Seeking Center: The Podcast
Hosts Robyn Miller Brecker and Karen Loenser are doing the research, having the conversations and weeding through the spiritual + holistic clutter for you. They'll be boiling it down to what you need to know now. They are all about total wellness, which means building a healthy life on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
They'll be talking to the trailblazers who will introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life.
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Seeking Center: The Podcast
The Power of the Autumn Equinox: Using Woo To Get Unstuck + Move Forward - Episode 127
The Autumn Equinox on Sunday, September 22 marks the official beginning of Fall. There’s a whole lot of energy to be harnessed at that time. So we, along with two of our soul sisters, Astrologer Stevie Calista and Energy Healing Practitioner Lizzi Cutler, will be hosting a free workshop to help you get unstuck and move forward in your life.
What is important about this equinox and how does it work with your energy? That's what this episode is all about!
Astrology and Energy Healing are a powerful combo. We know because we use them together all of the time. The energy of certain planets can impact you in ways that you don’t even realize! So, we’re going to help you go deeper to understand the planets, your chart and your triggers – and release whatever is not serving you. Whether you’re looking to make a big change or just want to feel more aligned with the season’s energy, this conversation will give you the tools you need to harness the power of the Autumn Equinox and set the stage for a transformative Fall season.
Join us as we explore the cosmic shifts, release old patterns, and embrace the new possibilities that this season brings. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to align your energy and intentions with the powerful forces at play.
Join us for the FREE one hour workshop on Sunday, September 22 at 5pm ET.
Make sure you're FOLLOWING Seeking Center, The Podcast, so you never miss an episode of life changing conversations, aha moments, and some deep soul wisdom.
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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.
Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.
Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. Summer is officially coming to an end. Labor Day marks the unofficial end, and the autumn equinox on Sunday, September 22nd marks the official beginning of fall. There's a whole lot of energy to be harnessed at that time. We, along with [00:01:00] two of our soul sisters, Astrologer Stevie Calista and energy healing practitioner Lizzi Cutler will be hosting a free workshop to help you get unstuck and move forward in your life.
Astrology and energy healing are a powerful combo. We know because we use them together all of the time. The energy of certain planets can impact you in ways that you don't even realize. We're going to help you go deeper to understand the planets, your chart, and your triggers, and release whatever is no longer serving you.
Whether you're looking to make a big change or just want to feel more aligned with this season's energy, this conversation will give you the tools you need to harness the power of the autumn equinox and set the stage transformative fall season.
Join us as we explore the cosmic shifts, release old patterns and embrace the new possibilities that this season brings. . You don't want to miss this opportunity to align your energy and intentions with the powerful forces at play.
Hi, Stevie. Hi, Lizzi.
Karen: Hi, This is a [00:02:00] big subject. I'm ready to do some releasing. I'm ready to go. Let's start with you. What is the significance of the autumn equinox from an astrological perspective and what does it mean overall?
Stevie: So when we have the sun hitting the equinox points and the solstice points, they're hitting the cardinal signs of Capricorn Cancer, Libra and Aries.
And , the zero degree point of these signs are the most powerful. It's the most powerful place the sun can possibly be. So this one specifically means that the sun's going to be moving into Libra on the 22nd. We start Libra season, but more importantly, this equinox is really a signifier of This is when we balance light and dark, This is when we go into more darker days. And so we start honoring our darkness. We have less light and more darkness. This is really a time where we're trying to find balance in our lives. And because we're starting Libra season, it has everything to do with who we are being and then who we're being in relationships to other people because Libra signifies the [00:03:00] mirroring back that we do.
And the Libra sign or archetype is an air sign that really wants harmony and balance. It's not necessarily a destination they ever get to. I always tell that to my clients that have a lot of Libra. But it's more about the journey of trying to find that in yourself. And this season also really represents the season of harvest and gratitude.
And when we're talking about honoring our darkness, we're talking about transformation, letting go, starting to go inward, and so these points in the year, the wheel of the year are really significant for our bodies as well, becauseWe're changing,
As we move into this equinox season, we're moving into the fall in the northern hemisphere or the spring in the southern hemisphere. And you want to give yourself a lot of space because your body's changing with it.
These are like the cycles are in our bones. And so we want to honor that change and transformation in ourselves too.
Robyn: you also talk about the kind of astrology that you practice?
Stevie: Sure. So it's a little mixing pot of [00:04:00] multiple things, but mostly I studied evolutionary astrology and shamanistic astrology which means that my focus is on where your soul came from in past lifetimes and the places in which you were stuck or the karma that you're working on in this lifetime and how you work through that energy.
And shamanistic astrology is really the practice of honoring the planets as energy bodies. And so it means that Jupiter has an energy and almost a personality, et cetera, and we can honor them in that way and work with the earth's energy to work with the energies in our bodies.
Robyn: love that.
And when you talk about the idea of stuckness, it's a perfect segue to say hi to Lizzi and talk about what you do,
Lizzi: Hi. So I help people get unstuck and I'm able to feel and sense What programs are coming up from this lifetime as well as past lifetimes as Stevie does and help understand how our brain, our mind, this computer that we have to work with is meant to look back [00:05:00] and assess the future.
And yet it doesn't do a great job at actually predicting the future. It's just planning on how to keep ourselves safe as we move forward based on past experiences. The challenge here is that we're still running on really early childhood programming. And so I help my clients clear some of that up, upgrade the software, as I like to call it, so that they can move forward.
So by looking at the triggers and the programs of our childhood, they can And past lives were then able to take an adult perspective to it and really start looking at it from a fresh view, which once we change what we believe changes the reality that we see in front of us. So we are really able to get unstuck by looking at some of the shadow and looking at some of the darkness that we were programmed with, acknowledging and really, truly honoring that it came from a place of trying to keep us safe.
And then letting it go so that we can move forward.
Robyn: I also want to just bring up, because we Use the word energy already a bunch and [00:06:00] just starting this conversation and when we talk about energy, for those who aren't super familiar with what that means, when we talk about it from an astrological perspective, when we talk about it within our actual own beings, what do we mean?
Lizzi: So my favorite example is 100 percent of us have walked into a room with someone having their back to us and known either something bad happened or they're in a bad mood or we can feel, we can sense that something is going on before we see their face or they speak. That's us reading the energy. And I think what most practitioners like Stevie and I have done is gotten quiet enough to put words to that feeling that we're all feeling.
It's not that I'm feeling something or Karen, you guys don't feel. It's just that I'm able to put words to certain things. Based on what I'm sensing and feeling and Stevie, I don't want to speak for you there.
Stevie: I love that example. That's a great example. And I always think about it in terms of the energy's always moving.
And so we have our [00:07:00] own energy based on our beliefs and history and soul essence and so many things go into that. So we bring our energy to the table and we affect other people's. It's just, you can't see it, right? And then the planets bring in new energy. They're literally like beaming energy down into us.
as the cycles move through us, the energy shifts and changes based on who's more prominent. And most of the time it's like multiple at the same time
Robyn: that we're feeling totally. And what you even said in the beginning to the earth has energy and we don't typically acknowledge the earth has energy, but she does, and
Karen: I think the fascinating thing about this conversation too, is I'm sitting here going, I really never thought about my own stuck energy or energy that I might have within myself, being at all connected to astrology that's why I love that we're having this conversation. How do you see astrology and energy working together?
Stevie: So I would say that there's moments in time where. certain planets will bring up different energy. So say, for example, if we have [00:08:00] Saturn coming into the surface and he's going to bring this constrictive energy, he's going to bring our karma to the surface, he's going to be like, Hey, it's time take responsibility.
And so it's going to affect that part of you, that frequency in you, basically, that will come to the surface, and it can be a time where you can move. That energy. Does that make sense? And every planet has different energy.
Lizzi: So in my work, the way that shows up and by the way, for everybody listening, I'm as new to astrology as you are.
If someone says, where is this thing in your chart? I don't know what anybody is saying either, which is why I do sessions with Stevie. The way that it impacts the work that I'm doing is Certain triggers will come up and in a 3D perspective and like a normal day to day life perspective, we create a story around it like my mom said this.
I got mad because of this and this. And then I'll talk to Stevie and she's also this planet is bringing in this energy. And that was what prompted. your mom to bring this thing to light so that you could address it. So it feels a little bit [00:09:00] like there's karma, there's divine timing happening.
There's almost like a divine map that Stevie is looking at and reading. And as Stevie is doing that, I'm weeding. The triggers out Oh, now we get to look at this piece. And it's not to me, it's not about ever being done. There's not necessarily a finish line. It's just where we are as far as like cooking the meal.
Stevie: Yeah. It's like things come to the surface as they need to. And it's up to us to choose. Do we want to weed through that or not? I like that analogy. Lizzi.
Karen: We talk a lot about like how even moon energy can impact us and how we can to be on the field a lot more when the moon is full.
And so to your point, Lizzi, like , what am I feeling and why am I feeling it is where are you coming in and then how do I let go maybe of some of those triggers.
Lizzi: Yeah. The, how the tangible tool of okay, so now what?
Robyn: Yes. Yeah, and to me it's like peeling back the layers, right?
So the more that comes up that you remove, the lighter you begin to feel. And yet, there's still [00:10:00] more bubbling. does change, your energy, hopefully, you begin to feel More yourself, able to really get to that core of your essence.
Lizzi: And I think a big part of this, if we talk about the intention behind all of this work is to help ourselves. Like I started on this journey to help myself and then learn how to do it for others. But for me, it was about learning how to come home. Like all the different whack a mole triggers that come up in the world, I can't get everyone to say what I want, how I want them to say it to me.
But if I can change the way I'm responding to the comments or to the world not behaving exactly as I want it to behave, then I can hold my peace and stay centered in the now as much as I humanly can. And that to me is the work, When we say I'm doing my work is how do I keep my state of peace?
In the whole essence of law of attraction that if I keep my piece more peaceful come and my goal is to be content here. So if I want to be content and I need to hold my piece, I need to stop getting triggered by all these things [00:11:00] around me. And now the planets are messing with me too. So how do I use this?
Robyn: to my
Lizzi: advantage.
Robyn: And I was actually reflecting on this. knowing that we were doing this upcoming workshop. And I was thinking about how, when I look back 10 years ago, 15 years ago, when I wasn't doing all of this work, how different I would respond and actually operate on a daily basis.
And I have to say, that I now operate at a very even place. It really takes a lot to rattle me. And then when I do get rattled, cause we all do, that is the human part of being here, I'm able to reground myself much quicker than I ever was before. And it's almost like that just is my constant.
And that's what I wish for everybody to have that.
Lizzi: To me, the win of all of this work is the recovery time happens quicker. It's not that we're not going to get triggered.
Stevie: You're
Lizzi: going to get triggered.
You're going to cry. You're going to lose your shit. But to me, when I can recover after a day [00:12:00] versus two weeks, that's a huge win because I'm spending only one day. In that negative place or the challenging place, which law of attraction is going to give me more of versus two weeks of hitting the, I don't like this.
I don't like this. I don't like this,
Karen: What I love about what Stevie does too, is in giving us this map, Of where we've come from in a past life, but actually what we're here to do. And then you can layer on Lizzi all those triggers. It's like they definitely work together because you're here to learn patience or to mend that relationship with your mother, like all the things that are the triggers are already mapped out for you in your chart and what you're here to learn in the first place.
So if you can overlay those experiences like, oh yeah, that's what I'm here to learn. Oh, yes, that based on my astrology, that's part of, my challenge in this lifetime. Yeah. To your point, It gives you that recognition of Oh, that's what that is, instead of it being done like to you, it's the for you experience.
Robyn: Totally. Yes, it is that validation. Speaking of, can we give everybody [00:13:00] listening or watching an example? Sure.
Stevie: One huge part of our chart, That really signifies where we're going to be triggered and where we have massive trauma from past lifetimes, especially I've really found that my clients is the asteroid named Chiron, and he's in between Saturn and Uranus, and he has a weird orbit.
But his energy is like a key in our map to not only where we've been so wounded and abandoned and broken. pained, but also where we have these keys for other people and where we can heal. We have to heal ourselves first, right? And we do this through our whole lives. And then we have keys for other people based on whatever it is that we've healed in ourselves to help others.
So everyone is a healer, right? Everyone has these keys in their chart. And Chiron really is the signifier of the places in which we can feel really stuck and really helpless. But when we work with it, it's the most unbelievable gift that we have. Like it turns, whatever that saying is where like the hardest place becomes the [00:14:00] most magic, the most gift that you actually carry, that's Chiron in the chart.
Robyn: And I think most people have not heard of Chiron, by the way. So I love that we're using Chiron.
Karen: I definitely want to go look at my chart right now to remember where it is.
Lizzi: So from my point of view and my work, The edits, the energy edits that we would do around that. And just to fill you in an energy edit is where we do a little, almost like a mini meditation, like a guided meditation, where we go back to find where it was programmed. So we're not treating the symptom of it.
We're treating the cause so that we can see where Let's say, six year old Lizzi first experienced these negative experiences. And then as a brilliant little girl that I was programmed to try to not have that happen again. And so as an adult, looking back on that, I can then change the way I'm responding to it.
And so I call that an edit and the edits that I would Chiron are either side of the fear of getting hurt. So in this example, the fear of getting hurt It could be as I don't want to say mundane because it's not as a little [00:15:00] kid, but as simple as not being picked on the playground in recess, or not being asked to sit with the friends that you thought you were friends with, or having a parent be too busy to pay attention to what you're doing right at that moment, and not having The awareness of, oh, I thought we were all in, I didn't realize you were going to respond that way.
Therefore, I can't trust me and the way that I show up in the world because I thought we were good to go. So I'm going to hold back a little bit. And it gives us almost like a leash. Of pulling ourselves back in order to not get hurt. And that energy of retracting is going to impact everywhere that we show up.
And this is how Chiron is showing up for us on the flip side of that is the fear of hurting others. And there might've been just like mom might not have meant to ignore me in that moment. I probably didn't mean to hurt the people that I hurt. Whether it was as a little kid or I saw someone get hurt.
So the fear of hurting others is equally as intense. And so by [00:16:00] clearing both of them out. It's like we're clearing both sides of the door so that the door can sway again because it's unintentional and when we forgive ourselves, we forgive others. And when we forgive others, we forgive ourselves. So it needs to happen in both.
Robyn: And I would say for those listening right now or watching that even when you are bringing up the what those are. and if we were to say, think about when you were a little kid, there are certain images that come up for you that you might not have thought of. However, many years, and or maybe there's some more recent ones, because sometimes it is easier to start more recent and work your way back.
But yeah, even listening to you, I had certain images come up that I haven't thought about in years, right? So you are actually really intentional about doing the work. It's unbelievable. you may think you won't remember anything, but you will and that's the beauty of working with the two of you is that you are able to help people get to where they need to in order to [00:17:00] release.
Lizzi: I have a lot of clients who say that they can't remember their childhood or they don't have a lot of memories from childhood. And in this work, we are creating space for you to present that again, because the not remembering is a safety mechanism. Yes. And so Stevie really helped me in my sessions, understand how my chart was impacting what I was remembering and what I was choosing not to and uncovering that.
And then when I went back and did edits around some of these things, new information was coming through and it comes through. I really had to learn this to trust the right info is coming up and clearing at the right time. So I also want to say for those listening who are like I don't remember anything, so this isn't going to work.
It will.
Karen: just say, I was the poster child for, I had the perfect childhood and my childhood was great. However, that doesn't mean you're not getting dinged along the way and these things like it's stuck and they're in a drawer that until you really do that walk back in time, you don't realize or you justified it in such a way.
It's oh, it's not that big of a deal. But when you literally go back and [00:18:00] sit in that little girl mentality. It totally changes the perspective. So I just want to add that because I was the biggest doubter of all that this could work or help in any way. And it really does.
Stevie: Yeah, I think Chiron too, like we, we look at him as the places in where we feel abandoned, but then we start, like Lizzi said, we'll start to abandon ourselves, Because the belief starts to get stuck. So then we'll start abandoning that. And then when we feel it from another person, we get super triggered by it because there's this like deep seated wound.
And I find too, when working with clients, like these wounds go back way back in lifetimes. Yeah. Thanks. And so they're like themes almost. And then they play out in this life in a certain way through like a parent or like you said on the playground or however we are attracting that wound to be healed.
But they're really, the root is like we've carried them in this trauma essentially from past lifetimes. So they're really big pieces of us that can be very healed and then used to help other people too.
Lizzi: I just want to add in here. I've had some clients share with me almost like a trepidation to clearing some of [00:19:00] this.
Because it feels either I'm okay with the way things are, or I'm more okay with the way things are. And I'm not so sure what's going to happen if I let that go. And so I would like to add the work that we're doing is about slowly and Gently releasing these things so that your nervous system and your fight or flight response still knows I'm okay.
So this isn't about Ripping off the wound and then leaving you exposed, it's really more about helping your thinking mind work with it so that it can help you move forward so that you feel freer from all those limitations.
Nothing: So it
Lizzi: really is about feeling free and light and breezy and rolling with the punches better and less about let me dig up all of that old garbage that I went through as a kid, which is going to be so gnarly.
It's not as gnarly as it sounds.
Stevie: It's the awareness too, right? Like just the awareness of it.
Karen: Yeah. What you've helped me do, Lizzi, in that sense too, is you've always used this example. It's if you have a mother in law that drives you crazy, it doesn't mean You're going to divorce your mother in law. She's still going to be in your life. However, if you [00:20:00] can really recognize the source of that irritation and where it came from, you can at least say, Oh, nope, that's what that is. And even in that moment, it gives you more tools and more ways of dealing with that experience.
Lizzi: yeah, this is about giving you tools. Not opening wounds.
Robyn: And there's this synergy in, what we're talking about in what Chiron represents in your chart and how you can take your power back in many ways
Lizzi: so someone who doesn't understand the nitty gritty of astrology.
I've actually always shied away from it because most astrology readings that I have are so filled with. This planet is conjunct that one and all of the details of what happens and what Stevie is brilliant at is just telling you how it impacts you. So not about what's happening. She'll maybe give me a little bit of that knowing that it's going over my head, but I think Stevie is hoping some of it will stick for me, but really she's giving me like She's okay, this is what's happening in your chart. So you want to look at this on these dates in this way, and be aware that [00:21:00] this type of trigger might come up and here's how you can look at it differently and use it differently. So it's so tangible and actionable that it feels like I'm suddenly given this empowered space of, okay, shit might hit the fan on this day.
Just play with it and dance with it and it's not going to knock me up out of nowhere. I'm going to be able to giggle oh yeah, Stevie said this might happen.
Karen: Yeah. So it feels more empowering. Like a weather forecaster.
Robyn: Yeah. It's true.
and it speaks to why we're doing this now, We're starting this work also to harness the energy because there is a lot to be said about. The autumn equinox and this time of year. It's the perfect time when we talked about that. We're going into more of that darkness and that shadow work, which we'll talk more about what shadow is and all of that in the workshop.
Because people may be like, what are you talking about? going to answer that all when we get to the workshop. So let's talk about what are we going to cover on September 22nd.
Stevie: So from an [00:22:00] astrological lens, we're going to learn about Chiron and our wounds and how we are a healer in that sense. We're going to learn about Saturn and our karma. And that's really where the fears and the stuckness happens. We're also going to learn about the South node and in astrology, that's really a signifier of what we came in with.
it's like our comfort zone. Where things feel safe, but when we stay in that south node, we don't feel alive. We feel very stuck. And it's not really the place in which we want to hang out for too long, but we do want to remember that part of us. We want to honor all these placements.
And then the last one we're going to talk about is Pluto, and he's very much the shadow in astrology. So he's where we lose our power, where we're manipulated, where we take other people's power. And he really signifies this part of us that wants to transform in this life.
And in order to do we have to face the shadow with him. So you'll learn Basically what all of those planets mean and how you can work with them to become unstuck and to really honor your darkness, your shadow, and what that is. And you're going to show people how to look up [00:23:00] their chart too.
Lizzi: So we really, because I know so little about astrology. I'm going to be one of the students in the workshop with you guys, where as Stevie's talking about this and she's done this for me, but I'm still like, Oh, I want to know where mine is.
I need to remember where mine is. So then what I'm going to come in and do is show you what the top. Edits are of how to clear some of the stuff up. So Stevie is going to show us how to find it. And I'm going to show you how to clean it and the duo of that. So Stevie is giving us the awareness and then I'm going to show us where it was created, how it was programmed, how it was stored for you, how it might be showing up for you.
Karen: I am so excited about this. I've had my astrology done multiple times and I still forget the meaning of all these planets and the impact. It's like almost this subconscious impact that it's having on day to day life. And then how to work with them.
Robyn: yeah, how to work with them and how to release this energy.
That is holding us back and it's the perfect time to do it and I just love also [00:24:00] when we talk about these different planets. And the asteroid Chiron. . And , giving them those personalities, I think also it ends up helping to make it stick.
So you have that, and then you have Lizzi bringing all of this energy that will end up formulating for you into memories. And whether those memories come to you in a vision or a feeling. You're gonna feel it. We've done this work now for quite some time. We can tell you even if You don't think you can do it.
You can do it. And the goal is to help you as you move forward. Get into the winter and beyond you go forward, knowing more of yourself, being able to handle those triggers easier. and being ready to see what else is to come.
Karen: I think so many of us get to this time of year to and we're like, Oh, started out January so great.
It's going to do all this work and maybe I didn't get around to a lot of it. And so in this sort of frame of mind of closing out the year, even if we can just walk out of it, we're [00:25:00] recognizing those places where we might be stuck or might have opportunities to grow even more. It's just such a good way to arm ourselves as we're going into a brand new year.
It's getting to know ourselves better and why we feel the way we do about certain things. So I just think the timing is really great.
Robyn: Yeah, one I like to also think about, and I see this help me in this way, I'm thinking about the year differently, actually, and really looking at it more from the seasons rather than this calendar year that we are all accustomed to.
There is the reality of that. So I think that there's some significance to that and starting to think about it just differently. So to me, it's like you think about this fall and autumn equinox, which then we have the winter solstice, which is something else I'm sure we'll all talk about when it's closer to that time, but then really then leading to that spring equinox and where it'll be really interesting for us.
to revisit where we are from that fall equinox to the spring equinox, having done this work. So I think it's all this journey that we get to be on together and to start to think [00:26:00] about things differently because you can now you have the knowledge, prior to all working together, , I didn't have this knowledge.
I wasn't thinking about, I was thinking about the year and the way it was just served up to me. And I think the whole idea of why we do Seeking Center is so that we give you a different perspective and . And then you are different.
And for me, I think it's an upgrade for me, big time, . So I'm just grateful to you all and I'm excited for this workshop on September 22nd. Me too. Yeah. I
Lizzi: think our intention here is to really give you tangible tools to feel a little more empowered as some triggers come up.
To give you something to do with it, understand it a little bit differently and to not get so bogged down in the feeling of this is happening to me.
Lizzi: And really feeling how this is happening for you. You're working through something, you're clearing a piece out. We're going to clean out that closet with you and then you're going to move on to the next.
Robyn: Yeah. And you're going to understand astrology and how energy work together.
Karen: Yeah.
Robyn: Who knew? So you can sign up for the one hour workshop, which will be on Sunday, September [00:27:00] 22nd at 5 p.
m. Eastern at the seeking center. com slash workshop. We'll also have the link in our show notes and on our socials. we can't wait to see you there. Thank you.