain settings.  

Yes, they do show me things. Not epic, sagas or anything, but like little flashes. 

Karen: Just in the way you speak, I feel like physician energy. Yeah, 

Robyn: exactly. 

Karen: There is this wisdom that like, you have this [00:08:00] medicine aspect to you that Is definitely resonant in your energy. So it has to be in your past life.

Krista: I do have something when I was 19, I moved to Japan and adapted so quickly knew the language, knew the food, everything just whatever that memory was, it just ignited in me and I was in a lucid dream state. And I saw a woman walking down a hill and she had two boys that were following her, a Japanese woman.

And I just knew that was me. Made sense. I was like, I spoke on the phone, people couldn't tell that I wasn't Japanese, I learned fluent Japanese within six months. So that was an awakening of sorts, right? It's like we have these Footprints or I don't even know how to describe it, but maybe a touchstone or something that we can awaken in us and it can inform us.

And I think part of that is travel to I think that we leave footprints, lay lines, things like that. And when we touch on them, when we go [00:09:00] places, it awakens these things in us. That's a whole other conversation, but I 

Karen: felt that way about the ocean. I think that's the recognition that so many of us have and why it gives us so much peace as we remember it wow, you're so right.

You're so right. Yeah. But let's get back to the record. Shall we? Yes. Even to this day, Robyn and I've talked about them on this podcast quite a few times, but I think for those who may not know what they are, we'd love to get your definition because it feels like everyone who practices them and even experiences them can have a slightly different interpretation of what they are.

And then as a follow up, you use the word they like they say in the records, which I find very interesting. can you incorporate that into your. answer are they a they? Are they a group? Are they Is it a book? 

Krista: So when I open an individual's Akashic records, I'm speaking directly to their masters, teachers and loved [00:10:00] ones.

And their masters are a body of energy that have been with them since the inception of their soul. So We have access to past lives present and then future possibilities. And it is said that the Akashic records are held in the Akasha. The Akasha is a very ancient Sanskrit word. There's references to it in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Edgar Cayce brought it to our world here and now and referenced it, wrote about it. So it's ancient. It is. said to be the most pristine energetic realm, the highest energetic realm higher than the psychic realm I have seen and also studied learned that Even, I think within our lifetime, only very holy people had access to the records.

It was very protected in the time that I've been doing this work that has, it's almost like the records have come down to meet us because we need them so much. And as [00:11:00] People are lighting up that realm is available to them. I've also been shown that I don't know how long it will take, but the records will become integrated within us.

So we will no longer have to go to this energetic realm. It will live within us. And I've seen elements of that happening. When I first started, I didn't teach people how to open their records. Very rarely, someone would come and want to learn, and I'd have to go into and ask for permission. That has really changed.

Anyone that asks now it's an automatic permission. So just in the decade I've been doing this. That shift has been significant in energy coming to meet us, to support us, to educate us to unite us. Wow. 

Karen: So just to go a little further on that then. So when you go into someone's record, then you're actually accessing a realm where their soul information [00:12:00] is.

kept for using very broad word, but that it's also connected to their angels and guides. Is this record evolving? In other words, if I change my mind today from being a lawyer to a doctor, for example, is it changing sort of my soul story in real time? The reason I'm asking is because you said that you have some access to the future as well.

So I'm just wondering, how does that all work? 

Krista: What I've been shown is that we choose the lessons we come in to learn. Those are fixed. But when we come down here, we have free will, so we can change. A million different things. Again, except those lessons are fixed. So depending on the lesson, I can be in a lesson and give up because it gets too hard and move across country, make a lot of changes in my life, but that lesson will show up again in.

Different cast members, let's say. So we can't escape that. And [00:13:00] it's not punitive. It's conjuring, if you will. It's the universe conspiring to give us what we asked for and what we need in order to break free, break open, evolve liberate. I could go on and on 

Karen: not really a fortune teller tool, for example, right? 

Krista: I always say, due to free will, that things can change. You can change your mind, they can change your mind, not the records, but the people in your life. But, I will say that there are certain times where everything is locked in and fixed, and that shows up very differently for me where everyone's decided and it's In motion in a way, and those predictive outlooks look different, feel different, and most times do happen.

So as much as, yes, we can look into the future, there is free will that exists, so things can change. I always say when I'm reading for someone, it's 50 50 but there's things that are part [00:14:00] of life path or soul purpose or the lessons. It depends what they're asking and where they are but everything shows up and tells the story.

Yes, we can predict outcomes with some certainty when it shows up in a way that. It feels certain or locked in is a good way to describe it. 

Robyn: And I would say too, even when you talk about those lessons, let's say that are locked in, there's a frequency to that. It's when to your point, maybe something felt too hard.

So you thought you switched out all these other things in your life, but then all of a sudden you feel. That same sense in a completely different scenario, you feel the same thing because it's coming back up. And until you resolve, whatever that is going to meet you wherever you are. 

Krista: And I will say to that you can see when it's their fourth or fifth attempt.

And there's nothing wrong with it. Taking that many shots at [00:15:00] something. I think it's really important. I think we rarely get things the first time, so I can again intuit that. Okay, this is the time like you're ready to really. Dig in and break through this that really shows up strongly.

And I've often had readings where someone wants to leave a spouse or a relationship and it'll come through that. You can leave, but there's so much here for you. There's so much here for you to learn. And then that lights up the person and they're like. They have a reaction of you're right.

can stay, I can do this and it can transform people and relationships. And they can, come out the other side of it. So it's unique to the individuals. 

Robyn: And there's so much to say about the records. In addition to talking about what they are, it's When you are going into an Akashic records reading, how you ask your questions, I feel like is something that's [00:16:00] important.

Absolutely. How do you advise that? 

Karen: I was going to ask just on top of that too, Krista, People come, obviously, I think to you with some questions, but then how do you read the records? Are you seeing? Are you feeling? Do you have visuals? Can you give a little bit of context to all of that?

Krista: So for me, and it's funny, I don't consider myself a medium, but I practice mediumship within the records. I don't know that I'm a clairvoyant, but I practice clairvoyancy within the records. So for me, I see things, I can close my eyes and. Watch a movie and I can slow it down, speed it up. I can rewind it.

I can turn it if I need to look beyond it. See still images and again I can pull it apart. I can ask in the records what if it's a mosaic of information or something that has a lot of. Data or content. I can ask them. What are you showing me? What am I supposed to be looking at here?

I hear things [00:17:00] audibly. I feel things in my body, especially when they ask about health, like I'll have the pain, the ache, the sensation. Sometimes it happens before, early in the day, like if I have a two o'clock with someone in the morning, I'll start to feel different things. And then I can associate it when I open someone's records.

Oh, that's the match. That feeling is their feeling. It comes together. So when I open someone's records without fail, energy will come through I wait for it to show up and then I step into it and it's a visceral, it's certainly sensory, but it's like an altered state and some people's energy is really powerful and strong and I get whooshed back , I have to go in and seek it out and I've, Notice that is due to the relationship they have with themselves or this part of themselves.

So if it's a tentative relationship, then my job is to go and find it for them and bring them to it. If they've already been [00:18:00] doing, really deep esoteric work, then it's fine. But as I open the records, all this information floods in and that's how I start my sessions. I just share with them what came as I was opening.

Oftentimes, they'll say that was everything on my list. Which I can't predict, but the records meet people where they are. And then we can just go through. I often share all of that with them and then I turn it over to them so that they can direct me where they want to go. I've learned to ask my questions in a very open, spacious way so that I'm not limiting anything ever.

So I will say. What would you like to share with Robyn about and then fill in the blank? So that just gives us everything. I love 

Robyn: that. Yeah. 

Krista: That's how I ask every question and it is important how you ask. It really is. And there's a reverence in that, right? It's. Show me what we need to see.

Karen: Wow. I know [00:19:00] we've had experiences like that, but I, I'm seeing this movie play as you're describing what this experience is like and how powerful it must be and how for you holding that space must take a lot of your own, strength and. energy as well, to be able to do something like that. it just, it feels very, witches of eastwick 

Krista: I have a really interesting relationship to it because it's not me. Yeah. So not me. So when people say, Thank you for it. It's like they're talking to someone behind me. It doesn't feel like I'm doing anything other than just communicating.

And I often don't remember once I close the record. So it's such a strange thing that I can't take credit for. that I often wonder how I'm able to do this and I try not to intellectualize it at all, like people ask, how does it work? And I say, you know what? I don't know. And I don't want to [00:20:00] know.

I just know what I need to do in order to facilitate it in order to turn it on. But how it works and why it works and all of that. I don't, Really engage in that because I don't know and I don't know that I'll ever know and I don't want my human involved in that way. Did 

Karen: it surprise you when you started practicing how it felt and how much information you can really gather as you open the records? 

Krista: So when I first opened my records. I didn't feel anything. I just thought mine are broken. Something's wrong. I don't work. And then this, no joke, Bush voice outside of me said, consider the records have always been open.

And I thought, Oh, so I've, this is gonna make me cry. I've always been doing this. Like This has been like my connection oh, it all makes sense now. As much as it's, part of the formality and the reference and the practice to open records, I believe I've had [00:21:00] access. In varying times in my life when I really needed it at really difficult times.

So it all came together and continues to come together. I'm still learning and growing and changing and figuring it out because I think it's changing too. Yeah, I do. I think there's so much powerful alien technology and energy coming into this planet in order to support us, teach us. All the things for us.

So it's not stagnant at all. And my readings are always changing. And the more work I do on myself, the more I'm able to adapt. And my readings are wild. From when I started to now, I'm doing the same thing. It's what The energy is in the cosmos that we have access to, we are privy to that's changing so much.

Robyn: And are you still doing them via phone versus 

Krista: Zoom? I work on Zoom audio. I don't want to look at anyone. I don't want to engage [00:22:00] my human. I don't want to know anything about you beforehand. I work off name energy, so I just ask for their name. I don't want a birth date. I don't need any of that. And I don't want to look at anyone, as much as.

I do love people. it's really distracting to have to look into a camera or any kind of technology. So I just shut my eyes, really shut down my human and open up my channel. 

Robyn: Which is I'm glad we're talking about that because I think some people if they've never had any sort of session like this, they don't know that, number one, you don't have to see somebody.

number one, you have to be in person, right? With a lot of our trusted practitioners, we're not in person it's very rare actually that we're in person. And so that energy travels, a way that you have not necessarily been taught, but it's always been there because you're you are energetic being your are.

we all are energetic beings. So anyway, I just like to bring that up that you don't have to see them and then actually your point. It's more [00:23:00] distracting. You can just be. 

Krista: It is a good point because I tell people that ask because people do get a little hung up on wanting to be in person and I get that, but it matters where I am not where they are.

I need to set up my space and my space is really sacred. That's what matters. That being said. If there's a lot of background noise on their end, or something that's distracting, that, doesn't work. They need to be in a quiet place, but other than that, energetically speaking, yeah, I can tap in.

And the other 

Robyn: thing I want to bring up, too, Because I can still remember and I still use one of the tools that you gave me that in our session and this is going to go into talking about breath work, you gave me this really powerful breathing exercise and among other things, but that was easy for me and that I get that I can still use it in a daily practice. And so thank you. Yeah. [00:24:00] And so how did breath work? Because I didn't actually even realize when I had that session with you, that breath work was a big part of what you do as well. So , 

what is Akashic Breathwork versus Breathwork? I know it's all under the umbrella of Breathwork, but what is Akashic Breathwork and how did that come into your world as well? 

Krista: Yeah the first time I heard about Breathwork, it hit me like a ton of bricks and that's my cue of Go look, go explore, go learn and breath work completely and totally changed my life personally and I was doing readings.

For I think one or two years and we could satisfy the intellect by bringing all this information through and setting a course, but from the very beginning, I set up my readings with I want to take away so we can open up all this information. But then what do you do? I just felt incomplete to leave them or say goodbye and not you.

Continue to hold the [00:25:00] light on a path, Like I want to walk with you as much as is necessary or as much as you want. I'm here to go with you. And the breath work was such a powerful, beautiful compliment because. We satisfy the intellect, but then you're holding what I call energetic trauma in the energetic body.

And I learned very quickly that energy doesn't respond to thought. We can't think it away. It responds to breath. It responds to touch and it responds to play. So I wanted the full service, right? I wanted to give them something that. They could understand intellectually and then really feel a sense of release and liberation in the physical so that they could move further on their path.

So Akashic Breathwork simply means that I open their Akashic Records when I step into the healing of a Breathwork session. So I am guided by their Akashic Records in what I do, what I [00:26:00] say, where I take them, where we go. A lot of it is hands on. So where I place hands, all of it, I am just a physical channel to their healing.

And it is a very healing session. it's not an intellectual thing. It's a full energetic body experience. 

Karen: So in addition to providing the information, you can also visualize where this trauma might live and actually work through that. And as you do that, Krista, are you talking through that?

Are you telling the person that you're with that you're actually doing that work? Or is that just all part of the experience? 

Krista: It depends. There's some people I rarely talk, others I, it depends on what they're telling me to do and it really is the body is able to release and what it's able to release.

So facilitating, it could just be a hand on a certain part of their body to almost warm it up and open it up. So the [00:27:00] body can. release the energy, the trauma the wound. And that's where I actually use and had studied sound therapy was to help energy move off to attach it in a way and pull it when it's ready to release.

I'm not ripping. I'm just facilitating and drawing out. So it's really, it's interesting. I can see it. Okay. But I don't know how visual it is outside of, what I'm able to see. So it's not a reading, meaning we're not asking questions. It's really the body revealing itself in an energetic fashion.

And. Letting everything flow it's a somatic therapy and not unlike, acupuncture or tapping or all of the different somatic therapies. It's another form of that. 

Karen: It's so interesting because some might be thinking, Oh, the Akashic Records reading is really about me and my soul journey and where I'm going.

But what you're saying is it's so much more than that because [00:28:00] you are really reading into The energetic essence of the person that you're reading. So they're getting information, but they're also getting healing at the same time. 

Krista: Absolutely. It's a, such a good point because when they are within a reading, when they're in the energy of their records, that is so highly vibrationally high frequency that everyone leaves.

Everyone leaves having had a shift. An upliftment really because it raises their vibration. It floods them with the energy of love, which is a hugely high vibration. It also brings in truth. And I think we all know that feeling of when you hear the truth, how that kind of sets you free. So it does a lot of things depending on the, who the person is, right?

Like depending where they are. Even if we move the dial a tiny bit, they still have a sense of freedom, upliftment. Their purpose can be restored. They have hope [00:29:00] again, maybe if that's what they need, it depends what they really need, what medicine they need in order to take another step.  

Robyn: And you mentioned sound therapy. So how do you incorporate that? How did that come into your life around the same time as the records? 

Krista: No, I studied that in order to compliment the breath work. So I don't do that solely, like I don't hold sound baths or anything like that.

It's more within a session. I needed a more effective tool to help broaden this or to help open everything up. And then there's really. Beautiful ways that sound and that frequency allow the energy it's almost like magnet where a client's energy hears that frequency or tone and goes to it is drawn to it and then I can move it off.  

Yeah, it's really an energetic thing And I do other things too. Essential oils are really powerful. Crystal energy is really powerful. So depending on the client and what they [00:30:00] need, I have all these kind of tools in my arsenal to assist. with the sound, 

Robyn: is it tuning forks 

Krista: tuning forks?

It can be sound bowls. both glass and metal. Yeah it's whatever I'm drawn to everything's laid out and then I'm just like a little, person in their Workshop kind of figuring out and sometimes, I try something and it does a little bit, but then it needs something bigger and broader.

So nothing's written before I start. it feels every 

Karen: session with you would be different for every individual. For people who can't see you. It's so fun for Robyn and I to see you because it's like you're like a orchestra conductor here. You're using your arms and you're visualizing.

Some of the experiences that you have. So you're not even looking at us half the time because I can see like you're in a session in your mind and I can see how you must just be really orchestrating just all of the elements of truth, energy, healing, all 

Krista: of it together.

people need almost like [00:31:00] quiet. They need being held. They need less movement action. They need to go within and that's such a sacred space. Some people need to be drawn out. So yeah it's very unique to the individual. I just know. what tools to have at the ready in case they're necessary. 

Robyn: Wow.

I love that. So let's talk then about how your podcast came to be, because we are so fortunate. One of the guests on your podcast, who's a practitioner has been on Seeking Center as well, Ellen Rogin. And she told us about this podcast, which. We are such fans of number one and the format because we so believe in that format.

That's really important to us too when we're taking seekers through something and you want them to better understand how do things work. So tell us how this came to be the beginners. guide to the third eye. 

Krista: So it's a way [00:32:00] to normalize this work. And it's a way for The listener to live vicariously through the willing participant.

So each episode, we pair a practitioner, a healing modality or an experience with a willing participant, they go off and have That session or experience, we record it and then bring it on and put in excerpts from their actual experience with that practitioner. instance so you get to hear what happens and then we all come back on and talk about it.

So my thought was, so many people that come to me are nervous. To step into this realm, and that really pained me because it's such a loving, beautiful offering that exists in the world for us when, living in the human isn't easy. And I think the more we can find ways to handhold someone [00:33:00] that's going to step into their work, their wounds, their shadow and hold up a light.

That's so value. There's nothing more valuable. I think it's what we're all here to do, and we need each other to do it. So taking someone, a practitioner, for instance, and giving their origin story, someone that was A medical doctor and became awakened and had their own path to enlightenment, and they're now doing energy work, perhaps left medicine to do energy work humanizing them in that way, making all of this work and the people that do it so much more relatable bringing it into the mainstream through education through, a very safe space of Listening to someone's story.  

They're, getting to share in their path. And then having someone that perhaps had very limited experience with a session of that nature and looking at what happened to them and how easy or difficult or whatever it [00:34:00] gave them can help someone else feel less afraid to step into it themselves.  

Karen: And I love this idea too, of. Shining a light on the practitioners journey and the authenticity that comes with so many of them like so many that we've talked to had no intention of going down this healing journey. path. , they might have even shut down those gifts at some point in their life.

And more often than not, something broke them open. Something happened to them along the way that opened them back up again and now provided that. path for them to make this an off. It's really an offering. We find like it's an offering they want to give back. There's such genuineness and love really at the basis of all of it that they come to with it.

And I think that's the beauty of what everybody on Seeking Center talks about is that's where it really starts. And I love the fact that even you said Crystal, like it's not you, [00:35:00] it's just, you're the orchestrator. Of that experience, but the authenticity comes from your own journey and the own love that you want to give to that person.

Really, that's the essence of it, which is so beautiful. 

Krista: And I just see every day the intelligent design of the people that come to me. There hasn't been a person that's come to me that I haven't been able to relate to them. And their story and their struggle because I've had it myself so I can hold space for it.

I can not be triggered by it and just say, Oh yeah, I know. Come here. Come sit here. 

Robyn: And through the podcast, what would you say so far has been one of the highlights?

Krista: There's so many. I love doing it so much. I love bringing people together. I love the transformations that I've seen. I love digging into their stories on both sides. I love even the technical parts of it. I love fashioning it. It's such an art form [00:36:00] to really put together an episode and, Like you said, orchestrate it, bring it up here high and then bring it into the richness and the deepness and the intimacy here.

I love all of it. I am so happy that I found the courage to do this. 

Robyn: We are too. And the practitioners that you bring in, are those people that you are utilizing yourself? 

Krista: In a lot of cases, yes, they're all vetted by me. I've had a minimum one or two sessions with all of them. Some of them, especially in the first season, they are my people that I've worked with for years, they're my go to and friends sometimes.

So yeah, it's my circle and then I continue to broaden it. So that's another thing I love is I'm trying all these new modalities myself and cultivating, curating, the experience for listeners. we 

Robyn: can relate to that. 

Krista: Yeah, there's such a big crossover. yeah, 

Robyn: Yeah, okay, so talking about the records in [00:37:00] this time right now. So much uncertainty, which Karen and I have talked about this recently. We know there's always uncertainty. However, at the moment, it just feels more palpable than it has really in most of our lifetimes. How could one use the Akashic records to help them navigate in this time, as well as just overall with personal challenges.

Krista: It depends on the person. It really depends on what someone needs. But if I had to distill it down, I think that when we do this work, when we venture into healing ourselves and into our own wounds, I know that when we get triggered, we become a mystery to ourselves. And I think that in doing this work, and I'm speaking from personal experience, sometimes when I'm in the wounds, I lose perspective.

And I can lose perspective of, am I this wound or am I working on the wound? [00:38:00] And I think any of this energetic work like I mentioned before, a practitioner can come in and just hold the light so that you have a different perspective. Turning on the lights in any situation gives you a sense of stability of.

realignment hope, purpose. I think that's what this work does. And like I said before, there's a handholding element of you're safe. It's okay. Let me shepherd you. Let me guide you until they no longer need a guide until they can do it.

themselves and walk themselves and then get to perhaps their next and then they need either that same guide or a new guide. There is a very fluid motion and it's always Universally speaking, I feel a current that's always trying to take us forward and move us forward. And I think in the human condition again through triggering, we can just collapse into the wound and it gets stuck there. 

And get [00:39:00] smaller and smaller instead of, this action of liberating and breaking free and expanding letting our delicate parts be exposed to the pain and feeling the pain in order to move forward. 

Robyn: How do you use it to navigate uncertainty, whether it's in the world right now or ourselves? 

Krista: So that would be the big answer. The little answer is, just feeling safe, right? Just checking into the connection to source and spirit, which I believe we are all hardwired for instinct and intuition.

The wisdom of our body is the wisdom of our soul, and that's what's connected to source and spirit. So instead of having the smallness of being. In the human to be connected so that a, we know that we're not alone. B, that we know that there's a larger purpose for all of this. C, there is no other that you are me.

I am you. We're all in this together. I could go on and on. And I'll say that it meets someone where they [00:40:00] are it really will show up and support you wherever you are and give you whatever you need. And that can be a teaspoon full of medicine that can be a giant jug of medicine.

it's like what is your capacity to learn and grow and change and how much do you want to do. And there's no wrong answer. You could say, I don't want to do any of it. And that's okay. That's where you are right now. You could say, I need a little something, just a little dash. And that's perfect.

Karen: And when you say I need a little something, so let's say someone's listening right now who is in that space where they are feeling lost. They are feeling like, gosh, Akashic records. However, this is fascinating and I would love to find a way to tap in more to that energetically. What would you say?

To that person. 

Krista: I feel like my job within a session is to realign them and reconnect them to their soul level [00:41:00] truth. So we in the human experience are. All of us adapt into the intellect and ego in order to survive and we live with blinders on so recognizing that and helping them navigate back to their consciousness.

Which, again, is body, energy, soul. That's a big part of it. I think, too, that learning how to open your own records is a really beautiful practice that can enhance your own connection to source and spirit. That's a wonderful additive a multivitamin. It's hard to say, because it's so different for each individual, like what it can do, but if you're feeling lost, that's a great place to be because it's no longer the way you're living your life is no longer good enough and you're wanting more.

And this is one of the ways that you can have something more. 

Karen: And what I love that you're saying too, you're reminding us that there is this [00:42:00] energetic space. It's hard to even give it words, but that we're all connected to that's always there for us. Like you were saying, living in this ego blinders world.

We just are so far from that sometimes and really just allowing ourselves to take that breath that you talk about and do whatever we can to try to reconnect in some way to that, even if it's going for a walk outside and just being in nature, but just remembering that. We are soul like we really are.

And that's part of this whole experience that we're in. And so whatever lostness we're feeling is like you said, it's a kind of a good place to be. Cause it reminds us that it's time to really tap into what, why, what is that? What is the thing that I'm supposed to be learning right now from that?

Krista: Simply put that lost feeling is just a disconnection from these parts of ourselves. So reconnecting to. These parts of ourselves. And I tell people all the time, it's just a relationship like any other, meaning the more [00:43:00] time and energy you devote to it, the more it's going to grow. And the more connection you're going to feel and the bigger support you're going to feel, the more you can rely on it, it's relationship.

Like any other, 

Robyn: it's this reminder that. You are important and you're enough because there is a team there waiting. There is a record for you. You're not just here willy nilly. You're here with lessons to learn on purpose, with purpose, and that there are these ways for you.

To access what those are, so that lost feeling, as you said, it is that trigger and if something like what we're talking about resonates for you, makes you curious, then listen to it, take action on it. It's easy. and it's so uplifting when you actually allow for it. 

Krista: to your point, that feeling of disconnect, Lives in the intellect and the ego and the [00:44:00] intellect's job, the ego's job is to keep us safe by using fear.

So it's very critical. It delivers fear like nothing else. And it can make us feel like we don't matter. We're not relevant. We don't have a part in any of this. What we do is insignificant. And I promise you that is not true. Every single thought, feeling, action you take Has a level of equity and importance that I think we're just not aware of.

And, it makes sense if we don't matter, then we don't have to step into our power, our grace, our dignity, our human. that's a really big conversation, but I think it's so important to know that we absolutely each and every one of us does. Matter. Absolutely. 

Karen: I was thinking too about you, Krista, what has this journey been for you now that you've gone from the doula life to [00:45:00] now doing this work, how has it impacted your own journey?

Krista: I'm living a life now that I never could have imagined. And I feel like I won the lottery every day. The privilege of getting to work with people and have the conversations that I have and educate people support people, love people, all of it is. Again, it's like a dream. I could have never envisioned this.

I was too limited. I have to work really hard to stay sovereign so it wasn't like I landed and then it was all easy. I have to keep up. I have to keep doing my work in order to do this work. So It's wonderful, but it's also hard sometimes. And, when I first started, I was embarrassed to tell people what I did.

I didn't know how to feel about it. that's really changed. And that feels really good that the world is And I'm not [00:46:00] alone. And I have such a beautiful community. So it's incredible. There aren't really words or language to put to it because it's so vast and I'm just a little like, spectator in a lot of ways.

But I'm so incredibly grateful that I get to do this. I can't imagine doing anything else. 

Robyn: just hearing that kind of fulfillment, there's a resonance to that. Like you can feel it. When we started, you said you were buzzy. I can feel your buzzy. It's a good buzzy, 

Krista: felt this the last time we all got together, like there's something about our energy that I'm like, 

Robyn: I agree. 

Karen: I think there's a recognition there, but I also think it's like we amplify each other. Energy and wanting to get this information to people because we get excited about it.  

but seeing your practicing of it I think is so inspirational for everyone listening and watching because I think we're all seekers trying to find that feeling about our [00:47:00] lives. And it's such the joy that you express and the feeling that you are on purpose and what you're doing, I think is what we're all looking for.

So clearly the records are one way to. Find that or find answers that people may be looking for. So thank goodness we have people like you, Krista, who are willing to walk the walk, do the, take this journey into a lot of the unknown and share this with people. 

Krista: Thank you. That's so beautifully said.

Robyn: That is the truth. And we always say, if you are listening or watching this particular episode, it's on purpose. There's a reason. Something in what we all said today is meant for you to hear and potentially for you to explore. So if that's the case, how can people work with you, Krista? 

Krista: Oh so I have a website.

It's Akashic Glow. So A K A S H I C G L O W dot com. That's [00:48:00] the best way to learn more about the work that I do. I have individual sessions. I have workshops. And I teach people how to read their own records and the records of others. So there's a lot of offerings there. And then the podcast is beginners guide to the third eye.

com. And that will showcase even more practitioners. So there's a little bit of a potpourri that you can choose from to see who's the best fit for you. If feel called to move in this direction.   

Robyn: We cannot. Recommend enough for people to listen to the podcast. Who work with you if they feel called and we look forward to working more with you in the future and collaborating and being a part of all of this together.

So thank you so much, Krista. 

Krista: Thank you both so much. I feel such a sisterhood here and that is such a gift in this world and thank you for what you're doing. It's so pure and intentional and real, [00:49:00] it's solid what you're doing. And I love seeing how lit up you guys are due to what you're doing.

So thank you. I'm so honored to know you both.