Seeking Center: The Podcast

SEEKING SESSIONS: Astrology Meets Quantum Energy Healing - Episode 143

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Stevie Calista, Lizzi Cutler Season 2 Episode 143

In this episode, we’re talking about astrology and energy – and we’re getting personal. We’ve had these two on the podcast to help us all better understand ourselves…but this time the tables are turned. We’ve paired up two of our soul sisters and Seeking Center guides again – this time we have Lizzi Cutler and Stevie Calista here with us and we can’t wait to find out what transpired when they swapped sessions with each other.

As many of you know, Lizzi helps you get unstuck and moves your energy back into alignment with her own energy healing technique. Plus, her past life quantum healing sessions help you uncover and heal the root causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues – and ultimately facilitate a conversation with your soul.

And, Stevie is a passionate astrologer who transforms curiosity into cosmic wisdom. Stevie’s approach makes astrology accessible and empowering, helping you embrace your true self. In addition to offering insights into your astrological birth chart, she has also developed programs for those who want to be in alignment with their unique Soul Blueprint and live on purpose.

You'll hear firsthand how these two powerful modalities helped each practitioner confront fears, uncover deep truths, and step into their authentic power—and how they can do the same for you. Whether you're seeking actionable guidance, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to your soul, this episode offers tools and inspiration to start your journey.

Discover the roadmap to your best self—astrologically, energetically, and spiritually!


  • How astrology can serve as a personalized roadmap to understand your strengths, struggles, and next steps.
  • How energy healing clears physical, emotional, and energetic blocks to help you move forward.
  • Why understanding your shadow side is a key part of self-discovery and growth.
  • How combining astrology and energy healing creates profound transformation.
  • Practical steps to align with your soul’s purpose and build a fulfilling life.

Lizzi is a gifted energy healer and past-life quantum healing practitioner. Her work focuses on helping clients clear blocks, align their energy, and reconnect with their soul’s purpose. Lizzi’s sessions provide tangible tools for shifting subconscious programming and stepping into your highest potential.

Stevie is an intuitive astrologer who uses the stars to help people align with their unique soul blueprint. Her personalized approach makes astrology accessible and empowering, providing clients with clear guidance on how to work with the cosmic energies in their lives.

A self-guided program by Lizzi and Stevie that combines astrology and energy healing to uncover and clear shadow patterns. Learn more and enroll here.

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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.

Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.

Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. Today we're talking about astrology and energy, and we're getting personal. We've had these two on together to help us all better understand ourselves, but this time the tables are turned. We've paired up two of our soul sisters and seeking [00:01:00] center guides again. This time we have Lizzi Cutler and Stevie Calista here with us and we can't wait to find out what transpired when they swapped sessions with each other.

As many of you know Lizzi helps you get unstuck and moves your energy back into alignment with her own energy healing technique. Plus her past life quantum healing sessions help you uncover and heal the root causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues facilitate a conversation with your soul.

and Stevie is a passionate astrologer who transforms curiosity into cosmic wisdom. Stevie's approach makes astrology accessible and empowering, helping you embrace your true self. In addition to offering insights into your astrological birth chart, she's also developed programs for those who want to be in alignment with their unique soul blueprint and live on purpose.

Karen and I have no idea what they've learned or experienced during this time together, so let's get going and find out with all of you. Hi, Lizzi. Hi, Stevie. Lizzi, [00:02:00] Stevie. Thanks for having us back. so 

Karen: one of our favorite things to do. It's like a Harry Potter episode when you have two of the m It's so true. Working together to share their stories. So yeah, we're 

Robyn: not the only ones curious because these have become very popular these episodes. So 

Lizzi: it's been so fun because there's only so much that I can do for myself. And even yesterday I was doing edits on myself and thinking, I need to call Stevie again, because something something is happening here and it's hard to work on myself.

So it's nice having people that I know and love and trust to help me along the way now. 

Stevie: Yeah. So supportive, so necessary. I've realized after working actually with Lizzi and trading services that like, this is really necessary for me. Because 

Robyn: I think, especially when you.

Have your own expertise. So much of you in both of your world is helping other people. 

Lizzi: Yeah. 

Karen: There's a vulnerability to that is a big leap to between the two of you of being able to say yes, I can do this work, however.

I need a little [00:03:00] boost myself and putting yourself out there. So that's a big deal. 

Robyn: Yeah. So let's talk about Stevie giving Lizzi an astrological reading. So first Stevie, can you just give a quick overview of your session and how you prep and what you need from people 

Stevie: so basically I need your birth date, your time, exact time if possible, and location of birth beforehand. And lately I don't prep that much because a lot of it's intuitive. I used to prep for hours, but it doesn't really happen anymore. So I will pull it up and then I call in Lizzi's angels, guides, and ancestors that have her highest and best.

I ask that everything can be embodied and come from the heart and, be grounded and open to all energies that will serve her the best. And then I just go in that way. So that's basically how it works these days. 

Robyn: I've been part of this evolution with you.

 you've really just honed in so strongly to your intuitive abilities that were always there. I think you prepped all that time and then you didn't even need to, which is clear. 

Karen: much information in the chart too. So it's [00:04:00] like, where do you even start to relate and get that information back to someone?

So tuning in that way is really helpful. Yeah. 

Robyn: I think that's Stevie's gift. is this knowing? So Lizzi, tell us, what did you learn? 

Lizzi: So I've done astrology sessions before I've done birth chart readings before, and with total respect to the craft, it's always come off a little bit frustrating because I don't understand it.

I don't speak the language. I've never studied it. And most astrologers will spend a lot of time. Telling me Jupiter is conjunct this and it's in this house and like telling me all the words that mean absolutely nothing to me. And the thing that was the most profound and the most useful about Stevie is I don't even know if she mentioned that.

If you ask me what my rising somebody is, I don't know because I don't need to know what Stevie did was immediately go into. Calling me out in a really loving and gentle, but impactful way. And this is where your struggles are. This is where your strengths are. How do we keep [00:05:00] you maximizing your strengths and help support you with your struggles?


it was like, I was completely naked and she was saying, this is what you love about your body. This is what you don't like. And we're going to teach you how to love it. I felt very seen and very comfortable with her saying, because it wasn't like she was like, Oh shit, you really have this, and this, it was more like, Oh, this is where your work is.

In this lifetime and in this chapter of your life, I think in our first session, Stevie, you said something like, Lizzi, you've been in this really hard you'll be able to say better than I do, but I've been in like some hard cycle for the past 30 years. And the cycle's ending. Mind you, I'm 44. Holy crap.

What? The bulk of my life. And it felt so validating. Exactly. And I wouldn't say I've had a hard life. I know that I live in privilege and, but energetically speaking. And then she was also talking to, okay, now that 30 year cycle is ending, here's what to expect moving forward. Here's where to really focus and put [00:06:00] your energy and also.

Here's where to be a little more compassionate and patient with yourself, which is also not my strong suit. So our first session was I felt very seen and very acknowledged. And also, it really gave me a roadmap of where to then apply the work that I do on myself. As far as doing edits on myself and doing work on myself of what to be looking at, really regarding like my shadow side, the parts and pieces that I don't love about myself.

And then in our sessions after that, it was more focused, laser focused on, okay, in these dates, focus on this and on these dates, this kind of stuff will come up and you can harness it by doing this, and this. So Again, I don't know any of these planets names or houses or conjunctions or any of the words.

I just had notes. I'm like from August 15th to August 21st, do this. It was so specific. Isn't 

Robyn: that 

Lizzi: so 

Robyn: nice? for someone to be like, here's what to focus on now. You 

Lizzi: what it was? I feel like other astrology sessions [00:07:00] have been like a novelty, like almost like a parlor trick. Oh, that's cool.

And that's interesting. There wasn't really anything that tangible for me to take away from it. And with Stevie, she gets right to the chase. I think Stevie and I are also very similar in this way. We like a tangible tool. We like to get into action. We are very motivated with give me the steps. So we work well together in that.

I'm not looking for someone to rub my back and say, it's been a hard 30 years. I'm looking for them to say, it's been a hard 30 years. Here's what to do now. What's next. And that really Nailed it for me. 

Robyn: it's the now what, right? Which is what you're both really good at.

, that's what makes working with both of you so different than working with a lot of people maybe in each of your genres and modalities because you can walk away with an understanding, validation, and the now what. That's huge. 

Karen: I love what you said earlier, Lizzi, too, because it's for people who haven't had their birth chart done or read by anyone, it can seem very much like these [00:08:00] are your characteristics.

This is who you are. It doesn't say anything about that roadmap that it really gives you. It not only tells you like where you've been, but it tells you what car you're driving. And where you are on that road and then where you're headed, what bumps in the road there might be.

So it really gives you that tangibility 

Lizzi: I think even more than that, what car you're driving and why you're driving that car. Yes. Stevie, you can speak to this more than I can, but she was like, you're so massively intuitive and I can see it because of all these things happening here.

And here's why you don't know it. And here you go. It's almost 

Stevie: like a blind spot. Remember, like you were, it was just so normal to you. this reality is so normal to you because it's like who you are that you end up not realizing that it's such a massive gift or you know what I mean? 

Lizzi: Yeah. And people will say to me, have you always had this intuitive gift?

And I always say, I don't know that other people don't right not something that I like flip a switch on and it's on or it's off. And the way that Stevie was saying it to me was like, yeah, Lizzi, here's why I can read it [00:09:00] right here. I've met you once before this and I can read it in your chart. And that was so cool.

Robyn: And I also want to point out that the way that you have been working with Stevie is more of her soul blueprint. work, right? So I will say, even in Stevie's, if you just had your birth chart read, you will receive so much validation and you will receive guidance for the year ahead, let's say, but the difference is the way that you are working with her is in this very Guided ongoing way, I want to point that out , that's why it is so helpful for Stevie to really get in there.

And be able to give you this here's what you do in these next couple weeks. And then keep going, 

Lizzi: so as I said that I've had other astrology readings before when our, when my session with Stevie ended, the first session, the birth chart reading, and I don't know if I asked you a question or something and you laughed and you said, Lizzi, there's a lot more I can do here.

Let's set up our next session for this date. And in my mind, and for those of you [00:10:00] listening, I was what else is she going to tell me? But 

what is 

this going to do? Then we got on the phone. And so for those of you who are like me, who are listening, what does she actually tell you?

Stevie, I would actually love to know if you're looking at my chart. Like I assume that you're looking at a birth chart based on the day that I was born. And then in the sessions after that, you're looking at my chart based on the day, like present day. Is that how you do it? Yeah, 

Stevie: basically it's like a chart.

The inner wheel is like you, your blueprint, like never changes. So the snapshot of who you were when the moment you were born, and then the outer wheel and how that's affected is the transit chart. So that's how the things that are always moving around, and then there's several other charts I'll look at to, to get different takes on what is your year look like what kind of moon cycle are you in?

So I usually have three or four pulled up. 

Lizzi: Okay. So guys, this is what I'm saying when we don't need to know the magic that she's doing and she's not wasting your time, like your session time explaining it to you. Because frankly, for me, I don't want to learn how to do what you're [00:11:00] doing. I have no interest in it.

And it seems so daunting to me. I love that the hour that I have with you is so packed with information that's useful to me, not you explaining all of 

Stevie: that. That's the thing. I have clients that want to learn, so we go on zoom and we learn, but for clients that are not there to learn astrology it's pointless.

You know, some clients want the lingo or want the, 

Lizzi: you meet us where we are and you like, that would have frustrated me if you had spent, and I've had that, I've had sessions where half the session is Jupiter is conjunct in this and I'm like, I don't know. And frankly, I don't care.

What does it mean? 

Karen: When I see those charts, you'll pull up an app or something random and they'll give you your reading and it makes no sense. And it is not personal. It's like reading 

Stevie: French when you don't know. 

Robyn: And that's the thing, Stevie, is you are able to translate it and not only are you translating it.

You're intuiting, so you are knowing exactly what Lizzi needs to hear right [00:12:00] now. the combination. 

Karen: That's also the combination of the person coming to you also with some specific questions about where they are as well. That's 

Lizzi: true. at the very beginning of our session, Stevie said, are there any specific subjects you want me to focus on?

And of course I said, love and career. And it was very clear, like the insight that she gave me and where to be and when to be there and all of that was very clear. 

Robyn: And I do want to ask, and you may not know the answer, but Stevie will you'll know your sun sign, but what else should we know about Lizzi?

What's her rising sign and her moon sign? For those that are interested in that. 

Stevie: Lizzi, do you know? I don't. I 

Robyn: knew there was no way. There's no way that Lizzi knows. 

Stevie: Here's the thing too I don't, when I'm doing a session, I don't remember. Because it's like when you're channeling something sometimes I'll visually remember things or whatever, but not always.

Lizzi: It's too much brain space for me to hold it. Someone will call me a year after a session and say, remember when you said, and I'm like, I'm sorry, I don't, it's too much to hold. 

Robyn: Yeah. I just thought maybe you had her [00:13:00] chart up. So I do, I just wanted to say that. 


Stevie: Got it. For those astrology people out there, Lizzi is a Sagittarius sun. And a Gemini moon and a Gemini rising and her moon is in the 12th house in case you're a nerd like me and want to know which side that's on. Hence her incredible information that comes in.

Robyn: What does it mean when you're a double Gemini in that 

Stevie: sense? Yeah. Gemini and they're opposite each other, right? So Sagittarius is on one side, Gemini's on the other. Gemini is all about being the student of life and pulling in knowledge, wisdom, information, and deep curiosity. Because of where it is in Lizzi's chart, it signifies those curiosities come from a very deep spiritual place.

So it's not just like, how's the weather? Cause sometimes Gemini can be like pretty surface. Which isn't a bad thing. They're just very adaptable. But for Lizzi it's deeper than that. And then being a Sagittarius son is very much about finding the truth, understanding why she's here, experiencing life [00:14:00] deeply in also like in a fun way to not just so serious.

 And being a teacher. So Sag is the teacher and Gemini is the student. And so she's doing both. 

Karen: Wow. That makes so much sense. 

Stevie: Yeah. 

Karen: Did that resonate with you, Lizzi? Oh yeah. 

Lizzi: Like I get too bored if I'm doing the same thing for too long. Yes. I'm going to be learning. Plus I love as soon as I learn it, I want to teach it.

Robyn: Yeah, 

Stevie: that is so 

Robyn: true. 

Stevie: It's in a place in your chart. And for those nerds out there, her sun's in the sixth house. So she's here to bring the truth down and bring the bigger picture into the practical world. how am I going to systemize this? What am I supposed to do with this?

Basically it's very grounded and embodied. Yeah. 

Robyn: Wow. Just hearing that and I know you, you go into so much more depth, but , on that high level it's helpful , to hear and understand that about you, Lizzi. That's so cool. 

Lizzi: Stevie, there was something that you said about there was like a cluster of somebody that was in something intuition.

Stevie: Yeah. You have Uranus and Mercury together. in Scorpio. [00:15:00] And so it's like your lower mind and higher mind are always one. So like for you not to know the truth of the matter and it's in Scorpio, which is like such a truth, get to the root cause of something. So intense for you not to have your mind and know the truth of something, the authentic truth is that's unfamiliar to you.

And most people don't have these two together. So for you, you're always, your radar for like authentic truth is always on. That is so true. Bullshit. Nope, that's not true. Come on. I'm just going to tell 

Karen: you this is helping all of us right now. 

Lizzi: This was like one of the biggest takeaways that I am now remembering from that session.

Stevie said to me, it must be really hard for you to go and play the surface game. And I was like, it's nails on a chalkboard to me. Everybody will be looking at something and saying, Oh look, the car is red. And I'm like, but it's blue. Why are we all pretending like it's red? And everyone's because she wants you to pretend like it's red.

So just say that it's red. And I can't. Handle it. And to me, it has always felt like a [00:16:00] detriment. Like it feels like a punishment and a curse that everyone else can play along. And I emotionally and energetically can't handle it. 

Stevie: And another layer too, lizzi is that you want to do something about it.

There's like a level of you that's and what, and like, how are we going to make this better? What are we going to do to perfect the situation? It's gotta be frustrating. it's also like the most incredible. This is like, when you see Mercury and Uranus together, that's like a genius person.

Like truly. wherever it is in their chart, there's like this depth of knowing, just like you can't escape the truth, basically. 

Lizzi: So not to make it about me, but when it comes to my sessions, that is exactly what I'm doing. 


Lizzi: I feel like I'm saying the thing that you must already know, because how could you not know it?

And Stevie gave me the words of Cause they don't know it. in an energy alignment, what I'm doing, it almost feels like it's unfair because I feel like I'm calling out the thing that is the most obvious and putting words to the thing that's the most obvious. And I don't know that it's not [00:17:00] obvious to you.

 Try to be very mindful and cautious of saying it kindly. Yes. So that it can be received. That's another shadowy side of me. That it seems so obvious that I might say it too direct. 

Robyn: don't you think that's interesting that you can see the shadow side of you within an astrology chart?

 I don't think that most people understand that you can see these levels, not only the shadow side, but you can also see, past lives of Lizzi's or relationships that she came into this life and that she's having to work through. So Stevie's able to see that.

Not all astrologers can see that necessarily. 

Lizzi: there were two huge. So I've obviously done past life sessions. I've had them done on me. One of the things that Stevie brought up was you've clearly been some kind of a healer or like this, a sorcerer in another lifetime and been what was the word you used?

Persecuted for it, which I did see in my past life session. And so there's a fear in really stepping into whatever [00:18:00] my gifts or powers are in this lifetime because of the fear of being seen and then being persecuted again, which I've been working on for years and continue to have to do and then in our last session, she was telling me that There have been so many patterns of falling so deeply in love and then my partner either being killed or dying. And that has been an ongoing theme for me in plant ceremonies that I have done in dreams that I've had in relationships that I've been in that like for Stevie to then say it again.

It's almost like I look around and I'm like, I hear you. I don't know how to clear it. I know. Show me what to do. 

Stevie: Yeah. The validation. Okay. 

Karen: Yeah. 

Stevie: Yeah. 

Karen: Yeah. Yeah, in that sense, though, doesn't it help to know that like I know even in the sessions that I've had with Stevie to she's so sweetly and gently reminds me of the challenges that I've come here in this lifetime to overcome.

And she puts it in a way that doesn't seem like it's a bad thing, although I might be judging myself for it. She has this great way of flipping it to know this is past lifetime stuff. [00:19:00] And you've come in this time with a slightly different script to learn a lesson. And 

Stevie: the, another thing too, like this type of astrology I've studied is really about owning that you chose this map, For if that's the biggest belief, and for me it's one of my biggest beliefs in life, is that I'm choosing, I'm always pulling in what I need, what I signed up for, right? So I'm always trying to get people to come back to wait, this challenge is valid and real and true and it sucks, but also this is why and this is like how you can work.

Through those roadblocks, or sometimes they're much worse than roadblocks, but yeah, pains. 

Robyn: Yeah. And I would say most of us are always thinking, why did I choose this? But yes, does help to see it like in a more tangible way, I think. 

Karen: And just to add to it, this helps a lot with family members and just to be able to understand.

And so if you're a mom with a child that you don't quite understand why they're making choices, it really can help to understand why they came in and how you [00:20:00] might be able to guide them in a better way. So it's so helpful. 

Robyn: Yeah. Lizzi, what most surprised you out of the sessions you've had so far.

Lizzi: I think I was most surprised with how actionable the information became after our birth chart, like our birth chart session was mind blowing and how accurate it was and how just clear and concise it was. The sessions after it, I was shocked at the dates that she was able to give me and the specifics and there was actually a moment where Stevie and I hopped on the phone and I was in this really gnarly, heartbreaking kind of, issue with a sibling.

And When we got on the call, Stevie was like, okay, so n is moving into the house of family and siblings. So you're going to be shedding light on something that you need to see in a new way. And I almost hung up the phone. it just was and that's exactly what happened, right? No one was right or wrong.

It was just seeing things in a new light where I was like, Oh, I need to accept that. I need to take that. And that was exactly what [00:21:00] Stevie said was like, the sun moving in there is shining light so that you can see this in a new way. But the synchronicity of the fact that I'm saying it was unbelievable.


Lizzi: Yeah. And then she's what's going on? And I'm like since you asked, so it just felt again, so validating. And also I did map this out. I did plan all of this and I'm this is where I am on it. And because of the work that I do and watching all these past life sessions, I'm also so clearly understanding there's no finish line.

And this is just where I am right now on the path. And so to have a little guidance of how to make the path a tish easier. Is really helpful. And to not feel crazy as I go through it, like, where did this come from? Oh, it came from right here. 

Robyn: That's right. And even what you said about how the last 30 years of your 44, you've been in this certain stage.

And now let's say you're entering a new one or even for the month you're in The light is shining on one aspect, and you can get that kind of [00:22:00] guidance. I think that's transformational to know that's available to us. And that, there's Stevie who can help translate, cause to your point, there's so much to it.

astrology in itself is hard. And then to have these different levels of it. You need the translator and the intuitive of Stevie. 

Karen: And there's the clarity and tangibility of it. And what you were saying before, Lizzi, it's like on those days when you're just like, what the heck is wrong with me of knowing that there is something that you can physically almost track to your life experience.

That is triggering that. And that's, that it's something to know. and yes, you might be emotionally attached to it, but there's also technically a reason why. Okay. 

Lizzi: Yeah, the thing that I want to say is that I've done the things where I've signed up for the daily astrology newsletter where we can all figure out a way to make it work within our story or within our life.

And it felt like with Stevie, she wasn't talking about anybody else. She was looking at my chart, talking about me, getting specific about me. And once she knew my [00:23:00] birth chart, Then hopping on once a month and getting into okay, here's what's up now. And here's what's up now. She already knew the foundation of who I was and where I was wanting to go.

Not just from a soul level, but from a 3d ego level of this is where I want to be. And this is what I want to be. Even with relationships. She was like, yeah, it makes sense that you crave relationship because this is, and this is, and this. You are here for that. That is who you are. So again, it felt like I was seen and then there was something actionable to put to it. 

Robyn: I'm curious. from a relationship perspective, what's the guidance? Okay, look at my 

Lizzi: chart. When is he walking in the door? 

Robyn: Yeah, come on, Lizzi. What's the latest on that? When did I plan 

Karen: that for? no pressure at all. 

Stevie: Was there any insight 

Robyn: into that? 

Stevie: Libra season, it's pretty good season to meet somebody.

Yeah. Start dating somebody, I have to say. But it's just like for Lizzi, she has these two really kind of different energies around relationships. One just craves it, just loves it, just desires a [00:24:00] teammate and a partnership where you're balanced and in harmony. And it's such a strong seriousness that she carries.

And then there's this other energy that can sometimes attract the people that need work or she could save or and it's why she's a healer too, right? the relationships in the chart are just our work relationships, too. They're all relationships So and it's really gonna attract a lot of soulmate people to Lizzi in this lifetime that she feels deeply connected with but it also can become a situation where they either dissolve away really quickly all of a sudden or she ends up having to You be in relationship with someone who's a big victim, essentially.

And so it's like balancing that shadow and light side of Neptune, which is pulling in somebody that's so deeply soul connected and spiritual and creative and compassionate without having to save them, so it's tricky. 

Lizzi: grounding to me was when she said because of whoever's and whoever.

That's why you [00:25:00] crave it so much. 

Lizzi: It's not me just being, that's so helpful of society telling me I needed it. She was like no, because my whole thing is, look, if I'm not meant to be in a relationship, just let me stop wanting it. I'm fine being alone, but it's the craving it and not having it that sucks.

 And Stevie reading my chart was like no there's something very real here. This isn't just you buying into society telling you, you should be in a partnership, 

Stevie: it's like your deepest pleasure. Basically. 


Robyn: as your friend, that's really actually helpful to hear for you because I know it is something, it feels like you can't help that desire.

Karen: If you've had past lives where you've had that depth of relationship, the loss of that deep. You're going through a lifetime now with at least this very moment, right? Knowing who that person is or having that person 

Lizzi: and that is also the fear of when he comes. Will he be taken away? that's the double bind that I Literally doing it.

It's not it yesterday of like, how do I make this? Okay And it's been constant work for me. 

Robyn: And that was actually the next [00:26:00] question, right? Is how do you compliment what you are learning and understanding and that to do is from Stevie with what you know, and how to do with your own abilities. 

Lizzi: So I gotta say Stevie and I now have a good number of clients that see both of us regularly and their progression is unbelievable because I feel like Stevie gives them the blueprint and the chart and then I can help them clean up.

The stuff that's either in their shadow side or that they came here to work on. It's Stevie and I are tag teaming. It's she's the general practitioner and I'm the specialist. I'm like, we're going in and helping each other to help elevate the client faster. So for me, the way that I've done it for myself.

is I am clear on where my blind spots are or what is being illuminated that month. And then when I'm doing edits on myself, that's what I'm focusing on 

specific theme or, issue that's coming up is what am I not [00:27:00] seeing here? It's time to see it. And it's also time to call that part of myself home and stop shunning it and judging it.

And okay, now I need to accept this part of me that is like a fifties housewife who wants to be in relationship and not completely give myself, but find that new way of being in a balanced relationship because that is who I am and I can stop fighting it. 

Karen: I think the example that you gave of the double bind with that was such And I got that loud and clear. I was a really good one. 

Lizzi: There was actually one other double bind. And again, this has come up in like plant medicine and all the things, but with my career, knowing that I've had lifetimes and I've tried clearing them again, me working on me is really hard.

Hey, I can't focus that well. And I'll fall asleep, it's hard work. But in a past life situation, I saw that I was outliving. in a forest away from town. And I would be called in secretly to help people usually as like a midwife would call me in to help a mother and a baby heal [00:28:00] if they weren't going to survive the birth and the delivery.

And then I would retreat and go back and hide because I knew that if I was found out, or if anybody was found out to be working with me, we would be killed. And that was like a very clear past life that I saw in session. So I do have this thing that I'm constantly fighting of. Yes. Own my gifts and own what I can do, but there's also a fear that I have of being called a charlatan or it not working for someone.

And what does that say about me? The last thing that I want to do is be taking advantage of somebody. And even though that's never happened in my present career, the fear is lingering there from past life stuff that it's I want to have a thriving, booming business. So that I can have fun.

And I know that I'm here to have fun and to experience joy and to be creating really amazing experiences for people. But then there's the fear of being found, right? Like I'm always in that push pull of yes, step into your truth. but wait, what if somebody's 

Robyn: Wow. Yeah. So [00:29:00] you're probably hiding with Karen and I because one of our past lives, somewhere in Spain, apparently 

we were 

Robyn: hiding in the countryside think of all the witches 

Lizzi: burned at the stake.

Like we knew to hide us. And 

Karen: I think that's why so many of us struggle with that is because we've been called out for. 

Lizzi: Yes. But I also think. We're at a tipping point now where like universally we're being called up. Either you're going to step into this or this is all going to fall apart and we really need you to step into this.

my work that I'm doing on myself is really trying to not force myself, but acknowledge yeah, that fear is there for good reason. I love her for being there. I'm going to ask her to just sit next to me instead of driving the truck, drive the truck. And if we get in trouble, I have a new coven to help me.

And literally have an email folder of testimonials when I start getting scared or I start getting nervous. I go back and I read that to remember, Oh, the work works. This isn't like. [00:30:00] bullshit. This actually changes lives and I can see it here. And that reminds me like, okay, I'm safe.

I can keep going. 

Karen: How much more rich now the information is. With the astrology and with what you're doing, right? It's just so much deeper. 

Lizzi: I've also reached out to Stevie and said, I'm getting ready to launch this thing, or I want to put this program together. Can you look at my chart? Or I'm looking at working with these people.

What do you think of this? I've definitely been using Stevie. In that way as essentially like a business coach to help me as an entrepreneur, figure out the when and the where and the how and the what, and that's been massive. 

Robyn: Yeah. cause the knowing of what's best for you.

What are the right dates? What are the right months, 

Lizzi: And by the way, if it's not the right date and I need to launch it, she can also say, do this to help bring that energy in, right? It's not you have to wait six months to be able to do that. It's I do it. I'll add some of this.

That's right. there was a stretch of time where Stevie said to me I keep bringing up Jupiter cause it's the only name I know [00:31:00] literally talk to Jupiter, wear this color, talk to him. This is his energy. This is his spirit. And so I set alarms in my phone to remind me.

To talk to Jupiter that week. And it was a great week. 

Karen: I love that. Yeah. Of Jupiter. 

Stevie: Why? She had Jupiter on her Ascendant on her rising. And so whenever you have a planet crossover, that point of your rising sign there, it's almost like you start to embody them. And their energy becomes.

It's more physical and tangible for you. that's a very good transit. It's it happens once every 12 years. So you want to lean into it. This is where I have found with planets that are more beneficial, like Jupiter, you want to work with them, otherwise you'll feel it. It's great.

leaning in actually makes a difference. You know what I'm saying? With the challenging planets, you can't help but avoid and see them everywhere. But with the beneficial ones, it's like you want to lean into that energy and the planets want to work with us. So it's like, why not engage with them?


Robyn: Jupiter is like the, giver of abundance and good luck, [00:32:00] right? Yes. also 

Lizzi: happened to have been in LA that week. And when she looked at my astro cartology, like where on the planet things work, I was LA for me was a really great place for expanding my business and networking for business stuff and like just being out and being more social.

And that whole week I had meetings set up with people to collab with and people to work with and stuff like that. it all just lined up that week I happened to have been in the place where it was good for business. And Jupiter was there somewhere in my chart about my career.

And it, just felt very. Divine and I felt very supported by the universe and by Stevie, the planets and all the things 

Robyn: we'll have to talk about astro cartography and another, I just wrote that down. 

Lizzi: I want the fact that Stevie does all of these things makes it so fun. had I just done one session, I would have been wowed and I would have walked away with a lot, but the whole blueprint, Stevie, I think you offer a package, right?

What is the pack 

Stevie: for four month [00:33:00] long package. Yeah. 

Lizzi: Which is basically what I've been doing. And so every month we do another session and in each session, it's a different twist. I'm like, okay, now here's what's happening now. And here's where to feel it into it now and how to make it work for your life right now.

And doing that, it's it wasn't just a fun, cool parlor trick takeaway. 

Robyn: I have one more thing before we get to Stevie's work with you. I want to know if you discussed your Saturn return, because I feel like that is something that usually ends up being something of a transformative time in your life.

We did not. 

Lizzi: But that's one of the only astrology things that I've ever known about. Stevie you can explain what it is. 

Stevie: . So a Saturn return is when you're like 29, 30 years old when Saturn comes back to where he was when you were born. So he returns to himself.

 And it's really astrologically speaking when we start to embody Saturn's energy, which means we become real adults, basically. And Saturn is the energy of responsibility and karma and time and get to work and build [00:34:00] something strong, build a legacy. and Lizzi, you are facing Saturn this year just in an opposition.

So we did talk about Saturn a lot, We didn't go back to like when you were twenty nine thirty. I don't believe. 

Lizzi: I don't think so. But what does that mean? It's in my opposition now. 

Stevie: it basically means that you're in one of those seven year itch years when Saturn makes an aspect to himself and it's a, you're climbing a mountain.

You're like walking up a, you're building a new foundation and a structure, but it's not necessarily the easiest of years. Yeah. 

Robyn: And okay, can I say , I know what was going on in Lizzi's life when she was 29, 30, which was very transformative and where I think for you, you are you now, where that was like you were different you before in terms of what you're doing and how you live your life and that kind of thing.

Karen: It's fun to think about those milestones right like I know what where I was when I was turning 2930 I was Your divorce.

so I can see how trajectory wise, that is just a really good thing to look at in your overall milestone of astrology.

So we transition then [00:35:00] and talk about session Stevie with Lizzi. 

Robyn: should we really quickly Lizzi? Can you talk about how you work? Yeah. Oh, yeah 

Lizzi: So when I first work with someone I do a session called an energy alignment where we both lay down on our couches And as Stevie was saying, I read what is more obvious to me, but really what I'm reading is where you have stuck energy, where things are going on, where your soul, your guides, your angels are trying to get your attention, where you're just so comfortable and so used to being in discomfort that it's hard to maybe recognize it.

And so by putting words to it, it immediately starts to shift. And really what I'm doing is I'm allowing your conscious mind to see what your subconscious is running on. And the universe is saying yes, energetically to what your subconscious is running on, not your consciousness always. So that's it's an hour.

I usually take the first 40 minutes going through head to toe and energetically what's happening in your physical and emotional body and what [00:36:00] energetically is tied to that. As a means of getting you to start recognizing and realizing what's been stuck, why it's been stuck, how it's been serving you, that it was stuck and also how to transcend it, like how to move from it.

And that's the first session. And then if we decide. Then we move on to what I call energy edits, which is where I start showing the client how to change that old inner child programming that you learned as a little person. And that's really where the massive transition can happen because again, your conscious mind is becoming aware of what your subconscious is running.

And as soon as that happens, like there's an instant shift that now you've seen it, you can't unsee it. And we start moving past it because you see it's actually not serving you anymore and you can start moving so it's Stevie. It's always interesting when I work on other witchy intuitive beings. I don't remember a ton of your first session but if you want to talk about it I'm sure.

Stevie: the first session was so fascinating because I love seeing the visual of where you're seeing things and like how they show [00:37:00] up. And I remember you. There was something like at the base of my tailbone, which is so interesting because I broke my tailbone when I gave birth and it's always like a place that I hold trauma.

So funny. Now how. And ow. 


Stevie: A lot of the places you were seeing things were like, I've actually had physical manifestations there. So I find that really interesting. Makes perfect sense. But you found something that was holding me back from stepping forward and you pulled it out. And I remember feeling like such a deep relief in my body.

I'm a very physical senses person being a triple So the whole way of you doing it in the body was just so beneficial to me. And also just side note, Lizzi makes you feel incredibly safe, which is a hard thing for me to feel being a triple Taurus. She just holds this really loving, nurturing container.

No matter what we were doing together, it always felt Oh my God, I can actually relax. I can actually ground. But in that session, you pulled that out. And I remember you speaking about how I'm nervous and this is literally my soul's [00:38:00] karma back and forth. I'm nervous that I'm not going to show up for my family.

and my work equally in a balanced way. so I'm not necessarily giving either of them my all. And that's literally in astrology. That's my North and South nodes being in the 10th and 4th houses, which is the same for Lizzi. she has the same North and South nodes, the same sign, but we have similarities here.

So we will work ourselves to the bone. And you were calling that out by saying you're not, fully stepping into any role because you're scared of not showing up perfectly or right. And that was like the gist of our first session. And I remember just feeling so physically different.

I felt lighter. I definitely felt rocked because she's drink a lot of water, take a bath, do all these things. we really did some serious work. But I remember feeling so much different and then like really It's getting called out for your subconscious activity, which in my opinion, everything she's told me I know this I guess I don't realize how much it's running or driving the bus. 

But I know that's maybe because I know my astrological chart, [00:39:00] but it's mirrored. Everything she's saying is in the chart. And yeah, it was incredibly powerful I literally felt completely different. 

Lizzi: It's hard to put a tangible onto. The impact of the initial session that I do, which I completely know and understand.

And generally say, I'm not going to tell you something that you don't know because I'm just communicating for your soul. So of course you know this, it's you telling me to tell you, it's just a different version of yourself that you haven't been willing to listen to. And our soul communicates with us through our physical and our emotional bodies.

So either it's going to create some kind of physical discomfort or an emotional discomfort. And most of us are really good at ignoring those until it gets bad enough. And especially I have found as women, we're very good at just keep on going, just keep trucking. And so I think a lot of what I'm doing in that initial session is calling it out so that you can acknowledge.

Oh yeah, that is happening. I didn't realize that was happening. That is there. 

Stevie: Big time. And then we did sessions [00:40:00] together. We did the edits. we went into a lot of childhood pain and stuff came up that I completely forgot about. I'm like, oh, remember when you were in first grade and the teacher thought you were crying because Jesus died on the cross, but it was actually you had an earache? And she pulled you to the front of the class just weird stuff that totally traumatized me. And I was holding on to. It was really interesting seeing the ages that came up and the stuff that came up around those edits and Lizzi gave such beautiful words to what energy I was actually holding on to.

I don't remember the words now because we moved through all of them, but I definitely remember you being very specific about the things that I was holding on to and then I completely felt validated. It was like you being like, okay, little Stevie, like all those were real and true and they, messed with you and they created these stories and now you can let them go.

You can not let them drive the bus. It was incredible. 

Lizzi: So for the people listening, there's nothing more irritating to me than when someone tells me to just let it go. And [00:41:00] I will say in an edit, what I'm doing is I'm starting you with the present day and giving you a specific fear or belief to think about.

So it might be like for Stevie, the fear of being seen. As powerful as she is and as intuitive and all the gifts that she has the fear of that being seen and then the responsibility of what that means if you're carrying that if I have all of that gift, I then need to do something with it.

And if I have the responsibility to do everything with it. What about my family? so in the fear of being seen, I started her at her present day. And then when you connect to the vibration of it, not the actual being seen, but the fear of it, the anticipation of it, that butterfly anxiety feeling about the future.

And we basically watch a movie of your life where we started the present tense and then work our way all the way back. And I'm guiding you through the whole thing. And eventually I'll say, Okay, asked to be shown where the origin story is. When did you learn this as a little kid? Because it was smart, right?

You were seen, it didn't feel good. You wanted to [00:42:00] remember to anticipate it so that it didn't happen like this again to prevent the pain. So again, way to go, inner child, little girl self. It's just that you're not recognizing that now in your adulthood, you have new tools. And I know that everybody listening is intellectually saying of course I know that.

I know you know that in your present day. Your inner child doesn't know it, and that's who's running your energy. And the universe is saying yes to your energy, not to what you're saying now. That is huge, 

Stevie: what you just said. Because you're not trying to repeat the pain from the past, so you're just trying to avoid it all the time, correct?


Lizzi: And you end up avoiding all the things that you're saying you want. Yes. Because on the other side of getting the thing that you want is the idea that something bad might happen. 

Stevie: And it did, and then we get to walk through those moments and I was really surprised at what came up.

was like, oh my gosh, that really had such a big impact on my life. 

Lizzi: that's a really important thing to say. You're afraid of it because it happened. You're not making it up out of nowhere. [00:43:00] You were embarrassed. You were called out. You were shamed. You were judged. Whatever the thing is, You can't see it anymore.

you don't even remember what happened. You just remember the feeling. It's like scar tissue in your body. So in that first session, I'm clearing out as much as I can on an energetic level. And I know that this sounds insane, that being over zoom, I would be able to do this. And I don't know why it works this way or how it works, but I'm telling you it works.

And I'm pulling out as much as I can. And I set the intention before we start that anything that I can't pull out that we get as much detailed specific information on what you need to do to then move it if it's not there for me to do. 

Karen: What just jumped in my head was. The whole idea of breaking your tailbone when you were giving birth and then this whole life lesson around balance of family and career.

how interesting that was the thing that Lizzi tuned into as being one of those places that you were holding so much, pain [00:44:00] and scar tissue there. Like that, That was a really important message for you to have for sure. 

Stevie: big time. And Lizzi's found to I remember the last session we did Lizzi, we did an energy 

Lizzi: alignment. It was right before the Equinox. There was a lot going on. It was before we did our workshop, and Stevie was don't have the energy to do edits. Can you just do this? 

Stevie: Yeah. It was really. Interesting. There was a lot around, basically, I'm not allowed to move forward. So I'm scared to move forward. And then there was like crumbs or something in my right ribs.

And that's where I had cancer. I 

Karen: was going 

Stevie: to ask 

Karen: about that. If that came up Stevie for you. Yeah. And 

Stevie: then you saw something in my throat. Like, all places that I've really struggled. Still holding on. Yeah. 

Robyn: it shows you so many different aspects, one on the physical level, while that might be cleared out, energetically.

How deep that's in because, you've had other energy type of healings before and then Lizzi's gone in [00:45:00] there. You've gone in there yourself and try, and it's still and as we all know, it's like there's so many levels to it. Yeah. So these are things that we end up working on for so long.

Stevie: And it's interesting working with Lizzi, because it's much deeper than just like Reiki, like she's in the quantum, which I know is like hard to comprehend for some people, but you're talking to guides, you're seeing things, it's so much deeper. Different than just moving your chakras energy and clearing it out we ended up going.

I remember she held me on like her wing and I was like, Oh my God, this is the safest I've felt in so long. It's so powerful. Yes. And I remember feeling so safe was the first time because I've done like other past life regressions and stuff and it's been really hard for me, my body ends up feeling like I'm spinning like I'm drunk.

I just don't like to leave my body and Lizzi was telling me that she thinks it's because I don't want to revisit what was in the past, too scared, very Taurus. But I remember just like laying on her wing and feeling so safe that we ended up talking to my soul a little [00:46:00] bit Lizzi?

And I did. 

Robyn: I didn't think 

Stevie: you 

Lizzi: did. 

Stevie: We didn't do a past life session, but that 

Lizzi: last alignment was pretty wild. 

Stevie: And I got to feel what it felt like to be that free and so since then, Lizzi, I don't think I told you this, but every night I've been like, okay, I want to connect with her, just pull in the energy and I it feels so present and I don't know if you guys had the same experience when you did sessions with Lizzi, but like when I felt my soul, I just felt so detached from all the little things of the humanness and I just felt so light and just so inobservant and just present. It was almost like I was in a deep meditation but then with my own essence.


Karen: I remember this giddiness because it was such joy and happiness and love that love. Yes. Connect at that level too on a day to day basis. 

Lizzi: There's been a lot of bringing people home, whatever their home was. And I know that for a lot of us first learning about this other world and the spiritual stuff.

Yeah. Yeah. It feels a little what does that mean? You're going home to your soul. you're [00:47:00] tapping back into that I think is what we're all longing for. And we think that having a relationship or having more money or having the career that we want, or the relationship with our children that we want, that's going to do it, and That's not going to do it. It's not going to fulfill it. What you're looking for is to know the oneness and the unconditional love. And again, I know that from a human perspective, those are just words. And until I can help someone feel it, as soon as they feel it, there's this oh. 

Robyn: And I can revisit.

I can go back there. And you can revisit that feeling every day, every single day. And when you feel it yourself, rather than someone else telling you how it feels, it is just a game changer. 

Lizzi: It's 

Robyn: the way 

Lizzi: I assume it's different. I don't have a child and it's the way I assume the three of you can tell me what it's like for someone to take your brand new baby and lay her on your chest.

And I can imagine what I think that would feel like, but I haven't felt it right. Someone speaking it versus experiencing it at [00:48:00] that level of depth and profound emotion. You got to walk it yourself. 

Stevie: That's where it becomes embodied. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. And for me that's everything.

Once I have the feeling of something, then I'm like, okay, I got it. I got it. I've made it now physical. You have a way of bridging the two, Lizzi, that's like really beautiful. Cause we get to get a taste of it in our humanness. 

Robyn: I'm so glad, Stevie, that you brought up, because one of the questions I know Karen and I had, knowing that it's difficult for you to really get yourself into that type of regression, because I was going to say Lizzi, is this common and why do you think?

this happens where it's so difficult for some people to be regressed. 

Lizzi: A lot of people will say to me, I don't want you to work on me because I don't want you to see either there's like shame or judgment of what I'm going to see, which I got to say, I am cleaning out my own mess on the regular. There is nothing perfect over here.

So I have [00:49:00] no judgment. I have nothing bad to say about anything that I've seen about anybody's. stuff. And I also think I'm very honored that you would be willing to sit with me. So I'm absolutely coming from it with a place of, okay, let me just hold your hand and let's see what we find. And as far as the fear of being regressed, Stevie and I still haven't done a past life and I'm still letting her find her way to be 

Robyn: even as you just said, the fact that you were able to feel comfortable and secure enough to sit on.

Lizzi's wing and have that conversation with your soul like and I thought what you said, what was interesting about maybe she doesn't want to see. 

Lizzi: I think it's common. 

Karen: I was just going to ask, have you had any insights in your own chart and looking at your own birth chart and your past lives to see if there's anything there in terms of what you might be carrying in your past lives that could be potentially preventative.

Stevie: Yeah. A lot of horror. For sure. Honestly, like a lot of watching and feeling responsible for a lot of other people's [00:50:00] stuff, I think that in many past lifetimes I was a leader and so it's also my problem in this lifetime is feeling like I can't fully step into that because there's too much responsibility for other people's stuff and it's happened, I think, in past lifetimes where people have died from that.

And then also, the other thing is I know I've had a lot of past lifetimes where we died of hunger , not saying every lifetime was woe is me, but there was a lot of physical trauma and I'm scared that if I feel it because I'm such a physical person, that's like a, such a thing for me is feeling safe.

And Lizzi's the first person I felt safe enough to lay down with and That wasn't just working on me from a Reiki place, from like that level, so I 

Lizzi: would say, and as much respect as I have for that and how hard that would be to see in past lives. The thing that I think makes this different is that I'm working on you while you're there.

So all that trauma that you are seeing from a bird's eye perspective. So when I'm doing these sessions with you, you're not reliving it. You're witnessing it as if you're watching a movie. And while you're doing that, [00:51:00] I'm asking permission to clear off where it is still running in your 3d body to let that pain go.

Cause you're not like Stevie specifically. It's she's got like a coil and a sling thing that's stuck in her back. So as she moves forward, there's something equally pulling her back. And it's going to be frustrating because it's the knowing that you have this gift to move forward and to really help a significant amount of people and not wanting the responsibility and the weight of that because of stuff that's happened in the past that you're carrying in the present.

And this intellectually, of course, but because I can help. your tailbone, the gravel in your ribs because I can help clear some of it while we're there, it won't feel as weighted on you now. It doesn't mean it didn't happen and it doesn't mean that it's not valid to fear it.

Again, it just means you're calling them to the table instead of letting them drive the bus. So it's like all those past lives are currently driving your bus and preventing you from stepping into what you're here for. And we also saw in your last session, how much your family actually benefits when you step forward in [00:52:00] this lifetime, that you're actually totally paving the way they're 

Stevie: not.

Yeah. They're not going to suffer from me doing it basically. They're 

Lizzi: waiting for you to do it so that they can ascend as well. 

I also start each one of those past life quantum healings by saying, first of all, if nothing comes up, there's plenty of other stuff that I can be working on while we're in here. And also Stevie, knowing that you feel it so viscerally, A, I would would have you in my wings first. I would make sure you were protected.

I would cocoon you first. And the second you felt uncomfortable, we'd be out. Robyn even sat up in her session and was like, I'm done. Keep it laid back down. So 

 Just because you're in doesn't mean you're stuck, If you were feeling it too much physically and I couldn't ground it and take it off of you, I'd get you the fuck out of there.

Yeah. another thing too. 

Stevie: You ended up seeing that I got to go to a room with the planets this past session. Remember, like we got, I got to go to this room. It looks like a donut please. 

Lizzi: What if we're talking about it? 

You didn't go to a room with the [00:53:00] planets in it. You are the container of the planets. 

Karen: Oh, I love that. I love that for you, Stevie. How did you not start with that? 

Stevie: I'm having a hard time accepting this, like how Lizzi says it, I'm like, what do you mean? It 

Lizzi: was like, I saw this like Star Wars.

Ship and Stevie is the thing and the planets dance within that. 

Robyn: Oh my God. I could chill. I could chill. Down. 

Lizzi: It was wild. 

Karen: Yeah. That's so beautiful. That's why 

Lizzi: it's not like you only hear certain planets. You hear all of the planets. You understand where they all are. You can feel where they all are because it's like me saying, can you feel your left knee?

Of course you can feel your left knee. Stevie is the container and all of that exists within. 

Stevie: That's hard for me to comprehend a little bit. 

Karen: for the people who've 

Robyn: had sessions with you, though. That's true. It makes me want to cry feels so resonant, I think I cried in the 

Lizzi: session. I got choked up. 

Robyn: I want to cry because that's truth to me. 

Karen: The universe wants you [00:54:00] to. Know that it recognizes you. Yeah. Oh my God. That's so beautiful. I wasn't expecting 

that Stevie. 

Lizzi: I think we hopped on with you guys. We had a meeting with you right afterwards.

And Stevie was like, I don't know what the fuck just happens.


Karen: is a huge thing to process. I get it, again, 

Lizzi: the responsibility of it of what the fuck do I do with it? to, what does this mean? Lizzi, 

Stevie: you're so good at that. you literally speak to my soul's my karma and dharma and I mean everything that you like hold at a big picture is like what my soul is here working on, that is my biggest hang up and it shows up everywhere. 

Robyn: And that's why you've met, the two of you have come together now, right? At the right time in both of your journeys here to help. Yeah. And I just want to know where we've had past lives, Lizzi. Yeah. 

Lizzi: I will say that the work, when people say to me so how does this work?

Okay. So we understand all this, we get all this information again, back to the now what is now I have someone holding my hand. And I'm holding Stevie's hand to say [00:55:00] let's just take one more step and see what happens. And let's just take one more piece of, I'm going to let myself be seen 10 percent more than I was last month.

And I'm going to be 10 percent more vulnerable with my clients, with my work, with my family, with my friends, myself. And if my nervous system can handle it, then I'll go one more step. And that's the regular sessions that we're doing is we're helping you clear that stuff away so that you can just take one more step because that's what the whole point of being in the human form is to keep taking those baby steps.

Stevie and I are working with the type of people who are ready to do the work and take the baby steps. We're not going to rip the bandaid off and we're not going to shock your nervous system, but we are going to say, okay, let's go one more step. It's like you're going to the edge of the diving board, but you're jumping into a vat of love.

And we're just taking one baby step at a time to get you there. But you have to be willing to take the step because Stevie and I aren't interested in shoving you on the diving board. 


Karen: What you're touching on for everyone.

Is for so many [00:56:00] of us who feel we may not understand what our purpose is. We feel like we're stuck. Yeah. There's things that we can do to distract ourselves from that. But that is the reason we're here. And you guys with both of the tools that you offer, allow us. To dig into that. And really like you were saying, Stevie the blueprint of why we're here.

And then how do we heal through it with specific things? It's not all the woo that, people talk about. It's very specific. 

Lizzi: The funniest part of all of this is that Stevie and I are so non woo. And we're so cutthroat when it comes to just get to the point. Yeah, that is true.

You are. you're right, Karen that I am saying, yes, you can stay distracted and I know you're so busy and I know there's so much going on and nothing will ever be more important than this work. Because it will change everything. You won't be so busy anymore. You won't be running at 100 miles an hour and not feeling anything.

You will be appreciating every moment in every day and all of the little things in [00:57:00] between, and you'll actually be appreciating the life that you've been working for. But you have to choose to do the work. You 

Robyn: have to, no one is going to do it for you. And if you are feeling unfulfilled, unhappy, at a crossroads, all the things, and you expect anything to be different, if you don't change things, it's never going to happen.

So these are the ways in which you can feel love and fulfilled and in alignment with where chosen even before you came into this life to be on, right? Get back on that path. By talking about this and by reaching out to both and or either of you You're making a choice for yourself. And yes, you have to be willing to do the work. and you have to know the only person that can heal yourself is yourself. These are all ways in these resources to help you heal yourself.

And at the end of the day, though you have to be willing to do it. it's so rewarding and then once you start, you can't stop. 

Karen: What I've loved [00:58:00] about this experience is that in knowing all this, I see myself differently. I see myself not as a victim or having these bad qualities that I need to fix.

I look at myself as this. Beautiful soul. That's come in here to really learn things. And so some of my tendencies that people may judge is not so great. Even myself, I appreciate them in a different way, because it's Oh, that's why I have that.

And I find I'm not as quick to judge myself as harshly as I was before. And I appreciate some of the qualities that I have that I thought at one point where were weak or not. The strong things and I appreciate that about myself now a new way. 

Robyn: I think you both talked about that a little bit too, Stevie and Lizzi.

 What you just said, Karen, there's these parts where you thought it was a detriment to you or something. And it's actually not at all. , it helps you make you love yourself more. 


Robyn: We can't wait to hear more.

And really we encourage everybody to reach out to both of you and we'll be [00:59:00] working with both Stevie and Lizzi on the seekingcenter. com in the coming months. So be on the lookout for experiences, products, and inspo. That is coming your way. You can be the first to know by signing up for our newsletter at the seekingcenter.

com slash newsletter. And I know it was mentioned in our conversation today, but Stevie and Lizzi have a course. Do you want to talk about that for just a sec 

Stevie: so it's called Shadow to Light and it's a e recorded course that you walk yourself through with Lizzi and I working together and we go through a couple of astrological placements that you hold your shadow and you understand where you get really stuck and what you're here to transform on a deep soul level and so you get that guidance and thLizzizie 

Lizzi: So Stevie basically points out where to find those placements in your chart.

So she's going to show you how to read your own chart and find those. And then I immediately go in and walk you through the edits to clear those blocks. [01:00:00] So we show you how to locate them and then immediately how to clean them up in the course. 

Robyn: And you explain what a shadow is for those listening or watching who don't know what that means.

You go into that, you also help people read and find their own birth charts. That's another aspect of it. So it's this combination. It's another way to start and open the door for yourself into this work. And we'll have the link for that in our show notes.

You can find out more about one on one coaching, energy alignments, past life, quantum healing, and Lizzi's other offerings at Lizzicutler. com. And you can also follow her on Instagram at Lizzicutler. You can visit steviecalista. com to find out more about working with Stevie on your soul blueprint, natal birth charts, or to sign up for her incredible astrology updates. And you can also follow her at farmhousemoon on Instagram. We'll have all the links in our show notes. And we're so grateful for you both in our lives and so excited that you've [01:01:00] come To work together and on each other. So thanks to you guys. Thanks for having us. That's an honor and pleasure. Thank you.