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Seeking Center: The Podcast
BONUS EPISODE - 8/8/2024 - Lion's Gate Portal: What You Need to Know - Episode 123
Many of you may have heard of Lions Gate. And for those that haven't, we're excited to introduce you to the concept. We know it, especially because it also happens to fall on Karen's birthday, which is this Thursday, August 8th, or 8/8. And while we know of it, we don't totally know the meaning and why it's such a powerful time. So we talked to astrologer Stevie Calista, as well as numerologist and Akashic Records reader Akashic Bec to give us all of the information that we need to know -- and some of it may surprise you.
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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.
Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.
Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. Many of you may have heard of Lionsgate. And for those that haven't, we're excited to introduce you to the concept. We know it, especially because it also happens to fall on Karen's birthday, which is August 8th, or 8 8. [00:01:00] And while we know of it, we don't totally know the meaning and why it's such a powerful day.
So we have astrologer Stevie Calista as well as numerologist and Akashic Records reader Akashic Beck here to give us all of the information that we need to know.
Karen: I'm so excited to hear this one because I, even as somebody who's been around as long as me with a birthdate on this date, I really don't know the full insight into Lionsgate.
Robyn: what is it in astrology? And then we'll go to numerology
Stevie: yeah. So Lionsgate is technically on August 8th. That's what people say but it's actually, it's more like the end of July into the middle of August, this energy that we're talking about. So it actually, some people say the 27th of July.
But it's like a, how energy just like peaks and then goes back down. It's one of those situations. So it's during Leo season, which is the lion part and Leo season is fire. And it's all about our heart, our self expression, really getting into who we are. And. shining our light very [00:02:00] brightly.
So this season and in the northern hemisphere, this is there's a lot of light happening right now, right? So this is definitely like portal of time where we're celebrating the light. The sun is ruled by Leo. This is all about the sun's energy. And then we have Sirius rising, so the sun is not meeting up with Sirius, Sirius is rising at different dates throughout the globe during this period of time, so it's coming up on the horizon at the morning, and it brings Sirius's energy really into the collective consciousness, which she's the brightest star In our galaxy. She's our sister's s also, she has Syrian energy. And for a lot of people, whether they know it or not, they probably had past lifetimes on Sirius. And so this star seed energy is just really potent right now. In the collective, it means that, this is a beautiful time for rebirth, a beautiful time for transformation.
This is a time when the Egyptians used to celebrate when the Nile used to flood. When Sirius was rising, the Nile would flood, and that [00:03:00] represented fertility for the land, for their crops. And so it's also connected to the goddess Isis, which again is transformation, Femininity, rebirth, fertility and so it's just, honestly energetically speaking, it's a time where there is a lot of potent, transformational awakening energy in the collective for us to feel and have, which can be a lot for people, right?
With this much light and energy coming through, it can bring up a lot of stuff for people.
Robyn: Definitely. I had no idea the tie was
Stevie: yeah.
Robyn: Wow. And I bet you most people don't know even of Sirius.
Stevie: Yeah, it's a very special time and the ancients used to really celebrate it.
Karen: Is Sirius always. With Lion's Gate? So it's always playing a part in the overall astrological. Correct. It's a
Stevie: fixed star, right?
So , we move. It does not. Got it.
Karen: All right. Now Yeah. A numerology perspective.
Akashic Bec: Sure. Before I can actually discuss the Lionsgate. numerology itself. I need to backfill a little bit and talk about the [00:04:00] universal month and the universal year that we're experiencing. So for anybody that's unfamiliar we are in an eight universal year. And so we already are coming into this beautiful eight energy, we're coming in with it, for this particular date.
So I think that was really exciting. But we're actually in a 16 7 universal month. When you take the corresponding number of the month and you add it to the year you take that sum and then you reduce it. So this year it's going to be 8 plus 8 is 16 and then you reduce it 1 plus 6 equals 7.
So we have to look at like all of the moving parts, like with how astrology does, you look at the different aspects of the planets and such. And that's what we do with numerology. So eight, it actually has a lot of Saturnian themes. If you want to correspond it to astrology, so there's Perseverance, determination behind this number, it's a very forward thinking, forward moving number it represents discipline, hard [00:05:00] work, but it also represents the rewards for that hard work, so abundance, manifestation eight is also the number of leadership, and So we're going to be probably, like this year is, I think it's no coincidence that we're in an election year number of eight, so we have a lot of themes going on around that.
So August is going to be a 16 7 universal month. So this is going to carry like a big karmic significance because 16 is actually what's called a karmic debt number and that sounds scary, but I don't want anybody to be afraid of it. It just means that there is an opportunity here to either reconcile a karmic debt, rebalance, set it back up right the way that things should be, we're already coming into this Lionsgate with some kind of heavy energy, but it's forcing us to look at things, and if you think about the sun, the sun is illuminating certain things for us.
So I think it's actually a really beautiful thing. That we have this number sequence. So if you look at [00:06:00] the seven aspect, which represents knowledge and wisdom and higher learning psychic abilities and things like that, potentially these things can be offered to us as that reward that I was talking about for all of our hard work, all of our clearing of our karmic debt.
And then on Lionsgate, of course, the peak is on 8 8, right? We have this beautiful number sequence, which is 8 We have numerology, we like to study sequences and patterns of these numbers. And whenever you have a sequence such as this, it happens all the time, but it's also rare at the same time, because for example, last year, 7 7 7, we had a 7 7 7 portal.
This year, it's 8 8 8. It's believed that these sequences actually open up portals of energy themselves, and Each number amplifies, especially if it's the same number. So with all of that information being about eight having it tripled like that is a clear sign of the potential of abundance and manifestation during this time, which is [00:07:00] typically what the landscape is known for.
But it can also go both ways. I'd say direct your thoughts, energy, and words towards something that could bring about massive positive changes. Also, take responsibility and ownership for the things in your life that maybe need to be corrected, need to be addressed anything that might be looming over you.
This is a really good time. To set things right and to move forward with maybe projects that have been waiting in the wings, maybe things that maybe you've been operating out of fear and it's time for you to not operate out of fear anymore, and move forward. But August 8th, we've looked at month and the year, let's look at the day.
So August 8th is actually going to be a 24 6 universal day. So August 8th is going to be a 24 6 universal day. which embodies things like relationships particularly with family and marriage. It can also represent children as well. So successful endeavors, good judgment and being one with nature.
So it has a lot of potential to be a beautiful number. And on the [00:08:00] shadow side of the six, we could have things like jealousy, manipulation, being vindictive. So these might be some things that you could clear out of your vocabulary things that can be healed during this l So be very careful how you choose to direct your energy and intentions on that day. But there's like a lot of energy around creating you have this like six, seven and eight energy which is also another sequence and that is big creation energy. This is like bringing big ideas to life.
This isn't small time. These are like numbers that uplift us as a collective as humanity. Wow, that's really feels very
Karen: exciting. I
Robyn: agree. And it's exciting on so many levels just and knowing that it actually is this period of time and not just the day. And then when you also just take the day and it makes me so happy that it's your birthday, Karen.
Karen: And I didn't know about the 888. So that part feels even more powerful. Can you guys talk [00:09:00] about what the idea of the portal is though?
Stevie: So if you think of us as energy bodies and earth as her own frequency, right? the planets are all frequency. All the timing is everything's a cycle. And so we're sitting here as energy bodies on earth being affected by earth's frequency and all the planets that are coming and shaping us.
You can think about it like, Patterns in geometry. Sometimes they're really jagged. Sometimes they're really open and abundant. Sometimes they feel really good. So we're all feeling all of these cycles all the time, And so a portal just essentially means that the light is brighter and that certain energy is beaming down onto us on earth and we feel it.
Essentially, so nothing really opens per se, but it's just window of time where the energy opens in a certain kind of way and there's different types of portals, right? There's eclipse portals and then there's these kind of portals that are much more here for us to expand and grow and awaken more in the way of becoming aware of our soul self.
That's what this is really [00:10:00] about where the veil kind of thins and the energy becomes stronger and we all feel it.
Robyn: And to the point that that portal is opened really for this extended time. It's not just on August 8th, right? I think that's important for people to know.
Cause I, personally was under the assumption that it was just that day.
It's actually starting, the end of July. And I was assumed then going for a bit of a time after August 8th, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stevie, , is there anything to add that people should know about some of the misconceptions.?
when it comes to what they may have heard about Lionsgate?
Stevie: Yeah, I think one of them we already addressed, which is that it's not just that day, It's not just Lionsgate, that is definitely a peak of it. And the numerology also Becomes more effective that day because it's 88. It's actually on the peak of it.
But the planetary portal energy really is just more dependent on when Sirius is rising for you, depending on where you are in the world. And because we had this new moon [00:11:00] and cancer that was conjunct Sirius, we're already in her energy anyway. And when sun and serious always come together right around July 4th, So that's the start of this kind of star seed portal energy where we all like at this uplift and I'm not saying uplift as it's all rainbows and sunshine because I think like Bec was saying this is transformative, which means you have to balance yourself out with the other shadow side of it.
But most of the misinformation can come from people saying that it's a it's a perfect alignment with certain planets and that's just not true. astronomically or astrologically correct. And I do, I have seen and it has irked me and I've worked on this within myself, just like some misinformation around it.
It used to really upset me because it was just people, it's almost like people were jumping on the bandwagon and just saying stuff. And I was like, that's not true. This is a really sacred time though, and it is a time where we're really being asked to Be illuminated in some areas of our lives.
So you will see people just talking and saying, this is alignment with [00:12:00] this or this and this. You just know that like the energy mostly is that Sirius is rising right now. That's the astrological significance and Sirius kissed the sun in early July. And Leo season plays a huge role in this which is ruled by the sun, As Karen, the sunny, shiny you that you are, like, this is a season where the sun is really, we want to get into the sun's rays these are upgrades for our DNA.
Karen: and I think it's really helpful all of the things that you've given us to tell us both sides of that which we need to be aware of.
There are opportunities for yes, leaning into the brightness and all of the positive notes of the sign, but also there are things that we can let go of and, As we always can, but it's a very powerful time to be able to do that. Is there anything else that we should be thinking about and how best to use the energy of that particular time frame?
Robyn: Any rituals that would suggest,
Akashic Bec: Yeah, don't mind sharing. One of the ways I feel like you can. Prepare for Lionsgate is since eight is the number of, like I said, abundance, it's [00:13:00] very much tied to our finances and financial structures and things like that.
I personally would create a money bowl. . And this could be, I don't think everybody has an altar, but you can create a money bowl for yourself. And there's a million different ways that you can create these things. A lot of people, they might put salt in it.
They might put different herbs. They might even put literal money in their money bowl. it could also be water. I think in a different episode, we were talking about money wounds and how money is like water. You could put a bowl of water.
with, coins in it and things like that, and just create like a sacred ritual space, for something like that you can write mantras of abundance or gratitude. Now, gratitude is probably one of the best ways that we can manifest because it perpetuates the things that we are grateful for.
I also was reading About, when Stevie mentioned, the ancient Egyptian cultures. So I was actually reading about that a while back it said that one of the best offerings that [00:14:00] you can provide to the sun, since we're in Leo season, or we're talking about all Lionsgate portal is do a sun offering and they said water is actually, ironically enough, one of the best offerings that you can give to the sun.
So they were talking about placing a bowl of water out, in the sunlight and also creating rice water. Rice water apparently is an offering to the sun, which I thought was really fascinating. And sunflowers, like you can place sunflowers out, on your table, on your altar a sacred space that you have, maybe you have a meditation room or something like that, just honoring the sun in some way.
I feel like that would be a beautiful way to honor the sacred time.
Robyn: And so like when you
Akashic Bec: do
Robyn: that, for people who really have never done anything like that before, and you just choose one of those, and you make this offering to the sun, would you then suggest that out loud? They say thank you, sun, for all that you shine down upon me.
I'm so [00:15:00] grateful. Is that the kind of, thing that you would say?
Akashic Bec: Absolutely. I don't think there's any right way, to do it. I think it's just whatever feels good, to you. Just have gratitude, a gratitude practice is important anyway, in everyday life, just perpetuate that gratitude.
And maybe say Thank you for this abundance. Thank you for confidence. The sun Leo represents confidence and an expression, thank you for allowing me to express myself. Thank you for my health. Thank you for my family. Since we're in this six universal day on the eight, eight portal, thank you for my family, my connections, my friendships that bring value into my life.
Eight is really big about value.
Karen: love these. They're so simple and yet something to actually do. I know for me when I hear these big events are happening sometimes it's great to acknowledge them but you don't always know what to do with them.
Akashic Bec: Yeah, it can be overwhelming. Yeah, so this
Karen: is so simple.
Stevie: Something else too, like you can use the Leo energy and this portal time to really speak to your [00:16:00] inner child. Leo rules our heart and how we've been heartbroken and how , our inner child's been squashed. And so you could write a letter to your little self and sometimes you can use your non dominant hand.
And write as little you, so you could talk about a time where you were really struggling or just write a letter in general to receive guidance from your higher adult self. And then you could write with your dominant hand, the letter back to your little self, just saying I'm so sorry that happened to you, you're safe now, I'm going to protect you, I'm honoring you whatever it is that you want to.
get into from that lens because Leo season is such a good time to connect with our inner child because Leo rules the children, and like our sense of heart and bravery and confidence. And another thing too, maybe this is pretty out there, but I'm sure some people understand what I'm saying.
I like to use this portal where I talk to my star seed guides. And lately they've been feeling stronger to me and I haven't seen them or heard them or anything, but I feel like this is when I [00:17:00] asked them before I go to bed at night to come help me realign myself, to upgrade my gifts, to turn up my intuition to make themselves known, to help me remember my star seed lifetimes.
And by star seed, all I'm saying is that we've. Often most of us living on this planet right now have lived in other places as different races of Not just humans, and so often a lot of us have guides that are star seeds and beings of, galactic nature. So I've been talking to them all the time.
I can feel them everywhere.
Robyn: That's so cool.
Stevie: Yeah. And you could always. Research star seeds to it's just such a star seed right now. So go research star seeds, go see if you resonate with the characteristics of different types of them.
Like you will be surprised.
Karen: Oh, these are great
Robyn: ideas. Yeah. And Karen, I just want to say I love that we're talking about this time and that the peak is on eight, eight, because you are such. a living example of the light that I think we can all feel. [00:18:00] And so thanks for being,
Karen: Oh, thank you.
I think it's also so special to be able to give everybody this gift. We're all part of this one big universe and we can all benefit by this, but thank you for that. I appreciate it. And. I'm excited to do some of these, especially on my birthday, actually, to be able to go and do some of these.
Robyn: . This is good. All of these exercises and ideas that you've given are great. So helpful and if there's extra energy to help even amplify, let's do them. So thank you, Stevie. Thank you Bec and we'll have information for each of you in our notes under this video.
So you can find out how to reach both Stevie and Bec . Thank you.