Seeking Center: The Podcast

The 2025 Astrological Forecast with Stevie Calista - Episode 144

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Stevie Calista Season 2 Episode 144

If you’re looking for a blueprint for the year ahead – this is the episode for you. What’s in store for 2025 from an astrological perspective? We have our go-to astrologer Stevie Calista with us today to give you the cosmic forecast and help you make sense of it all.

Discover how the planetary shifts will shape the upcoming year. Stevie provides a month-by-month breakdown to help you align with the universe.

Whether you're seeking to ground yourself, refine patterns in your life, or take bold, new actions, this conversation is packed with insights. 2025 holds immense potential for transformation—on both personal and collective levels. Let this episode be your guide to navigating the cosmic tides with grace, courage, and purpose.

Tune in, ground yourself, and get ready to embrace the magic of the year ahead!

Visit to learn more about Stevie's Resonance program or her other offerings.
Follow her on Instagram @farmhousemoon

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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.

Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.

Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com.

If you're looking for a blueprint for the year ahead, this is the episode for you. What's in store for 2025 from an astrological perspective? We have our go to astrologer, Stevie Calista, with us today to give us the cosmic forecast. And to [00:01:00] help us make sense of it all.

How can you align with the energy of 2025 to manifest, grow, and flow with ease? Let's dig in and find out. Hi, Stevie. Hi, Stevie. Hi, thanks for having me. 

Karen: We're always happy when you're here, but looking ahead to 2025 is really exciting for us. And just can't wait to hear everything that you are going to share with us.

Stevie: Me too. 

Robyn: All right. So let's start from this big picture energy. What are the themes and planetary shifts that are going to define 2025? 

Stevie: Gosh, this is a year where there's so much newness, so much new energy. And it's also a year of wrapping up the old energy. I know we've probably been saying this for a few years, but we're really in that birth portal of the age of Aquarius, right?

But this is really the year where we're going to start to see the seeds that we planted start to grow and wrap up what is no longer meant to come along with us in this next chapter of us and humanity. So [00:02:00] it's definitely a year where we're going to want to really ground ourselves because as we're humans on earth, we're going to feel these energy shifts because we have a lot of outer planets shifting.

And we had Pluto shift this year, right? So there's already a little bit of a newness, but next year is we like rocket ship into this whole new energy. And a lot of it is fire and air. We've been in a lot of water and earth. And we're heading into fire and air, which for some people can be so exciting and can bring up new passions and new everything.

But it also is going to be a year where we're really going to want to ground and connect with our physical body as we move through this new energy. 

Robyn: So how are we starting? . How does January through March looking? 

Stevie: A lot happens in January through March, but I want to remind everybody that we still have Mars retrograde. So we still start the year off with this backwards refinement sort of energy. And I had a client the other day and she was like, why am I so irritated?

But then I'm so quick to realize that I'm irritated and change the pattern. And I started [00:03:00] laughing. I was like that's Mars retrograde. We get this opportunity as we move through the new year to repattern our reactions and how we take action or how we respond to things. And you might be quick to react in the beginning of the year, but then there's this beautiful invitation to really.

Refine and re pattern yourself and how you will react. 

Robyn: because Mars is the planet of action. Is that right? And so when it's retrograde, what does that mean? 

Stevie: It's like a refinement of our actions. it says slow down, hang on a minute. Is this really what you want to do? Can you plan ahead?

Can you go back and do some things sweep some things up that need to get swept up? It's really like a refinement period for us. And it's really sacred. It can just be frustrating because it's hard to move forward when the planet of action and drive is not doing that moving backwards from our view.

So it's a period of refinement. And we've been in that since when of 2024, mars has been [00:04:00] retrograde since December 7th, 2024 and will be until February 28th, 2025. Okay. Wow. 

Karen: Yeah. It's a long time. Can you just clarify a little, , about the fire and the air. what is the difference between fire, air, and earth, and water, and why is that significant?

Stevie: Yeah, it's a brilliant question. Earthy energy feels grounded, practical, we're doing things we're taking action, we're being productive, right? We're thinking about logic and practicality. Water tends to be more of an emotional feeling, so we're In the fields, we're more introverted. We're dealing with mostly our emotional body and how things feel.

With fire comes newness because it's like the birth and so with fire we're dealing more with taking action and passion and creativity and birthing something new into form and just living. If you think about fire that way, like a life force energy. And AIR is all about collecting information, having conversations, learning, teaching, chatting, [00:05:00] and just sharing knowledge back and forth.

Robyn: So January, you said there was a couple of things in January, right? 

all: Yeah, 

Robyn: absolutely.

Stevie: So honestly, a lot of things happen for us between January and July. That's where the majority of changes happen. And then once we get to September, October, November, December, we're backing up into older energy and sweeping it up. So the beginning of the year, we'll have these stages of this change and this change.

And we'll all be like, Oh my gosh, this is such new energy. And then we back up into degrees that we've been in before at the end of the year. So the end of the year is going to feel very significantly different than the beginning, just so everybody knows in January, we have a really big shift of the nodes are shifting on the 12th of January.

And so this is about every 18 months. Last year was Aries and Libra. So myself and others, me and relationships, my old relationship patterns, how am I showing up in relationships? who the heck am I and how can I reinvent myself? We all did this the last [00:06:00] 18 months. So when we go into the North node in Pisces and the South node in Virgo, it's very different.

It's more about energy. and service. And so South Node and Virgo is going to say how do we serve differently? How do we show up differently? How do we let go of outdated structures and systems that don't work for us? How do we balance being and doing? That's a huge theme this year. And how do we bring energy into it, right?

Pisces North Node means we're all collectively moving into Piscean energy. Which is creativity, spirituality, energy, frequency, music delusion, telling ourselves stories, distracting ourselves, getting confused you got to talk about both sides of the coin, right? And so we'll mostly be Reharmonizing our energy bodies and setting ourselves up to serve in a different way.

So I imagine a lot of spirituality is going to come to the surface and people are going to be really called to serve in a different way to serve the collective, [00:07:00] compassionate, because if you think about Pisces energy too, compassion is a big word.

And also, this is why I say grounding too, because Piscean energy is very ungrounded, and so we're all going to be a little bit more sensitive because of this. 

Karen: So I'm thinking about April, May, June. there anything specifically significant that we should be putting on our calendar 

Stevie: yeah, for sure. we actually have Neptune moving into Aries at the very end of March on the 30th he's been in Pisces since I think April of 2011.

And so I think it's a very long time that he's been in Pisces doing his Piscean work. And Neptune is an outer planet, just like we all felt Pluto move into Aquarius. And we'll be really getting into that energy in 2025, Neptune moving into Aries. It's very interesting because it's fire. And if you think about Neptune's energy, he's, we are all one.

He's very Piscean essentially. He's spirituality. He's connectedness. He's our connection to the divine. And in Aries, we [00:08:00] come into the birth of the self. And so I'm super excited about this because this really signifies like bold spirituality. This is a different kind of sense of self empowerment.

This is people really taking bold action through visionary dream thinking mindset. So this is like where you have a dream and then you take action. Aries is the archetype that says Get on my train or not. I'm going. I'm not going to plan it. I'm just going. So come with me or not.

It's happening. And so it's why Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It's like where we get birthed out of the divine, right? And we've all been playing in this Neptunian, Piscean divine energy where we're all floating through the ocean together and we're all working on our spiritual practices and we're all connected.

And then it says Okay, but what action will you take now after you've been in this dreamy, floaty ocean working on your subconscious and your dreams and like what does that mean when you birth that into form? So you're going to probably see a lot of art innovation probably a lot of different types of activism and [00:09:00] leadership.

 This is really where we're going to redefine what compassion means around active action, doing, because I think for a lot of us, I don't know if you guys have felt this it's sometimes with Pisces energy, we just do this. And I don't know what to do. I just float and give up because it's just too much energy.

It's too overwhelming. And it has been that way. And when we have all this Piscean energy, which we have Saturn and Neptune and Pisces, For the last couple of years, we can sometimes get overwhelmed when Aries just says it's time to be brave and just do something about it. And so that is a huge deal.

 Sometimes this can be like blurred boundaries and individualism. So who am I can get blurry. We can all reinvent ourselves, but we have to watch out for an overemphasis on self because Aries is self focused. What's the intention behind why you're doing what you're doing?

But overall, I think this is going to be really good for humanity to take action. in a connected, compassionate way. 

Robyn: So that's going into April. Was there anything else, though, in this January to [00:10:00] April time frame that we should pay attention to? 

Stevie: Yeah. So that, technically happens March 30th. The only other thing that's, Significant.

do have the eclipse season in March and September, and that could be a whole nother conversation probably later, because, as we all know, eclipse seasons are really big portals. And that's really where you see that north and south node. lunar stuff happen. So March carries eclipse energy, which is huge.

 The other thing that goes down in March actually is that Venus will be retrograde. 

Robyn: And what does that mean I think of Venus and love and relationships. 

Stevie: Exactly. So Mars retrogrades every two years, Venus is every 18 months.

Mercury is around every three to four months. So it's not as big of a deal as a rarity, but just to give you a perspective, it happens every 18 months. It's from the 2nd of March until April 13th. And Venus is love, romance, desires our sense of worthiness, our sense of pleasure, our feminine energy, our feelings.

And so when she [00:11:00] retrogrades, she's hang on. is that in alignment with what you actually want? Do you actually desire that? Is that relationship really good for you? Maybe not. Maybe you go back to an old relationship for a minute. But this is, again, a refinement period of all of these themes, and she will be in Ares and Pisces, so much Ares energy, Pisces energy next year.

It's again, we're in this Piscean, we are all one divine connectedness, and we're birthing into this Aries newness. it is such a birth canal year. That is really such a big theme for this. But yeah, Venus moving retrograde in March into April will definitely ask us to slow down again.

Think about especially what do you want? Does it feel good? Is it really in alignment with your energy? What is your energy saying? What is your soul saying? Do you feel worthy of this? Can you choose yourself in a different way? That's Aries. So that also happens. A lot happens from January to March.

Karen: Okay. That's just , the [00:12:00] first three months of the year. Wow. 

Robyn: All right. So then what's happening? 

Stevie: So then in April and really, this is a theme of the whole year, especially from April until September, Saturn and Neptune get very close together.

This happens every 30 to 35 years. So if you think about Saturn, he's get to work. What do you take responsibility where this is karma and time and reality and Neptune's what is that? What is even real? is it? Cause we create our reality, right? It could be whatever you want it to be.

You could live in a video game. You could, this is all a simulation. When these two come together, again, it's themes around putting your dreams into form. imagining something and then structurizing said thing. But this is also a little bit of a reckoning because Saturn's involved.

So this will redefine leadership. This will break old structures down. This is really where we redefine what is real essentially. Woof. That's big. And I do believe that this is where a lot of [00:13:00] Humanity will realize how the systems and structures and governments and authorities have controlled us through our energy, this is really where we, I think we'll start to take our power back and we want to create new systems and structures and new realities for ourselves and take our own power back. So sovereignty also is a really big word this year, especially with your own energy body. I know I always say this, but like that is just such a big theme this year. 

Robyn: I think that is going to be a theme that people are hearing throughout these conversations, is what I would say, around prepping for 2025 in general.

Karen: I can't believe you just used that word, Stevie. It's a big word for many to even define for themselves. What does that mean? But I guess that's actually the point, right? It's really about that discernment of who we are, what do we really believe, and our own self empowerment.

To stick with our own decisions and our own desires and our own beliefs. And then you add that, fire and air together with all that's happening. I can feel the [00:14:00] energy is going to be strong in that way.

Stevie: It's funny, like what tattoo artists call spicy, when you get a tattoo, like when I got my chest tattoo, they're like, Oh yeah, that's a really spicy spot. I'm like, Spicy, what? That's not even, that's what I was thinking of it's gonna be spicy, this year is meant to, we really have to do the internal work.

We will be forced to do the internal work. 

Robyn: Yeah, again, I think that is a theme that, Everybody listening or watching really needs to hear it is about the internal work. It is about understanding who you are and where your individual power lives within you. And therefore, then how does it connect to the others around you?


Stevie: then literally creates the reality you're looking at. Yes. Everyone else's reality that we're looking at and all the systems and structures that don't have to control us. That's exactly, 

Robyn: I think that. really 

Stevie: is the point. Huge point. We will be faced with this. Absolutely. And even if the North node meets up with.

Saturn in April as [00:15:00] well. And so that's collective destiny coming to a reckoning karmic point of Saturn and saying is this sustainable? Is this actually real? What do you want to be real? What foundations do you want to create for yourself that are Better. 

Robyn: Wow, that's big.

Stevie: Yes. It's definitely a big and Saturn and Neptune don't come exact. I want to mention that until 2026, but they get very close and well enough that we will feel it. 

Karen: are you saying then this will continue into next year as they get closer and closer together? 

Stevie: 100%. This is the seed planting of this.


Robyn: Wow. 

Karen: At least we can be ready with the warning that you're giving us now. 

Stevie: Yeah. And I don't want to come off as like scared. or to make, feel 

Robyn: scary. Yeah. 

Stevie: I want us to be empowered Aries energy is where we take our power back. It's up to us as I am self here.

This isn't about looking to your neighbor. Although we're in that energy too, with the age of Aquarius and Pluto and Aquarius to connect. together to [00:16:00] form community but this is all about the self and who you think you are and is it real and how do you want to change that 

Robyn: And it's really an opportunity if you look at it that way it's an opportunity to look within rather than looking to others to define who you are you need to look within yourself.

To define who you are. 

Stevie: Yep. And you choose and then your reality changes, your energy changes, the way you serve humanity changes, right? 

Robyn: Yeah. And the way you look at everything, both at yourself and everybody and everything around you. 

Karen: it's big work though.


Robyn: that's really the 

Stevie: work, the reason we're here. I want to say too, like something that I said before about Aries that I always probably say is that Aries teaches us to be a human. I think it's why I gave myself this Aries rising because I'm like, stop taking yourself so seriously.

You can be a messy human. You cannot be perfect. You can have an experience as an I am. You can have an ego. It's all okay. Okay. 

all: Like 

Stevie: might feel messy and because with [00:17:00] Aries, it's funny because I will take a project because I'm an Aries rise thing and I won't plan. I just start putting the damn thing together.

And then maybe halfway through, it's wrong and I have to take it apart and redo it. But I don't even care because I started and that's the more important piece. And I say this because 

all: start 

Stevie: the damn thing, you guys, like start the business, start the project. Just go you don't have to have it planned out.

It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to feel right to your intuition. use this energy to like birth something into form For yourself, right? That's Aries. Yeah. 

Robyn: I love that. Permission and motivation. Yeah, and it feels empowering too. It does. It Okay, so then what happens after April? Wow. 

Stevie: So on May 25th, we have Saturn moving into Aries. And so we had Neptune at the end of March. in May, we have Saturn joining the Aries party. Again, same themes of how do you change the structure of who you are? How do you do the inner work?

[00:18:00] How do you take responsibility for yourself? Where have you been the one that's made your reality, this is like the opposite of victimhood. And with Pisces, we can get into that victim y they did it to me, and, no. Saturn in Aries says you signed up for this.

This is your contract. You're gonna pull anything and everything to you that maybe makes you suffer, and it sucks, but you chose this. What do you want to do about it? This is true personal responsibility for your own karmic contract. And as weird and heavy as that can feel, sometimes Saturn can feel heavy in Aries because he asks us to do something about it, it also can really give us this like strength to start fresh and to start new again and to rebirth ourself as well.

 As an I am, we're talking about who you identify as. 

Robyn: Wow. Yeah, that's really cool. And really. That idea of taking responsibility, that word, Karen, that you use empowering, it is empowering when you do, it may be somewhat painful to do [00:19:00] that. But once you really do take responsibility for the choices you've made and all the things that have led you to that point, then, as you said, you own it and you move forward.

Stevie: Yeah. And it's like the word, personal reckoning. I think that's a tough. Energy to be in. But then once you do, like you said, you can change everything. 

Robyn: Yeah, 

Stevie: truly. And we will have the ability with these Neptunian Saturnian energies to change our reality. Wow. It's very exciting.

Okay. Okay. So 

Robyn: then we're moving into the second half of the year. 

Stevie: So in June, on June 9th, we have Jupiter changing signs. So now we have Neptune change. Pluto just changed. It's a big planet. My goodness. Yes. So Pluto changed in 2024. Neptune just changed. Saturn is changing. Now we have Jupiter going into cancer.

And normally I don't like speaking about planets as like exalted or in detriment because I don't really love that language as an astrologer. But I will say that Jupiter [00:20:00] loves being in cancer. it's great there. Like it's in Gemini right now. And so we've all been collecting our data and having different conversations and opening our eyes.

 Perspectives to different beliefs and experiences. And we've all been like the student when Jupiter moves into cancer, it's more about expanding your home unit your home life, your family, how you feel, what it feels like to be home and nasty. This is about expanding, perhaps like understanding your lineage or your ancestry. 

And it depends on where Jupiter and cancer are in your chart. So you can look to the house to see where your expansion will be in 2025. But Jupiter in Cancer is all about expanding your emotional body and Your capacity. 

Robyn: This is very nurturing too. And it feels like you need that considering you're doing all of this work on self.


Stevie: And this could play out too in the housing market. That's what 

Karen: I was just going to ask. So in terms of if you're looking to purchase a home or move to a new place, that would be a [00:21:00] good time to do it or have a family reunion, a wedding, and great 

Stevie: family reunion vibes.

Gotcha. In fact, I have one in June. That's so interesting. Look at that. Not weird. But yeah. But yeah, that is it. Because cancer is like the womb, right? And you think about it like your roots. And so how are you tending to your roots?

And how can you push energy into that so that you can hold more space. It's almost if you put more nourishment in the roots, everything else can grow. And so you have to tend inward with this, but Jupiter brings a sense of wanting to, and this feels good. And it's expansive basically to do 

Robyn: it feels like you're better understanding who you are. Where you came from, which again, it goes along with the whole theme of really getting to the root of who you are. 

Karen: It's that extension of the internal work that you're, yeah. 

Robyn: Yeah. That's what it feels 

Stevie: And I, maybe this also means that we'll see more homeschooling or movements with this, because if you think about Jupiter as a teacher and cancer as the home life, that might be a prediction that [00:22:00] will maybe more of that will happen or just a different way of educating ourselves.

. Something else too, is that in June, Uranus will be at the last degree of Taurus. And so whenever a planet is at the last degree of something, they're trying to finish up the work that they've been doing.

And Uranian energy is very electrical. And so this could certainly be something with the housing market, like something crashing, something with their economic system, something ending that it's got to go basically. So I just wanted to mention that because that's definitely we're going to have planets dance on these 29 degrees wait a minute.

Did we do it all? Okay. Let's try something new. And then we like, wait a minute. We have to go back. We didn't get it all. quite done yet. So you're going to feel that it can feel frantic again, grounding guys. 

Robyn: Yeah. 

Stevie: Don't forget to get in your body. Something else too, with the Aries energy, just a reminder, with Aries means there's more chi.

In our physical body and everything is more physical where with Pisces, it's more energetic and we can't really put our finger on it with Aries. It's like right [00:23:00] here at the surface. So moving our bodies in whatever intuitive ways you need to is going to be so important, not just going out and grounding, but like moving the chi, moving the energy out because otherwise with Aries, it can bottle up and explode.

It's like too much fire. fieriest of fire signs in my opinion. So yeah, that's basically what goes on in June and Jupiter will be in cancer until June of 2026. So for a full year from June to June. 

Karen: Okay. And is there anything significant about that particular 

Stevie: necessarily?

Usually it's about a year that Jupiter hangs out in a sign. In July, we have Uranus changing signs. Goodness. I don't remember a year where this many planets shifted signs. Wow. I've been studying astrology. Wow. And outer planets, right? Pluto all the way into Jupiter will be shifting signs within a 12 month period.

That's very significant because the other planets the inner planets they change all the time. That's true 

Robyn: Because Pluto it's how many years it's usually [00:24:00] 18 

Stevie: to 25. Yeah, Neptune's around 18 15. and so that 

Karen: means Stevie that it will feel a little bit Unstable.

Yeah Okay, it's good to 

Stevie: know. Yeah, because you know how humans are with change. We're not great at it. We're like, whoa! 

Robyn: again, grounding. and these are big themes, 

Karen: So say again, so for Uranus, it's changing from what sign to what sign? 

Stevie: Changing from Taurus, where it's been since 2017 2018, into Gemini.

Okay, so this is only until November. So we get a small taste of Uranus in Gemini from July until November. And then he will back up into Taurus again. 

Robyn: Oh, to like kind of finish things up. 

Stevie: he'll finish his Taurian work. So yeah, this is just to describe when Uranus moves into Gemini, when he has in the past in history, and I'll probably do a whole thing about this, cause there's so much that happens when Uranus moves into Gemini a lot of.

Disturbance usually happens some astrologers will say a lot of wars happen. Yeah, that's true but it's because Uranus a shakes us to bring in [00:25:00] new information and no matter how much you look in the past Nothing is ever exactly the same as right now because we're in a place in the universe, right?

That's different and unique and new even though these cycles are ancient and we've been here before You Just want to say that it's still different. But Uranus's energy is very liberating. He wants us to have freedom. He wants the authentic truth, like the real truth, not the stuff you've been telling yourself.

He wants us to have freedom. And so in Gemini, being the planet of data collection, curiosity, Gemini doesn't necessarily have a solid belief or truth. It's just taking it all in, And it's just so curious as the student to do it all. And so when you merge these two, that is a really unstable, something shiny, shaky kind of energy, However, Uranus loves change and Gemini is change, period. And so a lot will happen, especially because we've been in this window of Uranus [00:26:00] and Taurus. Taurus is the sign that does not love change of all the signs that will change the slowest. It's the most stubborn, right Robyn? Not that you do that, that archetype.

I hear you. And so Uranus is a little uncomfortable in Taurus because it's trying to do this change and it's trying to do it in mud. Where when Uranus goes to Gemini, it'll just take a little shake and it'll be like, oh yeah ooh, I imagine that the education system is going to be completely overhauled in the next 15 years.

I do not think that in 10 years, we will, it will even be close to what it is right now. And we'll start to see this. Discernment's going to be really important with this because with Gemini, it can get gossipy. Ooh, did you hear? It's Ooh, is that true? Cause it's just information coming at us. So what is your inner truth will be really important, but this is really going to spark such a interesting, innovative conversation around education technology.

Everywhere. Basically it probably has 

Robyn: to, because of all the, even now we see. All of these different ways of getting information as well as ways to learn are [00:27:00] starting to come in now. So in many ways, that makes sense. There's going to have to be. A whole new way. And 

Karen: yet nobody knows what information to trust.

Robyn: There's that too. 

Karen: again, you have to trust yourself. Yeah. It's definitely a needed thing 

Robyn: And when we talk about the education system and we talk about what's been in place for years, the ways in which we do learn that all needs to change. Like it is changing and we all have to catch up with that. Yeah, 

Stevie: Because we all learn differently. We all are. Yes. Things we're not meant to go through a factory to become a worker.

And that may 

Robyn: have served something at some point. It's just changing. 

Karen: Could it apply to other things that, and I think that's what you're saying, Stevie, like not just education, but any kind of data, any belief system really could shake up. 

Stevie: Yeah like information will be flipped on its head and with Gemini, we have to remember it's duality, it's the twins, right?

And so there's, shadow and light or yes and no or this is my truth [00:28:00] and this is also my truth and they're like dueling each other it's both and and so it's gonna help us get off of our high horses of this is the only truth and hear new information in a totally different way and also help us liberate ourselves from where we've taken information and it's not been good for us 

So I'm super excited about this.

This is like really where a lot of in history, a lot of times, like the people have taken the power back or women's rights or just freedom of speech becomes very important. us all having a voice in the conversation. to free ourselves basically from the systems and structures. So it's super exciting, but it's gonna bring a big shake.

And again, we will be moving into this for good April 2026 until May 2033. So this is a big taste of what's to come in 2026. Honestly, so much solidifies in 2026 that we'll get a taste of this year. reality really shifts in 2026 and seven. [00:29:00] That's where it's significantly different, but we will absolutely feel all of this year.

Robyn: But it feels like we've been, and are being. Prepared for all of that, starting in 2024, really, through 25. And then, as you're saying, there'll be these bigger shifts. It feels like we're getting a little more accustomed to change in that way. 

Stevie: Absolutely. 

Karen: Okay. So that's a lot in July. 

I'm excited about that. 

Stevie: It's just a lot. It's yeah, it's when you you're on a roller coaster and you get like the wooden ones where they push you back and forth. Yeah. That's how it feels. So just put your hands up. Yes.

Robyn: I signed up for this like hands up. 

Karen: I signed up for 

Robyn: this. 

Karen: I know, but it's always Yeah. So scary when you go up. I know. I never 

Stevie: do. I don't either. My own advice. Taurus part Nope. See, I love it in You're 

Robyn: like Jeff and Bella all hands up. I'm like, Nope.

No. Where's 

Karen: the fire gonna take me? I And [00:30:00] I love The wooden rollercoasters are the best. Nope. 

Robyn: Oh my gosh. So 

Stevie: funny. That's my Leo. It's fun. Where is it going to take us? How is it going to shake us up? that we're going to have to take on some of your energy then, Karen.

Robyn: I agree. that's why, we're all, we're a team. 

Stevie: Yeah.


Karen: Okay, August, my favorite month. 

Stevie: So August, there isn't really anything massive, so maybe we'll have a little bit of a breath then. But basically, September is when we have eclipse season again, so the other side of that portal, and then Saturn moves back into Pisces in September, and so he will finish his work he's been doing for the last two and a half years in Pisces and this is really about, again, your energy body, how do you make your dreams a reality is there subconscious stuff that needs to go is there past life healing stuff that needs to happen?

Is there energy work that needs to happen? how can we clear up our energy body with Pisces? And also, [00:31:00] where are you being a victim, to your own circumstance? In October Neptune moves back into Pisces as well. So he will finish his business there. And. It's very similar themes to the same things.

This is energy, frequency spirituality discernment. And then in November Uranus goes back into Taurus for his final journey until April of 2026. So from November until April of 2026, he will finish his duties in Taurus. And that's really when outer planets are at the last degrees of signs, we really see this like chapter, these things closing.

So 2025 has a lot to do with this new energy, but then wrapping up the rest, like wrapping up the old stuff too. We're one foot in and out. 

Karen: Yeah. Very transitional. 

Stevie: Yeah. That's a great word for this year. It's transitional. 

Robyn: Wow. And we're going into 2025, having been exposed in some ways to some of the energies so that it's not so jarring, I would [00:32:00] say, on the whole, because you've already, You're in that, who am I? There's a little bit of instability. Which goes along with that idea of it being transitional, and then seeing, it sounds like 2026 and this even much bigger shift. Absolutely. 

Stevie: I think been doing the North Node in Aries for the last 18 months, which has been prepping us we've all been like reassessing who we are, right?

Absolutely. Especially when it comes to who you used to be in relationships and your old patterning there. And so I think it's been prepping us for exactly what you said, Robyn, is like this new shift into the new energy. 

Karen: Is 2026 also going to be a fire air kind of environment? Will that continue?

That'll continue. Yeah. 

Stevie: It's been very watery and earthy. Which is, like mud. 

Karen: I like 

Stevie: mud, but, it's because of all my water and earth. But yes this is gonna be so needed for us to bring the breath of newness, the new life into humanity.

Karen: [00:33:00] And if you're a fire or an air sign, will you feel it differently than a water or an earth sign? Definitely. in what way? 

Stevie: It'll probably feel more comfortable for you if you're a fire or earth or air sign depending on your placements where earth and water can sometimes get. stuck easier.

But it also I find that I usually attract a lot of fire and air people because they inspire me to be outside of myself, so I think it can also be incredibly inspiring for those of us that stay in the mud. 

Robyn: Are there any resources or practices That you think are particularly resonant with the energy for 2025 that we should pay attention to or try. 

Stevie: Yeah I think the thing that's intuitively been coming as I've been looking at the energy is like just checking in every day with the human in you and like your physical body.

And I know spiritual practitioners say this [00:34:00] all the time, move your body and. But like with the Aries energy and the fire energy, everything's going to feel more physical. and every day it's probably going to be different. Intuitively check in and say do I need to eat some red meat today and ground myself and my body?

Do I need to scream in a pillow? Do I need to go sit by a tree? It's going to be different every day. So just give your human a priority, if that makes sense. 

Robyn: Yeah. 

Stevie: Because your physical body is going to be really loud and it's going to need different outlets for things. And I think grounding too, just spending a few minutes.

with a bare foot or a bare part of your body on the earth and letting her take some of this excess electricity that's in, going to be felt in our bodies. And we're already feeling this. She literally can pull scientifically out your excess, we're batteries and she can like neutralize us.

So making sure that's a priority too, because I think that's going to be very helpful. third, getting your eyes in the sun, There's codes that she's been giving [00:35:00] us, but it's not mean. It's literally like upgrading our DNA. We've had so many solar flares and we're in a space in the cosmos where the sun is giving us codes into our eyes that we can metabolize and turn on our DNA strands.

Obviously don't go stare at the midday sun, but go be out in her energy. Let it be on your skin. Go in the morning. my favorite practice is just to go out in the morning, barefoot, go wherever the sun rise is, even if it's 10 o'clock in the morning and just put my eyes in that direction and get her codes.

They're upgrades truly for our physical bodies. 

Robyn: And they're free. And they're 

Karen: That is so cool because I'm also a fire sign, but I love, Robyn knows this. I have to be outside. and I love the sun so much. It never occurred to me that, There would be codes in there.

Robyn: Those beams of energy. I And I want to also say, because someone brought this up to me last week around grounding, and you're, talking about being barefoot, Listen, if [00:36:00] you live in a city and that's maybe not the right thing for you to do, first of all, you can go outside and just walk and be in the sun, obviously, but you also grounding can be done in a shower, right?

By feeling the water. Does that make sense, Stevie? 

Stevie: Totally. And you can intend to ground like you have power. So ask for grounding, ask the earth to come up to you. imaginary cord and like ground in with a cord and then ask that to be released you could do this lying in your bed.

I do that every morning 

Robyn: I literally do that exact practice every morning 

I think it's working. 

Stevie: the truly the best way is to go put your bare feet on the ground for like a couple minutes Or just your legs or something and just let her cause it happens very quickly with our physical bodies.

Karen: I love the fact that you've. Shining a light on that. I think so many of us as we're looking at our own spiritual practice and all that we can forget about our physical body and the role that it actually plays in our spiritual path. And I also [00:37:00] love what you said about leaning into our humanness and We don't have to be on this quest of improving ourself or, always looking the spirit. the body and everything that we're doing. It's just fine the way it is. And we're enough the way we are. And all of these, It's a great reminder. I'm not sure if it's a reminder. I'm not sure if it's a all just. We're all just. We're all just wonderful conversations that we have are meant to inspire and give ideas, but that at the root of who we are. We're doing just fine. 

Stevie: To remind myself all the time. 


It's fine. It's part of the why you came. Yes, exactly. Human body. So let yourself be an Aries is so good. It will teach us all to be. New again, just variance it from a new perspective because why not, 

Robyn: And again, remember that we are the souls living in human. We came here to experience the human part of things too.

So that's what that keeps reminding me to have that Aries energy. 

And I just want to bring up also mercury [00:38:00] retrogrades because people. Maybe asking, not that we have to go through when those are right now, but can you just speak to how Mercury retrogrades and what that usually impacts throughout a given year.

Stevie: Yeah, Mercury retrogrades just they're a 3 and 4 week window where we're asked to slow down and revisit and reevaluate what just happened. Mercury tends to move really quickly, collect information, just goes. And so the retrograde periods are times where we can really chill out and assess what just happened and rethink what we're doing.

So it's about revisitation and we get three to four of them a year. , this year they're going to be in water and fire signs. In 2024, they were all in fire signs, so it might be that they're a little bit more emotional this time because they're in water. So we might be cleaning up and clearing up some of our emotional things that we need to revisit. Gotcha. 

Karen: I love that definition. I've never looked at it. That's simply before, which is just stop, look at what we just did and revisit that it's makes it really simple. 

Stevie: [00:39:00] Yeah. And if you look back at. When Mercury goes into a sign, then he starts to slow down, then he reverses, then he slowly speeds up, right?

He's traveling back and forth and back. So you will literally do something in your life, and then you'll stop, and then you'll have to go back on your path and revisit it, and then you'll do it again. Usually you do have to during that period of time. time with those eight weeks or so you're in one cycle.

Robyn: And as we enter 2025, many of us can remember because we just went through it at the end of 2024. We went through that whole cycle and to your point, if you really get into the specifics within astrology, you can really look back at certain dates, a window of a day or two, let's say, and see what happened then.

And then how did it impact is the same kind of lesson coming up several weeks later. So it's an opportunity again to make a change, to learn a lesson, it's all of that. 

Karen: It gives you multiple opportunities. It [00:40:00] does. 

Stevie: Never looked at essentially like stretches 

Robyn: time, yeah one other question for 2025 With all of this transition and this change and really a different feel, if you are someone who's really looking to, I think we talked about this, especially with Neptune and leaning into our dreams and creating our new realities, is there a specific month in particular that lends itself more to that?

Stevie: I would say probably April and May that would probably feel like the most aligned with what you said. they do that, but I think we'll be doing this all year. 

Robyn: Okay.

feels like the whole year is an invitation to really get clear with who you are and what you stand for. And then how does that relate to the collective? And humanity to go forward. And what Karen and I know from having these other conversations with [00:41:00] everybody As we're trying to prepare ourselves and everyone who listens to Seeking Center for this 2025 year, the unbelievable overlap in themes across modalities is so crystal clear. 

Karen: really are. you've all looked into the same crystal ball.

Robyn: And that just shows you, right? This energy is collective. And then the way that we all choose to use it is on that personal level, but it's all there, to me, that's undeniable. 

Stevie: It's always nice to hear it multiple times, right? Then you're like, okay, 

Robyn: it's the only way that has really moved the needle in my life 

Karen: and 

It also just reinforces the magic it is, And that we're not alone in this trip that we're taking down to this planet. there's all sorts of help and clues and guideposts to help us along the way. That's what I love. 

Stevie: Thank goodness. 

Robyn: Exactly. And for those that are interested [00:42:00] specifically in astrology, you can really look into this more personally if you haven't before by getting your own birth chart read.

And really understanding how all of these different energies impact you personally, and we all have our own personal blueprint Stevie has been able to give us the blueprint for the collective for 2025, and we each have our own place within that our own blueprint which. Once you know it, it really is an unlocking for your own soul, I think.

 And Stevie, can you talk a little bit about your new program that you're offering? Sure. 

Stevie: I'm always available to do birth chart readings for anyone and everyone that would like to look at their blueprint, just FYI. You can always just email me, but my, I'm pivoting my business to work with women entrepreneurs because that's what I am.

And I have a new program called Resonance that starts early January and it goes for 90 days. And we are going to really look at [00:43:00] how you can best show up in your business. So this means how you attract the right kind of clients, those aligned clients, the ones that you really want, that want to be mirroring back and forth.

How you show up in your business from not only your branding, but like how people just naturally see you publicly in the public eye. And then we're going to be mapping out your year to help you understand like when to hit the gas and when hit the brakes and how you can, strategize launching new programs or really just showing up in your business so that you can really be in alignment with your own energy.

And so you can get a lot more done and be so much more in flow when we do this. And I've felt really called the last year or so, I want to help people map this so that you can take astrology and not have to be an astrologer, but take this tool to map your own year for your own business.

So I'm super excited about it. I have some really cool people in there. And if anyone's interested, you can just email me and we can chat a little [00:44:00] bit about it. But yeah, I am really excited to be working in a group container with entrepreneurs. 

Karen: Oh, it sounds fantastic. 

Stevie: It does. 

Karen: Is it a one on one or is it a group?

Stevie: It's a group. When you join Resonance, you get a one on one with me, just so we can really look at your business. But then the group itself meets every week. 

Karen: And you can 

Robyn: hear really elements of this. We just posted recently an episode between you and Lizzi Cutler. And you really did that for Lizzi.

It wasn't in necessarily a group container, but You are able to help her map certain things out in her year and her life. And so people even want a little bit more about how that works. You can listen to that episode as well. 

Stevie: Yeah. And you don't have to be an entrepreneur to, map your year either.

If it's something that you're interested in, it's one of my favorite tools to give to people. It's okay, in March. This is where all the energy is going to be. So like focus here. And then, and it's going to change because sometimes as humans, we get a little bit like, Oh my God, I was so into decorating my home and cleaning my closets.

And then. Two weeks later, [00:45:00] I was like, oh, I'm over that , now I like wanna make paintings and listen to music and whatever. that's just normal. That's natural. So when we understand that it can work with that in our lives and business, you can like have it sandwich on each other and plan that way versus being like, why?

What's wrong with me? I didn't finish my projects, So smart. It's changed the game for me. So that's, I'm just extending what I've learned, 

Karen: I'm sure you'll help that group and they'll help each other as well. yes, 

Robyn: Thank you so much for sharing your energy and your wisdom.

your intuition and getting us ready for this upcoming year. We needed it. 

Stevie: Thank you for having me, you guys. I feel very honored to get to speak on this topic. 

Robyn: Learned a lot. And just remember to visit Stevie Calista, that's C A L I S T A dot com to find out more about Stevie's latest offerings that she was just talking about and to sign up for her astrology updates. You can also follow her at farmhouse moon on Instagram and [00:46:00] Facebook. Thank you,