Seeking Center: The Podcast

2025 Decoded: Connecting the Dots Through Synergy, Patterns + Transformative Practices - Episode 148

Robyn Miller Brecker and Karen Loenser Season 2 Episode 148

We’re a few weeks into 2025 and wow…there’s a lot going on. As many of you know, we've been preparing for this year by having conversations with several of our go-to guides, each offering their wisdom through the different lenses of astrology, numerology and tarot. What happens when we overlay these insights or what we like to say…connect the dots?

When we take tarot’s intuitive guidance, numerology’s energetic blueprint, and astrology’s cosmic timing, we begin to see the bigger picture—the synergy, the themes, and the patterns that are shaping this pivotal year.

2025 is calling us to reflect, release, and realign. And by combining these three modalities, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate the transitions ahead with confidence and clarity. Whether it’s closing old chapters, stepping into personal empowerment, or aligning with the collective shifts, you’ll walk away from this episode feeling inspired, informed, and ready to embrace what’s next.

In this episode, we cover:

  • 2025 as a Year of Transition & Transformation – Think of it as a bridge to 2026 and 2027, which promise revolutionary shifts. We're laying the groundwork now!
  • The Hermit Card & Numerology's Universal Year 9 – It's time to reflect, release, and realign. What lessons are you carrying from the past nine-year cycle?
  • Astrology's Major Planetary Shifts – With Pluto settling into Aquarius and Saturn & Neptune joining forces, we're witnessing profound changes in societal structures and personal truths.
  • Grounding & Personal Responsibility – With so much fiery energy in the air, how can you stay centered? We share our favorite grounding practices to help you stay balanced.
  • Collective Empowerment & Sovereignty – As the collective rises, so does your individual power. How can you step into your own light and contribute to the greater good?
  • Truths Revealed & New Beginnings – Expect hidden truths to come to light, paving the way for new systems rooted in compassion and unity.

Want to make the most of 2025?

  • Karen shares her brand-new morning routine that includes dream journaling, meditation, and tarot card pulls for daily guidance.
  • Robyn dives into her water ritual and the power of gratitude and intention setting.
  • Plus, we give practical tips for integrating these insights into your daily life—without feeling overwhelmed.

We’re building something special...

If you're looking for a like-minded community to navigate the year with, we've got exciting news! Seeking Center is launching a new supportive spiritual community in the coming months, where we’ll explore all things wellness, spirituality, and personal growth—together. Be the first to know by signing up for our newsletter

Let’s dive into what 2025 has in store for you and how all of this powerful information comes together to illuminate your path for the year ahead.

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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.

Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.

Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. We're a few weeks into 2025 and wow, there is a lot going on. As many of you know, we've been preparing for this year by having conversations with several of our go to guides, each offering their wisdom through the different [00:01:00] lenses of astrology, numerology, and tarot.

What happens when we overlay these insights, or what we like to say, connect the dots? when we take tarot's intuitive guidance, numerology's energetic blueprint, and astrology's cosmic timing, we begin to see the bigger picture. The synergy, the themes, and the patterns that are shaping this pivotal year.

2025 is calling us to reflect, release, and realign. And by combining these three modalities, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate the transitions ahead with confidence and clarity. Whether it's closing old chapters, stepping away into personal empowerment, or aligning with the collective shifts.

You'll walk away from this episode feeling inspired, informed, and ready to embrace what's next. Let's dive into what 2025 has in store for you and how all of this powerful information comes together to illuminate your path for the year ahead. Hi, Karen! Hi, Robyn 

Karen: it's just the two of us [00:02:00] today. And yet there are so many people in the room with us who have given us so much insight into 2025.

Thank goodness. 

Robyn: I could not agree more. If you haven't had a chance to listen individually to the other episodes that have led into this year, do yourself a favor and do that. But if you haven't, this is your cliff notes guide, 

Karen: which I've been taking copiously because listen, this is so special for us because I think we've done some of these, year ahead, But we've never really taken the time to really overlay all of the messages together, and I think the collective energy that we all feel right now going into 2025 has left us all feeling a little bit overwhelmed, apprehensive.

it's that's the feeling we always kind of get going into a new year. You're excited, but then you're also like, gosh, What's ahead for me. how am I going to navigate this one? So having this information, I think is super helpful and really trying to figure out those common threads between them will really, [00:03:00] really help.

Robyn: we feel really grateful in the sense that. What we do at Seeking Center for individuals is help them, including ourselves, take information from different sources. And as we are just saying, overlay, right? Connect the dots between what you're hearing for yourself. And what we get to do today is really take what we've been hearing on this collective level, this information pertains to everybody listening.

and you'll take it for yourself. Each one of us, it will kind of hit a different note. however, overall, it's going to resonate and what was unbelievable to us. And you'll hear this as we go through the different, high level themes that came up throughout, but what was unbelievable to us as we were having these conversations with each 

guide, they had not talked to each other and so we are hearing the same themes come up [00:04:00] same words come up over and over and literally it took everything in Karen and I to just like sit on our hands and not scream. Do you know that so and so. 

Karen: A lot of winking happened. . I love to call it my weather forecast because . It's not saying this is going to happen. It's just some thoughts around themes that will be unfolding over the course of the year. So it kind of gives us That thing to hold on to.

 And as you said Robyn, overlay those messages as well of the threads that they've all agreed are going to be common through 2025. 

Robyn: Let's point out that we had those conversations actually all in the beginning of December. And So much has transpired.

here we are at the end of January there's a lot that's transpired already. Certain things we could never have predicted. Others. We had the rumblings of things that were gonna change. We know in the [00:05:00] US we knew that there was gonna be a change of hands in terms of the government and so forth.

However, there's so much that's already going on that we just want to point out was not anything that any of these guides could have seen even coming to start the year with and so that in itself just from the get go is really mind blowing. 

Karen: That's kind of the fun of what we do, right? having this information.

 A map of things that could potentially happen. But what's really fun is looking Bec. once you've gotten past some of those predictions or thoughts from them and really seeing what's actually transpired to your point, like some of which we never could have foreseen.

Robyn: So let's start one of the first themes that we saw across the board come up was really talking about how 2025 is really this year of transition. And transformation and that really what it ends up being is this bridge. To where 2026 and 2027 are going to be really [00:06:00] revolutionary type of years.

Whereas this is like setting us up for that. And one of the first things that I still can't get over is Michelle Nolan was the person who read Tarot for the year, and she started out by pulling the Hermit card, which emphasizes introspection and self awareness and solitude and really calls for acceptance of all the things that we learned of in 2024 as you go into 2025, so it's aligning with your own wisdom and acceptance of all of that.

And what blows my mind is that when Akashic Bec was doing her reading, and she was really focusing on numerology, she had stopped herself in the middle of the reading and she said, Can I just pull a little bit of tarot in here because I want to give you an example of what I'm talking about.

And the card she talked about was the hermit. And I remember When Michelle pulled Hermit because we did, we had recorded it [00:07:00] with Akashic And when she pulled the Hermit as her first card, I know the two of us, literally like mouth to the floor. Yeah. 

Karen: actuality, was a great card to pull because we've talked so often about how, The beginning of the year is always a little bit of a going inward, right?

it's part of the, equinox of the year of really taking time to go inward in this winter time and do that inventory. And it's something that we tend to naturally do going into a new year anyway. So it was, a really good grounder, That is the place to start. And I think we talked about how it was December and we were already starting to feel that, we just want to relax and go inward and have some time just to ourselves and our own thoughts feelings. The fact that they both brought that was just sort of that underscore like, okay, folks, there's a lot ahead. So now is a really good time for you to just take stock of all those emotions really go inward and take a moment to really do that inventory to really listen to yourself first as you're going into the next year.

All that's [00:08:00] to come. So that was, was really helpful. 

Robyn: Yes. And it also ties to the numerology of the year, which is a universal year nine, which is about completing a cycle, nine, numerology. It goes from one to nine, and so this being that nine, it's a time to release old habits and beliefs and systems that no longer serve you.

And so it really emphasizes that ending the whole nine year cycle. And. That really ties to that hermit card, which is calling for acceptance of the lesson. Which is, I believe where Akashic Bec was like, let's talk about the hermit card in this.

Karen: Yeah, it was really smart. you can't go into more of this collective energy without really understanding yourself. Right. And so her message, all of them really, it was about Don't forget to start there. Michelle in particular in the cards that she was interesting. She had this recurring theme of 10 in her cards, which which is so fitting as we're going from the [00:09:00] 9 into the 10. Right. And that was like 10 of swords, 10 of cups, 10 of pentacles. And as we're learning, The 10 is significant, but each of those cards and looking at again, endings and releasing and tying up those loose ends of understanding who you are, what you've learned in those lessons.

So you're of ready to move on to the next phase. 

Robyn: Yeah, it was nuts. When she kept pulling the tens of all different, which again reflects endings, painful truths, fulfillment, and the manifestation of goals.

So it ties in with the whole transition and then transformation. And we have to also bring up astrology, And as we are going to go through the year and in terms of transformation, Pluto is a big planet when we talk about death and rebirth. 

And Pluto settles into Aquarius, Which Stevie really likes to highlight as being revolutionary [00:10:00] transformation on a societal level. So we're talking shifts in technology in the government and our collective consciousness. So again, tying with this overall theme, we have to point out and emphasize.

that kind of energy is what we're talking about right now. 

Karen: Yeah. and feeling those, planets probably more than ever. , I love the planet.

Saturn so much remind me Robyn because it's that energy of things that you're here to learn. 

Robyn: It's about material stuff. And hard work and responsibility, 

Karen: That's why it's familiar to me because it's like what I'm here to learn. She was saying that Saturn and Neptune together are kind of reshaping our societal realities and personal truth.

So these earthly learnings. That's right. 

Robyn: So Saturn's really tied to that, the material, the earthly learnings, and it's about responsibility and limitations. And, Because it's going to [00:11:00] be with Neptune, which is all about spiritual in astrology, it really represents that, tie to the divine and all of that.

Karen: the earthly, responsibilities to this more spiritual And what does that mean for us as we move forward? Yeah, 

Robyn: exactly. And then the other part of that is Neptune, Saturn and Uranus., they're changing signs, which is all about new beginnings and reshaping existing structures.

And so we just mentioned Neptune as being spiritual. Saturn is being earthly and material, and then Uranus is really the great awakener. Mm-hmm . So Uranus comes in and it will just. Change things very quickly, Uranus will shake things up. And so when you combine that Neptune, Saturn and Uranus, things are going to change.

So that's again where this year is about that transition and transformation. 

Karen: And we've heard, a lot about that. Even last year, I think we talked about the fact that getting into this year, that [00:12:00] reshaping of structures and. crumbling of things that were traditional beliefs corporate societal things 

and this feels like a year with all of that planetary influence and the numerology that we are, in fact, going into something really, really different. And that can really, really change. Life is we know it so as we're looking ahead of that, it's being open to what those can be in our own lives.

And then sort of in the collective as well. 

Robyn: And then the tarot card. Also, the 6 of swords is something that appears and that is. Symbolizing transitional phases from turbulence to calm over the year, so hopefully that helps us get through the year because of all these changes that we're talking about.

actually, to me, that leads to the next high level theme, which is all about. grounding and taking personal responsibility, which you had mentioned already in this conversation. It's really important to focus because of all the change because of [00:13:00] transformation and transition. We need to find ways for ourselves to anchor in and ground ourselves, which I know in one of our conversations.

 We talked a little bit more about what grounding is. Different people will ground in their own ways at the end of the day, though, it's anchoring yourself and your soul back somewhere on earth so that you can approach things from this, more even keeled way, 

Karen: it's funny. We've both talked about this having this uncanny desire just to lay on the ground, because the energy is just so intense. And so if you find yourself, feeling that sense of overwhelming, part of that is the planetary part of that is the energetic.

Shift that's taking place and to really honor that within yourself. And that can mean literally taking a moment and laying on the floor, it can mean going outside and just walking somewhere where [00:14:00] you can be at one with nature, your body will tell you that it's needing this kind of anchoring to the ground.

Because as you've said, there's so much planetary. influence that that's going on around us. That is almost calling for us to kind of hold fast to the ground planet. As we're. In the midst of all of this change, and it's part of why the Hermit works really well, too. It's like, don't be in the midst of the crowds if you can.

Really be in yourself and ground in yourself as best you can, so that you can get that essence of who you are 

Robyn: . That's right. And honestly, you can ground by getting in the shower. That's a great one. Because it's like any earth element that's going to work for you I like to bring that up because I know some of you that are listening live in a city and it's hard to ground.

You can't always get to that patch of grass, and really you can just get in the shower. Once you start to feel the water on you, that in itself is grounding addition to it being a conduit. Energy, think about what you want to [00:15:00] release and think about what you want to bring in. It's all those things.

Karen: And part of the whole seeking center idea too, Part of all of this change that we're feeling is figuring out how to come back to that equilibrium space, And it could be doing any and all of these things, but I think that's what we're all being called to do is figure out where that center actually is so that you can move forward with balance the midst of all of this.

Robyn: Yeah. I think that's. When we talk about taking personal responsibility too, and coming back to who are you really at that center, who are you at the core, Any of us can do that. on any given day, just the remembering. And mean, that's our whole mission is to help you remember who you really are.

Why did you really come here? What are the real overarching themes in your own life? And part of that is being part of this collective. and the best thing you can do is know who you are first, so that you can help in the [00:16:00] collective consciousness and all of that. So this idea of self accountability and personal responsibility are huge themes for this year, and I think that's what's going to help you get through.

Such transition and transformation and where we go beyond this 2025 year. 

Karen: I think Bec talked a lot about what would it mean by like this spiritual hygiene aspect, which sounds really weird, but it is what you're just saying is, taking that time to kind of go Bec and figure out the best way we can to rebalance.

 This can also seem like a really lonely time. For people , because after the holidays, and maybe you're back to work and you're back to the, , the day to day grind and you feel like you don't have time, maybe to do that. Or you may feel like, the scheme of things that you're just 1 person, And really what difference does that make? And I think 1 of the things we keep hearing about this whole collective. Consciousness idea that we're walking into this Aquarius energy is the fact that all of us are going to have a role, whether or not we're in a huge group of people, or we're doing our own thing that our own energy is really [00:17:00] important as we move forward.

So, even if you can only. Take care of you right now. That's okay, because that's huge, because that's going to be adding to that collective energy. 

Robyn: It's true. That is where your power lies. Because I think many of us may feel powerless at times. feel we have control, which honestly we don't.

We don't really have control any time. The only control we have is how we react to things and how we Know ourselves and feel ourselves. that's where we actually have control 

Karen: About that as these fires sprouting up and we see in one day how the world can change so quickly and whether We're in those fires or we're an onlooker from wherever we are in the world we've talked about in another podcast how those triggers can really Effect us and reminding us that in one day we can lose control of our lives.

and so again, that is part of the reality that we're living in. But how do we on a regular [00:18:00] basis, try to figure out where that center is for us and keep bringing ourselves back to that so that we can be in as much balance as possible and Evaluate everything in a way that is true to ourselves and it's not part of collective frenzy that's going around.

Robyn: . And 

the more you can know who you are, the more than you can actually flow. the more you can allow and surrender so much of the control and the less. In some ways, some of it will impact you the more you can focus on yourself, focus on your loved ones.

That's the, like, if you, that's where your power lies , we called it sovereignty, that was the word that kept coming up 

Karen: Yeah. it's a big word. I actually had to think about what it meant for me for a minute because it kind of feels like a stretch.

Feels kind of royal. Yeah. That's the point. it is that point of making yourself important enough. all that other energy that you're giving, still coming from you. it has to start there. 

Robyn: and [00:19:00] the other thing to bring up, too, is that from an astrological level, when we talk about grounding, it also was a huge theme in what Stevie was saying the grounding aspect of things, because so much of the astrology happens to be grounded.

fire signs and air signs. And so when you have all of that kind of energy, it's even more important to ground through physical activity and through your mindfulness, So taking that time to really go in like the hermit card it's key because there's so much of this.

Frenetic energy that's out there. We can feel it. You can feel it, right? Unfortunately, in America, we had like physical fires but is literally this. Fire energy and Karen and I were reading, an author that is a psychic channeler, his name's Lee Harris.

And so much of what he just released about 2025 [00:20:00] talks about fire energy. So again, when you hear this in different places from different people who haven't talked to each other, you have to pay attention. 

Karen: It's interesting to the fire, you know, I'm a fire sign and always think about fires being sort of this duality as well, right?

Fire can, as we've seen just diminish everything in its path. And then it's a vital source of heat and cooking food and light and all those other things too. So this is duality of looking how this fire is. Is yes, causing this destruction and its path and yet there's this opportunity that it brings for us to rekindle our understanding of what is important to us.

How do we redefine home? How do we redefine community? How do we redefine the things that make us feel safe? And as in any of these, situations, it's never something that you want to have happen. And yet. There is so much that we can learn as a collective being able to lean and support people that have gone through it.

[00:21:00] So what does that mean and how do we look at that and reevaluate our priorities as we move forward into this nine year of things coming to a harvest and this opportunity to start over and build something new.

Robyn: Yeah, I think that's key and actually leads to another theme, which is all about the collective rising and individual empowerment. So , taking that personal responsibility, it is going to hopefully empower you, And then that is going to then add to the collective energy in a positive way.

And so, in tarot, the emperor energy. Came up very early in 2025, which was all about questioning authority and power dynamics. that's where the personal sovereignty came in, right? So that is really pushing all of us to go and really look at yourself. [00:22:00] And what do you have control over?

What do you choose to have control over? All of that. So important. 

Karen: it's interesting that we are going into sort of this collective energy and empowerment energy. Because if you think about where we've just come out of like this whole COVID world, right, where we were really forced into being individual and isolated and on our own and how many of us either got really comfortable with that or it diminished our connection , With others and so what did we learn from that time of going inward and now we're being asked to journey outward and what does that look like?

And yeah, I love that sovereignty thing coming back again. Cause like making yourself important enough that. What you think and how you feel actually matters as opposed to blending in with everything else and everyone else as you're going into this more collective energy.

That's why it's right. 

Robyn: That's right. And 9 is the most humanitarian [00:23:00] number, numerology, And it really urges people to focus on community driven action and empowerment. So sharing wisdom and uplifting others. Is key. And so it really comes to again back to this overlay, right? So when we're talking about numerology in the idea of I can look at my own light and if I think of myself as a candle, I can take some light from my candle and light yours and not take away from my own light.

And if we can impress upon you that image , that you can light another candle without taking light away from yourself and. Any other candle we can continue to light each other up.

And that's the idea of this collective, there's a strength in that light. And so it's just a beautiful image. an action that you can think about. 

Karen: I love that. I also think it's an opportunity to look for new connections, are there [00:24:00] new people that you can find that are your people?

I was saying that to someone the other day. I keep looking for my, people. I want them in my, real life, not my zoom life , I want them to actually be here. So how do you find that? And we've seen in the last year there's been such divisiveness in terms of picking sides and beliefs and, the other the ends.

And so. We've been talking a lot about like how do you find ways to kind of cross over to the other side of that aisle using that love and light mentality and just trying to recognize in another that we're all humans and that there's places for us to really being able to connect and if we could start this year with that mentality that is what the collective can actually mean.

Think about how much power there could be there. 

Robyn: And I would even say to also think about that. We are actually all souls living in these human bodies on our own paths to, learn and grow for our own reasons that most of us don't even know yet. And so to really look at each other, as you [00:25:00] said, as humans and as souls, I would say, and, have compassion.

 Do your best try to understand where someone's coming from. That's how we can shift, but, and it all really still comes back to you, knowing yourself. Know what you stand for have compassion for yourself to, these other aspects that we've talked about on seeing center about forgiveness and so forth come to play when you're really looking at yourself.

And then when you can do that for yourself, then you can do that for others. 

Karen: I think also just in thinking about this, crumbling of, structures and beliefs, it's such an opportunity for us to think about that as well. so many of the beliefs that we've been carrying around for so many years don't serve us anymore.

it's such an opportunity. it's like going and exploring, going to travel to another country, you have this opportunity to see how people live and eat and interact with each other. And so it could be really a calling for all of us to, do that with our neighbors.

 Hopefully is just simple as, starting with [00:26:00] love. How do I show that to more people? And yourself. 

Robyn: The first person you have to start with is yourself.

how do you show love to yourself? And then how can you show it to others? And I think the other thing that you bring up to me. Is when we're talking about the collective and trying to be in more of acceptance overall, when you're talking to others, are you focusing on being right?

are you focusing on actually just listening? because I think there's so many of us who think, well, there's a right and a wrong. And, it's all perspective when you really think about it. So, what are you trying to gain? What is your intention?

 Can you connect with them on that heart level? On that soul level, can your soul see their That to me should be the goal. That is how I think we grow and connect on the collective level. 

Karen: Yeah. And I think everything we're saying is an opportunity all the time, of course, with the new year, but I think what we're trying to say is that the [00:27:00] energy of this nine is such an opportunity to really make it happen on a collective level.

that's when you get into the, a little of the woo of the energy is really there to support this to happen more than it has been 

Robyn: and there's a nine and then there's even like what Stevie said, that Pluto and Aquarius, which we brought up already. It also strengthens the collective power emphasizes grassroots movements, equality and social justice.

So you have the energy of that.

Karen: I mean, we already can see where a lot of those opportunities are of stepping out of that divisiveness and figuring out how we meet each other on just that, like you said, very basic humanitarian. Yeah. there was a couple of like wow moments there too, which came up, which she talked about how there could be now new kinds of music, That will come out of this energy frequency that. Is shifting into this new, era and that's always an opportunity for us to come together.

[00:28:00] There's going to be, so they say, some things are going to come to the surface that have just sort of been hidden for a long, long time. That's right. 

Robyn: True. There's going to be clarity that comes towards the end of the year. Which I know was brought up in several of the conversations, but in tarot, it was really the queen of swords that was saying later in the year that there will be clarity and wisdom and cutting through illusions to stand in one's truth that comes to fruition.

And then the other thing is What Stevie also said, when we talked about the Pluto and Aquarius, she said, astrology will show that Pluto and Aquarius and Neptune and Aries will push humanity towards collective innovation, unity, and emphasizing personal power within a group.

So you have three different modalities that are all saying the same thing. So you have to pay attention There are these overarching themes. 

Karen: I'm looking for those. And I love that.

Even though the beginnings of this year might seem to bring in a lot of fear and uncertainty and [00:29:00] divisiveness, that overall, the energy is really supportive of this coming together. And if you think about it, that's usually what happens, usually there are these big, major incidents, things that happen on the planet, things that are happening , in mother nature that really forced us to come together with neighbors in ways that we never, have expected.

So it's always that flip side of, yes, acknowledging the uncertainty, the fear and all of the things that are happening around us. But then also this huge, huge potential for it to bring us together. 

Robyn: And theme, and then we're going to go into a couple of ways that everybody can really utilize this in an actionable way in their own life you brought up that whole idea of truths coming to the surface unveiling and restructuring. And again, in each of the modalities, this came up . And in tarot what was so interesting was at the end of the year, Michelle pulled this infinite world card, [00:30:00] was so cool. And it really talked about Rebirth and the transformation of humanity, and that was coming right at the end of the year and that in numerology, that universal nine year really represents previously buried truths, both personal and collective coming to the surface and that these revelations guide the dismantling of the old systems.

So that was like what? and then you had Saturn, which is again that material, and the Neptune. So Saturn and Neptune, Neptune being that spiritual planet, they are going to be the closest that they've been in a very long time.

That redefines leadership and reality, and that also dismantles outdated structures, and creating new systems , based on compassion and unity. So, you think about, we just said tarot, numerology, and astrology, all talking about this idea [00:31:00] of things coming to the surface, And this restructuring of things. So, 

Karen: I keep saying aliens. 

Robyn: you have said that. I mean, I'm going to go with Karen said aliens. I think there may be something to it. 

Karen: and aliens, what's your definition of aliens?

That's right. . Different things. But you know, when I'm feeling Because there's such intensity and all of this emotion that is going on around us that that is going to sort of push us to almost unheard of new ways of thinking and maybe, looking at ways of restructuring ourselves based on.

Other than ways that we have never even thought about before. I kind of like to see the alien thing just cause why not? but even if it's not that, I think many of us would welcome a shift From where we are right now into something new that's more humanitarian driven because I've always said at the end of the day, no matter where you sit on any kind of an opinion, [00:32:00] most of us are doing it from a place of self protection of belief, and believing that that is the right thing.

and so if you can even start there in what anybody believes. They believe that's the right thing. And so how do you start to meet them where they are just in that way? And we have the power to do it now. we really do. and now more than ever, I think it's a time where we should set that precedent of opening that door to this.

This common humanity that we all are and figuring out ways that we can be the collective instead of separating 

Robyn: and by the way, I think most of us can feel old energy, You can feel when something just. You're done with that, you think of something that you've done in the past, you think of a person, it just feels old.

And I think a lot of us are feeling that right now. And some of us just don't know how to move forward because you're like, well, then what, if it's a job, if it's a relationship, who knows, it's the not [00:33:00] knowing how to take that next step. And if you can maybe put that out to trusting others, It's scary. and we recognize that. It takes that really knowing your own strength, which we know you all have, which we know we've had to work on our own, We continue to work on that. It's believing in yourself. 

Karen: I think the other thing to remind people, too, is that this nine, as you're looking back could also mean that you're not happy with the path that you've been on.

And it really is an opportunity to say, Okay, what are all the seeds that I've planted along the way that have that belief system there? And this is a time, energetically and astrologically speaking, where you have a chance to change the path that you're on and really make a new choice and leave behind what doesn't serve you anymore.

And you have that all the time, every year, every moment of every day. But again, this energy is supporting you in this, you know, no matter where you've been and what path you've been on, there's always that opportunity. To start again. [00:34:00] And this is one that you can really, lean into the love, not only for yourself, but for, for the collective and really start there and let that be your guide.

Robyn: it is. And , even today, putting this in real action, I had a friend reach out to me and they're really trying to figure out leaving a job. They know it's time, but it's, they're scared to take that next step because it's the fear of the unknown and What I would say in that situation, if you know, if you really know that it's time, this energy that we're talking about is supporting you and that's to me, just like a really tangible example. We just want to show you this is how you utilize it if there's a knowing if there's a little bit of a plan you're going to be okay financially and all those other things in this case do it because once you close one door another door opens .

And so as soon as you do that, usually pretty quickly, you see that next path forward, like which way you should go, it [00:35:00] becomes pretty clear. 

Karen: And alternatively, it can happen to you as well. Things may just come right where you think you've had this really strong foundation somewhere, work relationship, wherever.

And then something crumbles underneath and you're like, Oh, where do I go now? So 

Robyn: we saw that with the fire already this year, and it's tragic. And we know there's so much trauma and fear and all of that around it. And there is so much collective support to help you get through it and the next right way is going to come around, , it doesn't mean that you're not going to have so much that you have to process and accept and rebuild and all that, it's overwhelming.

And the energy is here to support it. Also, 

Karen: Maybe something will happen that'll just totally. Pull you off this foundational belief that you've had.

there's so much that's going to change and shift spiritually, collectively, that could open up whole new things [00:36:00] for you that you may not have. thought about before. Again, this is bigger energy that's going on. So it's going back to the weather map again, you may be in a place where it doesn't rain and you may be a place where it does, depending on where, you are, but knowing where the energy can shift and where it can actually support this change can really help be a guide. compass as you move, forward through it feels like a really significant year.

And I think we heard from all three that , it's a transition year. Into something really incredible. That's going to be happening in 2026. So it's a little bit being on like a whitewater raft. 

Robyn: holding each other's hands as we go through it. And, so that we can get through it together.

there's the knowing of yourself and then the knowing together. And I think the other thing that we really want to do now, having the idea of the energy of this year is help you all integrate that into your everyday. So it's like, you [00:37:00] can know all this now and how can you action it? How can you really take.

Some of what we're talking about and put it into your life. And Karen has really started to use 2025 with a whole new routine. That's been helping her make use of the energy. 

Karen: Yeah. And having fun with it too. It's so important. we don't take this too, too seriously because otherwise we can become too.

Rigid in it. And what I decided this year to do was, come up with just a couple of affirmations of things that I would love to see happen this year. I give myself dedicated time every morning to really listen to myself, which I I haven't always done before.

I've done the meditation or I've done the affirmation, but I haven't really taken time to hone in and listen. So This is my morning routine. take what you might want out of it or none of it. But basically, I just set, 20 minutes aside. It can't be a lot of time because we're all busy.

So 20 [00:38:00] minutes. And what I do is right from my bed, grab my cup of coffee, come sit down. in a dark place. I'm still almost in my state of in between sleep and awakeness. And I immediately write down any dreams that I have. And I know we've all heard we should do that, but let me just tell you, since I've been doing it now, I'm like 20 days in, I am amazed how much information comes across in my dreams and never forget that you're spending.

On a good night, probably seven or eight hours in that stew of what those thoughts actually are. So the more you can understand what you're thinking about in your dream state, it will impact so much of your understanding of what your day state is about. So take my word, even if you remember three words, write them down, they will start to come with a message for you at a certain period of time.

So I definitely do that. I do set my insight timer timer for, 15 minutes just on straight music, [00:39:00] just to allow myself to tune in. And then I just start to write anything that comes. I do ask for guidance from my angels and guides. So I'm pretty specific about that. That information And then the last thing that I do when I finish is I've been pulling a card or two to help sort of anchor my day around something that I need to know.

And man, oh man, I've always been a little bit of that skeptic. but the tarot for those who may be a little trepidatious about that. What I love so much about it now that I've gotten to know my deck a little bit more is that the messages are always. So helpful. They're not predictions.

They're allowing you to resonate with an emotion. And so whatever that is, always, always, when I look at it, and I think at first, like, what the heck always makes sense to me. And then what I also do is then I have another little deck. It's my angels and guides.

Can be [00:40:00] anything that you choose, but I use that as sort of like my affirmer, like, okay, this is what it came up in as tarot is sort of my overall feel, but angels and guides, what do you got to say about this? What else do I need to know? Sometimes the message is very, very different, but it's always, On point and relevant for me. it's just become a little magic for me at the beginning of the day. And then I put it away and I don't look at it again until the end of the day. And I'm always amazed by messages that are so resonant for me. So for what it's worth, it's kind of a nice new game that I'm doing.

I love that. 

Robyn: think that's cool. And you know, what has worked for me is I don't even get out of bed. I take 10 to 15 minutes while I'm in bed to do some of what you're talking about. Because I know if I get out of bed, there may be some sort of distraction in my home, whether it's from an animal or a person.

So the easiest thing for me and my family knows is that I have my 15 minutes where I need to meditate. Sacred space like you did. Sacred space, [00:41:00] yeah, and for me it is tapping into the messages that come in right away because it is in between.

It's like right when you're coming out of sleep, I am going to take what you're saying that with dreams and start putting that into a dream journal on my phone because I know you're not supposed to, but my phone is near me on my nightstand. So it would be easiest for me to just keep it in notes.

So I love that. Thank you for that. , I really haven't kept track of that. And then also keeping track of the messages that you get. I usually get some pretty clear, but short, succinct messages and sometimes people and images that pop in and you don't know why.

and so I think if I actually tracked it, it would be really interesting. 

Karen: It is. And one little tip I'll offer to you that helps me sometimes, because to your point, if your brain is awake, it's being that like, what are you doing? ? Like doubting Thomas brain.

And so one thing I love to do is when I'm struggling, is I do that thing of stepping [00:42:00] into like, I don't know if anybody remembers Mary Poppins, but Mary Poppins, she kind of took them into a painting. And I love that idea of like, just stepping in and wherever it takes you, there you are. And like following.

Whatever, people will show up or animals will show up and Just go with it and capture whatever it is. and it will always be relevant. That's really fun. think that's a great, 

Robyn: and the other thing I would add, if you've listened to the podcast over the last few years, you know, one of the other things that I do is I have a water ritual.

And I do Reiki for myself. That's part of my morning routine. And I also send Reiki to my water and I talk to my water because I feel like then when I drink it, it's infusing magic in me in this other way. And Whether it does or not, to me it does because I believe it and so it makes me feel like I'm drinking magic water and that's my medicine, and so it sounds cray cray, but I would just suggest it to anybody that [00:43:00] wants to try.

Talk really nicely to your water. You don't even have to do Reiki to it. Just say nice things because you're putting that in your body and I think that's really important. You are made up of water. So remember that take it for what you want 

Karen: love that at the end of the day, have fun with your woo, right?

That's right. It's about following protocol or following anything specific, set it up for yourself so that whatever it is, It is fun for you. It is. magical in a way. You are getting messages and whatever you decide to do with them, if you put them in a journal, if you put them in your phone, I guarantee you, if you do it for a stretch of time, you're going to start to trust.

That information more and more and this is what it's all about getting to know yourself that little bit of that hermit can be in that moment in the morning. That's right. 

Robyn: And also, the other two things is say thank you. at least once thank you for giving you the opportunity to experience another day.

. And then [00:44:00] also ask for signs, from , your spirit team, from your own soul, like ask for them. Because the other thing that I would really encourage you to do is keep track of the signs that you get.

Again, in your phone, make it easy. Start something that says signs in your notes. And just write them down, it could be something you hear. it could be in a license plate that you see. It could be something that you're talking about with a friend and you start to hear the same book or the same phrase over And over in different conversations.

So just keep track of what those things are, because that again is fun. and then you want to go check that out and see, like, what does that mean? Where's the support coming from for you? 

Karen: continue to track, your own astrology that comes to that point and how that's relevant to you, if you look at it in the morning, if you have sort of a sense of what your astrology weather report actually looks like and then coming back at the end of the day and seeing what was true for [00:45:00] you. there's so much here for us to learn in every single day. But I think at the end of the day, it is about having fun with it, bringing that joy to it being that self understanding that we're all searching for.

Is the most important thing as we go into this year. I know every year I ask for it, like, clarity, 

Robyn: Well, and you know what we haven't shared with people is our clarity story that started at the beginning of this year. Which I think it is a great way to tie up this episode, which is at the beginning of the year, my family adopted a new dog and this new dog who is just.

An angel dog in our lives her name is Lucy, and Karen knew that, and she'll continue with this story. 

Karen: I knew that, but I hadn't really officially met Lucy at all, and was doing this exercise that I just talked about of, asking, tapping in on something. Made me ask the question, and I know in my Catholic background, there's a patron saint of everything.

So I asked what the [00:46:00] patron saint of clarity was. Now, when I Google it, it was St. Lucie, and I couldn't wait to tell Robyn because that's been An affirmation that both of us have asked for is give us that clarity. So this idea that this dog who is pre named, she came into your life as, Lucy just was sort of that underscore at the beginning of the year that, yes, we have clarity. Clarity is here. and it's a great. point, Robyn, about looking for signs. it's those little connecting dot magic moments. Like if I mean 

Robyn: it really, and again, we do this all the time and these things shock us.

So I knew that Lucy's name at light, because I did look that up as Karen said, she came with this name. Thank you, Gale Wilkinson. I love you. And she had this name that I knew meant light, which already made me love her. And then when I met her and my family met her, there was just an instant bond. And then to [00:47:00] get even more validation and clarification when Karen said that she couldn't wait to tell me.

 It's that validation that word that I just used. I mean, we always are talking about interpretation, validation and then finding support from each other and from our community. That is what keeps us going. That's what helps us know ourselves more and then helps us to know everyone else and their energy and know how to use it together to light others up.

And so we're so grateful. And really, speaking of community, everybody listening beyond the lookout, because We are creating a community this year that will be here to help all of us 

Karen: it is funny because the reason we were asking for clarity is because we were looking for divine guidance, whatever you want to call it about where we should really focus our energy this year, and this idea that community came [00:48:00] t Lucy, really. I mean, we really came together on that day and made that decision that's what we really wanted to focus on because at the end of the day, knowing that we need each other on this journey. And how do we share? How do we share? the practitioners, those incredible people that we've met.

How do we all come together and have these conversations? 

Robyn: And keep each other going on a daily basis. So it's looking for that daily inspiration and. All of these tools, these spiritual and magical tools that keep us going, , that help us on an everyday basis.

 And then coming together to support each other. It goes to that interpretation, validation, and support. 

Karen: and I think the other thing that we've, been talking about too, is , let's keep this real because we're all going through a lot and none of us know the real reason why we're here.

We don't know all of the answers, but we want to create a place, a community where it could be safe to talk about any of this stuff, right? Where we can all be heard, where we can all [00:49:00] bring. Our ideas are thoughts are questions. You can be listened to. We all come with our own ideas of what the answers are.

So now more than ever, as we're trying to bring these communities together and not draw lines in any way, a community like this. We think is so needed. And we just invite if that sounds good to you, we would love to have you join us because we want to hear from everyone who are on their journey and who have tips and tricks and magic and stories to share because we can all benefit.

Robyn: Yeah, exactly. And it's all of that plus the experiences, so many of these experiences bring us closer together. our hope is to also have those as part of the community as well on an ongoing basis , it will be a very safe space so that you can be your most authentic self.

Karen: Yeah. So we're excited about that. We're excited that the energy of 2025 is supportive and evolving that and growing that. And if we see [00:50:00] aliens, we'll talk about it together. We'll be talking about it. 

Robyn: We'll be talking about it. We'll come up with questions together for them.

 And so we are reaching out our hands to you and holding each other's hands as we move forward in 2025 so that we can go through this transition and transformation together. And if you're interested in finding out more about this upcoming community, you can sign up for our newsletter at theseekingcenter.

com slash newsletter, because we'll have information about that in the coming months. It really will be something that comes together in the next few months. 

Karen: We really look at every member of the Seeking Center community as having, a very important role giving us ideas, giving us input on the things that you want to talk about.

Robyn: so it's important to us. So please sign up. We'll be asking questions about it. The community from that newsletter prior. We'll 

Karen: be doing tarot. We'll be doing energy [00:51:00] readings. We will be looking at astrology. more, more, more on everything that we've talked about. 

Robyn: That's right. thank you so much for listening today.

Hopefully you can see how these dots are being connected in your own life as well. And tell us, we want to hear from you. Thanks.