Seeking Center: The Podcast

Functional Mushrooms: Are They the Remedy You've Been Looking For? - Episode 104

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Ken Mycelium and Roger Holden Season 2 Episode 104

We’re back talking about the magic of mushrooms. This time though, we’re not talking about mushrooms as psychedelics or going on a journey with mushrooms, we’re talking about the healing powers of mushrooms with Ken and Roger of Fruiting Bodies.

They know first-hand the functional use of mushrooms as remedies because mushrooms have literally saved their own lives. We can’t wait for you to hear their stories – and the impact that mushrooms have in their lives and the lives of so many that they’ve helped. They’ve taken their passion and created Fruiting Bodies – where they’ve crafted their own remedies with fresh, organic mushrooms that produce real, measurable benefits.

As they say, fungi and humans have been friends for centuries. As we evolved, our bodies have come to respond to certain fungi in miraculous ways.

They can’t wait to tell you all of the ways that functional mushrooms can change your life – and about the products that they have created with the utmost care and precision that is now being used by people all over the world, including doctors and patient care.


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