Seeking Center: The Podcast
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Seeking Center: The Podcast
September 17 Full Moon Eclipse: Prepare and Unlock the Energy - Episode 129
This isn't just any full moon; it’s an eclipse, making it a potent time for deep emotional release, spiritual insight, and collective healing. Astrologer Stevie Calista breaks down what this cosmic event means and how the watery Pisces energy can affect your emotions. Plus she's covering its impact on global healing, and personal introspection. She provides insights into the Pisces archetype, the role of Neptune, and why this eclipse magnifies both personal and collective truths. Stevie offers guidance on how to navigate these intense energies and embrace opportunities for creativity and spiritual growth.
Plus, Robyn, Karen and Stevie talk about their upcoming workshop with Lizzi Cutler harnessing the energy of the Autumn Equinox on September 22 that combines astrology and energy healing! Sign up now.
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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.
Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.
Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. On September 17th. We have a big time full moon. We have Stevie Calista, our go to astrologer with us today to break it down and get us prepared for the energy coming our way. Hi Stevie. Stevie.
Thanks for having [00:01:00] there's some big energy with this upcoming full moon. Can you tell us? more about that.
Stevie: Sure. So on the 17th, we have a full moon partial lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces. And so it's not just your average full moon.
It's a eclipse.
Robyn: So let's dig into those details. What does that mean when it is also an eclipse? is this a partial eclipse?
Stevie: Yes. Yeah. So just a little bit of the moon will be covered and you'll actually be able to see it in the United States. It's basically when the earth passes between the sun and moon.
The earth shadow is shadowing the moon. And anytime you have celestial bodies line up like this, it's very sacred because it's a moment of this energetic portal that we're walking through. And when we talk about eclipses, we always have to talk about shadows, which means things that weren't visible are now coming to light.
So that's why eclipses feel so intense because they bring stuff up.
Karen: It magnifies a moon right? Already doing that. So when you have the eclipses part of the scenario, it just magnifies it even [00:02:00] more. Absolutely. It's helpful.
Robyn: because a full moon, typically we're talking about releasing, right?
And so what is the significance also of Pisces with this?
Stevie: So Pisces archetype, when you think about it, you think like deep ocean waters, the water signs I like to think about that in that way where it's just a big, deep ocean, it's moving. There's a lot of there's a lot of murkiness.
There's a lot of hidden little territories in the ocean, it's big, it's intense and Pisces is the end of the Zodiac. So it's where we all merged back to oneness. And we lose our sense of self. So that's why if you have a lot of Pisces in your chart, you feel that sense of.
Overwhelm often because you're feeling everything. So with Pisces, there's this beautiful moment where we get to commune with the divine again, commune with our oneness, our soul self, our higher self. And it's very compassionate and very emotional. Pisces is very emotional. So that's definitely what you can expect is a lot of watery feelings and emotions to surface.
And with Pisces too, I always tell [00:03:00] people like solitude, you need a moment to be. Wow.
Robyn: So you're saying we can all expect to everything in some way. And what else should we be doing to prepare for this full moon?
Stevie: with eclipses, and especially when in Pisces, we're talking about.
Not just us, we're talking about global healing, global surrender, global compassion. So yes, you're all going to feel this, but this is for all of us. if that makes sense and so with eclipses you don't want to put your water out you don't you don't want to collect the energy you just want to surrender this one especially it's more about floating surrendering letting go and This eclipse is a North Node eclipse, and that means that there's something new happening here.
Like you said, full moons are a time of letting go. It's an illumination, right? Something comes to light so that you can end it, but then this North Node means where we're all headed. It's like our collective destiny. Wow.
Karen: In terms of everything that's [00:04:00] going on in the world right now, that feels like even a stronger message than normal.
Stevie: And this one specifically is even more amplified because it's conjunct Neptune, which is Pisces ruler. And if you think about Neptune in the way of feeling, he's the, we are all one energy. He's very compassionate. I always think of him as this big warm hug, but he also is so energetic of into the unseen world, which is Pisces too, right?
It's behind the physical that it can feel almost confusing. Like we can feel foggy and confusing with Neptune and Pisces. You have to be careful for escapism, distraction. This almost to me feels a little bit like an unveiling of where we've been distracted, where we've been, hiding a little bit and Neptune rules the media.
And so that could definitely mean something coming out with the media or, just some information coming up so if you are feeling overwhelmed with this you do want to, always think of laying in the grass or getting into [00:05:00] water, just doing something to come back to center.
Cause it's really, it can feel like a lot of energy coming at us at once. And we can feel a little bit off kilter. I have the chills
Robyn: as you're talking, I'm already feeling that. And it just feels like truth, right? We've talked about this already in these last few months.
And even going into September, we're in Virgo season. We'll be entering Libra shortly after, this full moon. And there is just so much energy right now. Weird stuff. We have so many different players that are contributing to what's going on. And so I think to your point of overwhelm and then having these different players come into this place on September 17th,
Stevie: that's a lot. And we're talking about a full moon at the end of Pisces, right? So right. That can mean also an ending, but there's a new beginning here too,
Robyn: right? just hope with the north node and that does bring hope. Yes, it does.
All the things that are happening within our [00:06:00] lifetime. There's the personal and then there is the collective. It is all for us and for humanity to really move forward. more wholly, more authentically, all the things, but the going through it doesn't feel so great sometimes.
Stevie: You're right. And it's funny too, because Neptune is a transpersonal planet, meaning collective planet, And this full moon is there's a sextile, which is a harmonious aspect to Uranus and Pluto, which are also outer planets that are more collective planets. So this really signifies this is greater than just you. it's very societal like you'll feel it personally, but
Karen: Yeah, I think that's why we feel it because I think it's one thing how it affects us in our own astrology, but when we know it's also affecting the collective, it's been magnifying.
Robyn: Yeah. we're taping this at somewhat the beginning of September, and I know everyone I talked to, I was just mentioning the energies a little. Everyone I talked to and everyone Karen and I talked to has had something pretty major go on [00:07:00] in their life in the last few weeks, like all different, but major to them, and that doesn't always happen, and we can speak for ourselves.
We've had two different, completely different things in our own lives that have rocked us a bit. And so that's what it feels like collectively. As we enter into this full moon and then beyond, which I know we're going to be talking about in the coming months, there's so much coming up.
Stevie: And too, like when you get the veil lifted over your eyes about something, anything in your life that you thought was true, it's very alarming.
Yes. And then you question yourself and like everything. And so I think a lot of people are experiencing this right now. They're waking up to different sets of truths in their own life, whether that's personal or collective. And this really signifies a moment of I hope anyway that we can all come together and use that Pisces and compassion because if you think about Pisces it's one that heals and it's the one that will save the children and save the animals and it's just so so heart centered in [00:08:00] such a beautiful divine way and so there's this energy here that's available to us and the opposite side like you said we're in Virgo season right that's the opposite sign of Pisces so the sun is in Virgo so we're balancing energy and The physical because Virgo is what are we going to do about it?
How are we going to make it better? How is it be more efficient? How do we serve essentially? And so this is like a moment where maybe we don't do anything. Maybe it's more about just letting go and surrendering or tuning into the energy versus doing something about it. Or maybe it's both,
Karen: so good to know about because I think as we were saying before the whole so much of this is we feel the astrology, but we don't always know what the astrology is.
Means and like we were saying about individually, we can feel it. But then when you have it magnified in the collective, it can be really overwhelming. this is also called the harvest moon, Why is it called that?
Stevie: The harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. So whatever full moon that is, that's always the harvest moon. And it's just literally that it's a time [00:09:00] when you harvest. So you're pulling everything in from summer harvesting, whether that's vegetables literally, or something else in your life to get ready for the equinox, which signifies a time where there's more darkness and we go inward more.
So it's a celebration in that way. But it's just different this year because there's an eclipse attached to it. So it's a little bit more intense.
Karen: Should we be looking at anything that we've been doing over the summer as planned or even into the spring as planting the seeds for this harvest moon?
Is there anything significant we should be looking at in terms of all the labors that we may have been investing up until this point and what could that mean going forward into the fall?
Stevie: Yeah, great question. I think that it's also tied to the spring equinox because we're so close to this autumn equinox.
So it's the seeds that you planted during that period of time come into harvest and it's illuminated with a full moon. This one is, like I said, it's a little bit different because there's an eclipse and it's conjunct Neptune. So it's almost like You gotta just let go to see it or tune into your energy body, [00:10:00] spend some time alone listening, That's really where the downloads are going to come in.
Robyn: Yeah. And if you feel called. listen, write it down, type it up. Talk into your phone, whatever you need to do really savor those messages that come through during this time.
Yeah, I think it's really important. whatever
Karen: those messages are based on what we're talking about. Is it good to maybe just sit with those and not action any further at that point? that's what I want to be clear because a lot I'm sure has happened for people over the course of the last few months.
And so we might be tempted, even in those insights to , go out and that's a good point versus Yeah. And when
Stevie: you think about Virgo season, I don't know if you guys are feeling this, but my to do list is like I can't
Robyn: even look at it
Stevie: Oh, it's so cool though. It's for me, I always think about Oh I have more capacity right now.
I have more power to take on more and that's not the case always. Astrology really teaches us there's a season for everything. So when we get to the full moon, especially at the end of Virgo season, it's going to be [00:11:00] like this illumination of what has transpired. And it's a moment of Just rest for a second because Libra season offers us something totally different.
That's right.
Robyn: That's really cool. If you are a Pisces, are you going to feel this more are there certain signs of the Zodiac that will feel this more than others, even though this is a very collective energy.
Stevie: Yeah, if you have placements at the end of Pisces, so this was 25 degrees, you will definitely feel it or Virgo, that's the opposition, or Gemini and Sagittarius, those are the square aspects to it, so those are mutable signs, so if you have placements at the end of any of those four signs, you're definitely going to feel it for sure, but I think we'll all, this is a very energetic, Vibrational energy too. So it will affect you more personally if you have that. Okay. I'm going to be checking that.
Robyn: is there anything, like you said, this is one of those full moons where you wouldn't suggest.
Putting the water out and or your crystals or anything to get supercharged. Is there anything else that we should be [00:12:00] avoiding during this time?
Stevie: That's a good question. I would say you do want to be careful with. Pisces can sometimes get really into escaping. So through massive drug use or whatever.
So you want to just watch out for trying to escape because if you don't, if you stay present with us and listen, like the veil is thinner here. So you could get really a lot of information coming spiritually from your higher self. So just, be mindful of that energy. Not that it's wrong or bad or anything, but That might be something to consider.
Yeah, eclipses were definitely revered ancient civilizations. They meant ends of rulerships and really big things that were shoved through, right? We don't really have a lot of choice with eclipses. Because things are shadowed, so it's things come to light that maybe you weren't expecting.
But with Pisces, surrender and let go. That's the main thing here. Float. What
Karen: about change of job or buying new homes, starting anything new? Let's say you're getting ready to start something new, is there [00:13:00] any watchouts?
Stevie: Not necessarily. It more is like the things that you've been working towards the last three or four weeks with In Virgo Season season, there's something about it that is going to come to light.
So even though it's an eclipse, something will be illuminated about it. And it might just be that you have to feel a feeling or, let an emotion that's been shadowed come up. And just surrender into it. Or it could be something else entirely because Pisces is also very creative. So you could have a lot of ideas right now, in your Neptune is the imagination.
So that's another way to lean in listening to music dancing letting it channel, because you're honestly will be channeling something greater than ourselves during this time so we could be very creative during this period.
Robyn: interesting to me. I was looking at my calendar.
Because I kept getting requests for September 17th without realizing it was the full moon, both personally and professionally. And then everything around it, really starting on September 14th to the 18th in my life, I was like, what is going on? And [00:14:00] then I realized it was the full moon. And I'm like, how does this tie together?
I'm not sure, but it's really unusual things. I'm like, there is something energetically already happening, right? I can't be the only one that's happening to. everyone listening or watching look at your calendar. Has that happened to you? take a look. I always think that there is that kind of tie that you can actually see tangibly.
Stevie: Totally. And you know what else is interesting is like after September 15th will be out of Mercury's shadow period when he retrograded.
So all of August and partly in July and September.
Robyn: Oh, that's so interesting. That's yes, that makes sense. So it's like this forward movement. Yes,
Stevie: finally. we're still going slow right now, but
Robyn: that makes total sense because it felt so strange to me that it was all concentrated in this time.
And so it started to feel overwhelming. And I was not even
Karen: there yet. I know I'd like to add back to school and everything else but there is almost, I feel to drive for this collective. In this space of people [00:15:00] kind of feeling like this almost darkness time and wanting to be with people that are like minded and use that as the way of I don't know, working through this time,
Robyn: yeah. and now I feel more prepared to handle and understand that how I might be feeling during that time. What may be illuminated that there is forward movement, both because of Mercury, but then because of the full moon with the North node.
And that there may be some collective stuff going on. I just feel more prepared now. I feel better.
Karen: Thank you, Stevie.
Robyn: I to also say you mentioned the autumn equinox and we, along with Lizzie Cutler, will be doing a free workshop on the autumn equinox at 5 p. m. Eastern, where we are talking about this combination of astrology and energy healing.
And we're very excited. And so Stevie's going to be walking us through several planets. So how to read your [00:16:00] chart. and more and how this can work to really help you get unstuck at this time. And as we go into Libra season, especially, and then taking that energy of the autumn equinox we're going to take advantage of it.
When is that happening, Robyn? So that is on September 22nd at 5 p. m. Eastern, and you can sign up at theseekingcenter. com slash workshop. And we'll also have the link in our show notes too. Thank you.
Karen: Much to come. Thanks, Stevie.
Robyn: Stevie.