Seeking Center: The Podcast
Hosts Robyn Miller Brecker and Karen Loenser are doing the research, having the conversations and weeding through the spiritual + holistic clutter for you. They'll be boiling it down to what you need to know now. They are all about total wellness, which means building a healthy life on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
They'll be talking to the trailblazers who will introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life.
So meet the mediums, the shamans, the wellness experts and astrologers…bring in the sage, the psychedelics, the intentions and the latest green juice. Robyn and Karen will “seekify” your journey with quick, magical soulful nuggets to nourish your own seeking adventure.
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Seeking Center: The Podcast
Harnessing Virgo Energy Through Astrology & Numerology - Episode 125
Virgo 2024 Season is almost upon us! We're diving into the significant impacts of Virgo season with insights from astrologer Stevie Calista and numerologist Akashic Bec. Covering dates from August 22 to September 22, we're talking about how the energy shift encourages routines, productivity, and self-improvement. Plus, the effects of Mercury retrograde and Virgo's placement in the zodiac.
From a numerological perspective, get the scoop on the culmination of the year's energies in September, self-empowerment, and the importance of organizing one’s environment. You don't want to miss this practical advice on navigating the season's unique blend of astrology and numerology to maximize your personal growth and alignment.
- Visit steviecalista.com to find out about Stevie's latest offerings.
- Follow Stevie on Instagram @farmhousemoon
- Visit akashicbec.com to find about Bec's latest offerings.
- Follow Bec on Instagram @akashic_bec
- Listen to Stevie + Bec's on Episode 124 -Lions Gate Portal: What You Need to Know
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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.
Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.
Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. Virgo season is upon us, and even if you're not a Virgo, the energy of the season impacts you.
We wanted to dig into both the astrology and the numerology of it so that you can use this energy to its fullest. So we have astrologer, Stevie Calista, [00:01:00] as well as Numerologist and Akashic Records reader Akashic Bec here to give us all of the information that we need to know. Let's talk Virgo season.
We have the experts in the room. do. We need to know information. Yeah. What are the basics? Let's just start, when does it start? When does it end?
Stevie: So Virgo season starts August 23rd through September 22nd. It's the season just before the autumn equinox. So it's the last one in that series.
And Virgo is Earth. And so Virgo season is all about getting back to our routines, right? It's back to school. It's just fascinating. I always found that best. I know. And
Robyn: We always talk to you right around that and you reminder,
Stevie: yeah, after Leo season being like playful and fire and creative and just summer energy, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo season really signifies a time where we get back to our routines, which is Virgo energy in the first place. So Virgo season means the sun moves into Virgo on the August 22nd.
And the archetype of Virgo is very [00:02:00] interested in perfecting things. So making things better, organizing, being productive, being of service. If you have a lot of Virgo in your chart or you have a Virgo son, I'm sure you'll have this energy around being able to go into a space and see what needs to be done to make it better.
And so that comes with the season of getting back to what is healthy for you, what is right for you, cleaning out your closets, feeling like you're being productive or of service in some way and we all get into that energy during that period of time, so you can get a lot done during Virgo season.
Most Virgo seasons, this one's not the same as most, but. Thanks. We can talk about that later.
Karen: Oh, maybe we should talk about that now. Yeah!
Stevie: So this one, we have a Mercury retrograde during it. At least at the beginning of it. So that really means that Mercury retro will be retrograde in Virgo and Leo from August 5th through the 29th.
And so the beginning part of Virgo season is this slow to move energy. So if it's slow to move into your routines or you [00:03:00] feel a little bit stagnant, that's probably why and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. So the Mercury cycle is really important in this season. Oh,
Robyn: wow. that's not going to be fun
Karen: it immediately feels energetically, like things . Slow down. automatically feel when we come out of Leo season and summer and light and fun, and then all of a sudden it's like back to responsibility that's what it feels like energetically.
Stevie: It probably will feel like that for you.
Karen: But then you add the mercury retrograde to it. That's going to add a lot more weight to it.
Stevie: Totally. It will, but it's just the beginning. So as we move through Virgo season, mercury will start to but it's just a little bit different of a season than normal, let's say
Robyn: one to start school, especially those with kids or those in school right now.
I'm watching this. That's just tough. I feel like. great information to have, so like knowing that going into it, trying to just be patient and know that's on purpose. There's a reason for that this year at least.
Stevie: Yeah. And it might be that you need to rethink your [00:04:00] routines. Like maybe what used to work for you no longer works for you.
Karen: And Stevie, if you are a Virgo, does this compound the energy even more if it's your sun sign, are you going to feel the impact even more?
Stevie: Probably , somewhat. If you're a Virgo, it means you're having your birthday, your solar return, the sun comes back to itself during your birthday. And so it's a little bit of a homecoming moment for you. You probably will feel it more, but a lot of people, like for me, I'm a Taurus during Taurus season, I feel like I'm at home.
As soon as the sun moves into Taurus, I'm like, oh, thank God, I'm back. .
Robyn: So let's talk about this from a numerology standpoint.
Akashic Bec: So we look at the universal month energy now, and I wanted to just, Prefaces we were talking about how things you feel like things slow down around September and in Virgo season, and there might be a reason for that numerologically.
That's because, September is the ninth month of the year and nine is a culmination. It's the end of the number line. And so things do start to [00:05:00] slow down, people might feel a little more reflective, they might be. Just getting their plans ready, and there's also this aspect of how in September, the, I guess the influence, you could say, of the Universal Year Energies start to wane.
They start slowly making their way out, because there's no definitive line, so we're going to start feeling 2025 energies coming in, in September, and we're going to start to lose the momentum of that year. August was like. The peak, not just the Lions Gate, but the peak of that energy.
It's right there towards the middle of the year. And it's it's impact has already hit. And so now we're going to start to feel the momentum shift in that way. Wow. If that makes sense.
Karen: It does. It's a school year analogy, right? You're starting a new school year. So you are really ahead to the next year versus looking behind.
So that totally makes sense. [00:06:00]
Akashic Bec: Exactly. Yes. And so as far as seasons, since I'm not talking about Virgo season or Leo season, I look at the universal months and the impact that has Those numbers have on the season. So August was a 16, seven universal month.
And that is a very intense number. , it's a karmic debt number, and there are a lot of lessons, a lot of wisdom gained throughout the month of August because of this that is very highlighted there could also be. Aspects of, our ancestral roots, and things like that starting to take shape.
And then we move into September 2024, which is going to be a 17 8 universal month. In September, the universal month is always going to match the universal year, because everything added to 9 in mathematics equals itself. We're also going to see themes of this 8. Universal year playing out throughout September.
Now 17. 8 is [00:07:00] not a karmic debt number. It's actually a very auspicious number and 17 represents self. actualization, self wisdom, like applied knowledge and skill. And then we have eight, which represents abundance. It represents the structures in our life. It has a lot of Satorian themes as a nod to Stevie, we talk about like how they work together, how they correspond.
And so in virgo Season, we see this beautiful seven and eight energy that we started to see last month. So I feel like there's going to be themes around self empowerment. We're going to start to see reflecting on our past, we have this nine energy of the September reflecting on our past and then applying it using that applied knowledge that applied skill for the betterment, for the growth and expansion of the self moving into this Virgo season because as she mentioned, Virgo season is all about trying to make things better, right? Trying to improve what's already there. And so we have this [00:08:00] beautiful closure energy starting to happen, but we also are Still having this continuation of momentum and energy with this eight universal month, so it's not done with us.
It's still here. It's still letting us know hey, the year's not over yet. And we're not totally winding down. But we want to make sure that you got the lessons from, the last eight months, and then applying it now because you've got a few more months to go before you move into a new year.
Karen: So in terms of working with that energy in that month what do you both recommend? Are there specifics, like I know we've said in August at the Lionsgate timeframe, working on relationships our marriages, our family, that was a very big time for that.
How does that apply in Virgo season? So I would say that anything you could do like self improvement and we were talking about school starting, it would be a really great time in both August or September to take a class. Or go [00:09:00] back to school yourself, if you want to finish your degree, or something like that.
Akashic Bec: If there's something that you really wanted and felt called to learn, I feel like following that urge. And maybe even starting a project. So eight is a very big about projects, right? And I would say moving forward with a project anything you can do to boost your knowledge, boost your skill set and actually go out into the world instead of having hesitation, instead of, hiding behind fear, instead of hiding behind perceived limitations and limiting beliefs, like moving forward on those things.
And as far as like a spiritual practice, maybe that you could apply for this time I would say maybe clean or sage your home or your sacred space. I think about Virgo, right? Virgo's very much But A is also very much like Virgo in that, it likes things to be a certain way.
It likes things to be cohesive, and it's like a bigger perspective all the moving parts. So maybe not [00:10:00] just your home or your sacred space, but your office, if you spend a lot of time in your vehicle, your car, getting those things organized and straight because it helps you think better, right?
It helps you go into things with a clean slate and a clear palette. I also think of maybe connecting with the divine feminine aspects, as a nod to Virgo. And maybe practicing forgiveness, maybe also connecting with the body connecting with yourself, maybe through meditation, the higher mind, if you think about the eighth chakra, it's like right above the head, connecting with the higher self connecting with your intuition.
Robyn: Those are a lot. Yeah. , it's a great reminder for people to clear the energy in all of those important places in their lives. So I love that reminder, especially as you're getting back into a routine. And I think Stevie, as you were talking about when it comes to routine, it's maybe question your routine, really look at it.
Is that working for you as you get back in it? Are there adjustments that you can make to make it better?
[00:11:00] Stevie, any specific days Within that Virgo season that people should pay attention to an addition to the mercury retrograde.
Stevie: Yeah, there's a few.
It's fascinating to hearing the numerology back because it's so in alignment with. The way that the energy is playing out during Virgo season, which isn't the same every year. As the numerology changes to somewhat, so we have a new moon on the second 11 degrees of Virgo and this one's opposite Saturn, which is so funny because you're talking about Saturn's energy, which is totally when you have the new moon.
It's sun and moon and Virgo. There's a lot of Virgo energy with that and if it's opposite Saturn, there's something about how can you take responsibility for yourself in a new way? And this really makes me think about I see an image of sweeping the energy out of your house, but physically sweeping energy into how do you bring the physical and the spiritual together?
How do you make your physical really sacred by clearing the energy itself. Because physical items really store it, just [00:12:00] like our bodies really store the energy. So that time is such a good time to think about those things and like where you can really take responsibility for what is working and what is not working in your life and do something about it.
Virgo doesn't stand still. They're the one in the corner that's I can't just stand here. I have to start helping. I have to. be productive. I have to help put up stuff, so this is really a time where you want to think about that stuff. And Virgo season, actually this year we go back into eclipse season with Virgo season.
Oh, really? Yeah. So on the 17th, we have a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces. And so that's a full moon. So sun is going to be in Virgo and moon will be in Pisces. And that really is completely around the same topics of balancing your doing and your productivity and the being and the intuition and just the living part of things and how do you balance out these two.
The thing about Virgo that you want to remember is that it's probably the most critical sign only because it can take. Anything, it can look [00:13:00] at anything and see how it can be bettered.
Stevie: And so if you have a lot of Virgo you can instantly know how things should operate better, how things should be better organized.
Why didn't we take a right turn? Cause we took a right turn. It would have saved two minutes and then we wouldn't have hit this stop sign and you cannot avoid this. energy. And so whether you have that or not in your chart, you're going to be in this frequency more during the season. So watch out for criticism because during Virgo season, we're all more critical.
And we're really critical of ourselves, but that bleeds over into other people as to why they're doing what they're doing and should be better and they're not perfect. And so a lot of the inner critic voices come up during this season. And I think that eclipse is going to highlight that.
A great deal. And it's actually an opportunity to clear some of that away. And I don't know why, but I'm hearing it's also very ancestral for us, criticism. It is for me anyway. So I'm saying like a lot of the generations before us have come and they were had really high standards set for them.
So a lot of our inner critic comes [00:14:00] from our ancestors. if this lunar eclipse feels a moment where we can do some healing with that.
Robyn: That's really helpful to know. And considering that I'll be September 17, you'll have been in this energy for quite some time. You'll have really begun those routines too.
So to me, there's a lot of releasing and. Acknowledging of maybe what was working. What's not, so on that deeper level of the ancestral level, but there's also the, what was, or wasn't working for you in general and releasing that around that time too.
Stevie: Yeah.
And how do you balance taking responsibility and doing something versus also letting things just be like surrendering to what is, and that feeling of. Pisces, which is like forgiveness and compassion ,
Robyn: and Bec, you brought that up, that forgiveness part too.
Akashic Bec: Yeah. nine embraces, the concept of surrender, and forgiveness. It's like you've done it all and you've lived your life and you've made mistakes and, [00:15:00] it's giving yourself that grace at the end of the day.
Robyn: That's really cool.
And I love the way that you personify the numbers. I got used to that from Stevie with the planets and the stars and how you personify them for all of us. And I love hearing this back from you and how you personify the numbers.
It's really cool.
Stevie: You should dress up as them and make videos. What would a one wear? How would they talk?
Akashic Bec: Yeah,
Robyn: I think that the TikTok series that is to come. I
Stevie: think you would be so funny doing that. I feel so
Akashic Bec: good. The one would probably be naked, so I don't know if I want to do that.
Stevie: You could censor yourself.
Akashic Bec: just wear black boxes. That's right.
Karen: What I love what you both have done is really underscore what people are already feeling anyway, even seasonally with both astrology and numerology. It's we all feel the energy of the shift and the change. And just knowing that's out there and the influence that it has on our day to day is so helpful.
the, you're not, I'm not crazy. It's not just [00:16:00] me.
Robyn: so true.
Karen: Yeah. This is rolling. So it's really helpful. , anything else that we should be mindful of for Virgo that we haven't asked?
Stevie: The only thing that I would say is that On the first, retrograde, and on the second, Pluto moves back into Capricorn, so the very beginning of the month of September is pretty electric, let's say, because when you have Uranus stationing the week before and the week after the first is definitely a time where you're gonna feel the shake of change.
And needing to live more authentically, needing freedom, Uranus is my favorite because he wants to just shake the hell out of us to make the change that is necessary for us to make and we know it and sometimes he shoves us into it. So when he stations, we feel this energy, right?
And so Don't forget to ground, ground the first week. This is energy so electrical. I personally love it, but some people are really alarmed by it. You can definitely expect the unexpected during that period of time. All the election stuff that went down Uranus and Mars were [00:17:00] together, right?
So Mars triggered Uranus. So that's what I mean, like unexpected things can happen. And then Pluto moving back into Capricorn, just an overarching theme there. This is the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn for 248 years. And. This is really where he is doing his last business with breaking down the systems and structures that we've lived in for our whole lives.
And so I just want to say if things are crumbling in front of you, let them and even this Virgo energy that we've been speaking about this is a time to really seed in your heart what you want the collective consciousness and what you want our future to be, right? We're all creating it together.
And so this Virgo season says, okay, what are we going to do about it? How do we take responsibility for it? But I just want to say overall this year, this is a time where we want to let go of like the two party system. We want to let go of the structures and the patriarchy. None of these things work for us.
And I've been saying this for so long, but this is really actually where we start seeing it. We start seeing [00:18:00] the crumble.
Robyn: Everyone's seeing it, no matter what you believe. And it's just, you can't not see it. You can't not feel it.
Stevie: And I want to say too, like I've been speaking to a few of my friends who are scared by it, which I totally understand because it's all you've known.
But this is really where humanity gets to take the lead and we get to unify and figure out what it is that we want our systems and structures to be. That will come. But right now the crumble has to be there first so that, these systems and structures, we don't, they're not good for us. They don't, they never been.
So we're going to see that this fall.
Robyn: And I think again, we're not trying to put out any fear around it. It's about embracing and going the flow and the energies that actually you can't even see that are supporting all of this right now.
They're literally like energetically, whether it's numerically, whether it's astrologically, there's so much support. And humanity is ready. We've got this. So it's looking at it from that perspective in that view.
Stevie: Yeah, no matter what we're heading [00:19:00] to, we're heading through a time in the universe where there's more light.
And so I think has to be cleared away. And on the other side, it's like giving birth or on the other side, you get a baby. On the other side, we actually get something from this. Yes. And we can all know that the astrology supports that we get to be unified, which is so exciting.
Robyn: And there you go.
Exactly. And I always love to remind people in my belief, we chose to be here right now. Our souls. chose to incarnate in these bodies at this time for a reason. And so we're meant to be part of this unification and whatever that's going to look like. And we're going to keep talking about it. So it's exciting.
So thank you.
Karen: And thank you both for giving us that roadmap. I think that's what I really feel every time we have these conversations. It's not any absolutes, it's not any must, it's just about how The universe is really working and the more we can understand that and utilize the energy for good for ourselves and for each [00:20:00] other, then we're all better for it.
So love it. love the things you've given us to do. I think just to harness all of that light and energy and we can get through this together. But I think you guys have given us a roadmap to really understanding how to best do that. So thank you. Always.
Robyn: Thank you. And for those watching, if you didn't watch our video on Lion's Gate, recommend you do that.
Even though this starts end of August, there's a lot more about August in general in that video. And you can find out more about Akashic Bec and Stevie in our notes below. So thank you.