Seeking Center: The Podcast

What the Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health + Soul - Episode 116

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Cristina Rodenbeck Season 2 Episode 116

We have a feeling that after this episode you’re never going to look at your eyes the same way again. Yes, we said your eyes! What if we told you that they hold information regarding your physical and emotional health?

Karen and Robyn are honored to welcome back Holistic Practitioner, Leadership and Wellness Coach Cristina Rodenbeck who is certified in Iridology, a non-invasive science and practice of eye analysis that can reveal your relative state of health, and an awareness tool that can support your health from a prevention-approach.

Cristina is also certified in Bach Flower Remedies and Crystal Healing. She broke down the power of flowers within all areas of our lives in a recent Seeking Center episode – which we highly recommend listening to!

In this episode though we’re focusing on those two precious vehicles that allow us to see our world in all of its technicolor.

Cristina gave Robyn the rundown of Iridology and she can’t unsee the power and the blueprint in her very own eyes. We don’t think you will either.

Time to have your eyes wide open. 

Visit to find out more about all of Cristina’s offerings
Follow Cristina @manipura_pets on Instagram.

The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA)  is a registered, non-profit organization, founded in 1982.

Visit for more from Robyn + Karen, plus mega inspo -- and the best wellness + spiritual practitioners, products and experiences on the planet!

You can also follow Seeking Center on Instagram @theseekingcenter.

Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to Seeking Center, the podcast. Join us each week as we have the conversations and we, through the spiritual and holistic clutter for you, we'll boil it down to what you need to know now, we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life.

Karen: On a physical, mental, and spiritual level, we'll talk to the trailblazers who'll introduce you to the practices, products, and experiences that may be just what you need to hear about to transform your life. If you're listening to this, it's no accident. Think of this as your seeking center and your place to seek your center.

Robyn: And for the best wellness and spiritual practitioners, experts, products, experiences, and inspo, visit theseekingcenter. com. 

we have a feeling that after this episode, you're never going to look at your eyes the same way again. Yes, we said your eyes. What if we told you that they hold information regarding your physical and emotional health? Karen and I are honored to welcome [00:01:00] back holistic practitioner, leadership and wellness coach, Christina Rodenbeck, who is certified in iridology, a non invasive science and practice of eye analysis that can reveal your relative state of health and an awareness tool that can support your health from a prevention approach.

Christina is also certified in Bach flower remedies And crystal healing. She broke down the power of flowers within all areas of our lives in a recent seeking center episode, which we highly recommend in this episode, though, we're focusing on those two precious vehicles that allow us to see our world in all of its technicolor.

Christina gave me the rundown of iridology, and I can't unsee the power and the blueprint in my very own eyes. We don't think you will either. Time to have your eyes wide open. . There's so much to get to. Hi, Christina. 

Cristina: Hi, Karen. Thank you for having me again.

Robyn: We are so excited to dive in. I couldn't stop talking about iridology after we had our conversation. 

Karen: [00:02:00] Yes, and , I don't know anything about this, but the little I've heard, I am so fascinated to know that there is all of this information, on our face, who knew? 

Robyn: honestly I catch myself now probably once a day staring in the mirror. we have a lot to talk about. Let's just start with, what is iridology? 

Cristina: Exactly. It's a fascinating world and it reveals a lot. So iridology is that science. It's a practice where we analyze the relative state of health through the human iris. And the human iris is the colored part.

So we have the pupil, which is the center, and then we have the color part around it. And then the sclera, which is the white part. ology studies, the colored part. 

Karen: while we were just getting started, Robyn you were reading the intro, I remembered back from college, was it William Shakespeare said, the eyes are the window to your soul?

That just jumped out at me and I totally forgot that expression until now. So how do we tie what is going on, with the eye, with what's going on with us and how did the science all come to be in the first place? 

Cristina: Yeah, [00:03:00] actually we'd always talk about Shakespeare because it's exactly that there is a connection to the soul and it happens through the pupil.

 I love how my mentor describes the pupil. She describes it as a crystal ball. Ooh. Yeah. So that's how precious it is. And actually this whole practice is very sacred because looking into one's eye is a very sacred place, And there's a lot of protection around it. So for you to work with the human iris is also, you need to ask permission.

You need to work with the highest intention because it's really a very private and vulnerable place. And so the whole story started with a Hungarian called von Pexli. So in the 1800s, so actually it goes back a long time. And when he was around 11 years old, he came across an owl that broke a leg.

And he noticed there was a big mark on the iris, on the eye. And then he took the owl and he helped heal the owl. And he noticed that when healing the owl, that marker started disappearing and he became fascinated with the eyes. Looking at even to an owl's eyes they're very sharp and they're very [00:04:00] fascinating themselves.

So then he became obsessed about it and he became a physician and dedicated a lot of his career to understand the human iris. And what does that tell us in terms of our health? 

And I like to say that this veneration from the eyes, it goes, way back in history. If you look at the Egyptians, like the horse eye, remember it was about protection.

It was about good luck. The Greeks, I even got this out for us. 

Robyn: Yes. I have those all over. what Christina just held up was, evil eye that you can find to You can find normally from Greece. 

Cristina: Yeah. So we know through history and also different cultures, there's a lot of respect and veneration for the eye, 

and because it's a symbol of protection, a symbol of divinity and a symbol of luck and things like that. So there's a lot of admiration and exploration throughout thousands of years and I like to see it and think about it as each iris is a story, tells a story about the person and that the iridologists are trained to read the [00:05:00] story.

Karen: Can you say a little bit more about that? what kind of a story can the eye tell you? 

Cristina: It can tell in three different planes. It's also the genetic blueprint of a person. So it carries the DNA, let's say of the family. What runs in the family. So the left iris is the mom's side and the right iris is the dad's side.

So imagine us splitting our body in half. So the right side, , represents the dad's side of the family and the left, the mom. So then the iris shows us , the genetic markers that run in the families. It's amazing. And patterns, We know that our ancestor patterns and things like that.

And that also is represented in health. 

Karen: So literally, if you took a picture of my left eye. That would show genetic health issues that could be coming literally from my father's side and the same with my mother. Is that what you mean? 

Cristina: Yeah. And also on top of that, there's the emotional patterns and energetic patterns. 

Robyn: that's what we're going to be diving into today, which we are so excited about. 

Karen: I'm like just [00:06:00] trying to wrap my head around how incredible this is. 

Robyn: And actually to that point, what most people don't realize is that What we don't realize is how our eyes connect to our organs.

Can you speak to that? 

Cristina: Sure. The optical nerve that sits behind the eye, it's connected to the spinal cord and the spinal cord is connected to all the organs. So the same way we have foot reflexology, which has that little map, we also have iris maps. So that's why if the organs are mapped and the irises, and then we see the markers, we read the markers through the maps.

Robyn: So that's how it ties 

Cristina: To the iris. Yeah. And they also indicators like the pupil also has information in terms of size and shape and things like that. And the sclera, which is another science also has those little veins. And so they study those veins and where are they pointing to?

Because those are also indicators. 

Robyn: My 

Karen: mind, 

Robyn: my mind's blown too. 

And nobody, no one talks about this and there's so much information that's [00:07:00] in there and that also can help you better understand yourself both emotionally and physically in terms of why you may be feeling certain things and what you can also prevent.

That's the other part of the physical part. 

Cristina: Yeah, and I come across a lot of clients with exactly that purpose. They come to me like, oh, I did this exam, I did that exam, and they're saying this and they're saying that. It's a mess. Can you tell me more? So then when we talk about, what's showing in the eyes, they were like, ah, I know it makes sense.

So it's almost they put the puzzle together. 

So it's very empowering in that sense. it also works very much in the preventative side. So we have the mom and the dad and the three kids and then we looked, okay, so what's mom Iris telling us and irises and dads and then what we need to look out for. So 

 we carry those genes, we carry those markers, but we don't necessarily need to manifest them. 

Robyn: Should we jump in and really talk about the Iris and some of the differences and to your point we were talking about the stories that they can tell. 

Cristina: Sure. First of all, there's something interesting in terms of the development of [00:08:00] iridology.

 There was a school in the U. S. That was run by Dr. Bernard Jensen. He was the father of iridology in the U. S. He spent a lot of years understanding the connection with the organs and how to bring the organs back to health. And then the Germans study it. The Russians studied it.

 Then they worked very much on the structural part, the markers and the structural part and the colors. And then when the schools were brought together, they complement each other because one brings information, but the other also brings the healing. So it's beautiful work that was done, throughout so many years.

And in fact, in the U. S., Dr. Bernard Jensen passed away. many years ago, but his son and his daughter in law carried his legacy. So they continue the school and his work. It's still available to us. And actually I brought one of her books here for you to have an idea.

this is one of the most important books in iridology, so it's by Dr. Ellen Tartjensen. This is his daughter in law. 

Robyn: And For those listening, what is that called? 

Cristina: Techniques in Iris Analysis, textbook for iridology. 

Dr. [00:09:00] Ellen Tart Jensen. It's 

Robyn: A pretty thick textbook. That is a textbook. 

Cristina: Maybe the first thing to talk about would be the health equation for iridologists.

 What we were trained on is to look at health from four different angles. One of them is genetics. The package that, we come with. What was given to us. The second thing is related to the environment. It's like diet and lifestyle. The fourth one is around emotions and spirituality.

And the last one is age. So in this equation, there are things that we can control and things we can't control like age. We can't stop. We can't press the button in genetics. It comes with a package. But there are two things, right? Depending on how we live, love and take care of ourselves, then we might manifest the genetics or not.

 And that's very empowering, right? We don't need to manifest what was given to us. And iridology is very much looking in and at what was given to us and work the best way possible with that. What you [00:10:00] can do with what you have the best way possible. 

Karen: So depending on how old you are too, there's, is there only so much you can control at a certain age as well, I would guess, right?

Cristina: yeah. And that just means we need to take more care of ourselves. age just makes things a bit more challenging, Metabolically speaking. So it's just supporting the organs and supporting ourselves to make sure that we're taking care of them.

We're taking care of let's say their strengths and also the nutritional needs and things like that. 

Karen: guess what I'm asking too in my, in a way is, can you, Christina, look in someone's eyes, maybe not even so much about their genetics, but can you literally help them identify either certain Aspects of disease they might be experiencing or prone to at that point in time.

Cristina: That's an important question. Thank you for asking here. And because what we say, it's not a diagnostic tool. It's an analysis tool. So then the difference is there are like we can't replace like PET scans or MRIs or blood tests or anything like that. Because some people come to us, [00:11:00] do I have this or do I have that?

We can't diagnose. But what we can look is, for example, if they're manifesting something, we look at the eye and we see, is there a genetic marker on it? Because if there's a genetic marker, most probably it runs in the family and they're manifesting that. Now, if we look at the organ and there's nothing there, then most probably it's lifestyle.

It might be stress related, it might be diet related, it might be environment toxicity related. So that is very empowering, and I came across in the practice two or three ladies wanting to get pregnant, for example, and they were very puzzled. Why were they not getting pregnant? And they wanted to confirm if anything was wrong in this area, and we looked and there were no markers.

 and that was also empowering oh, I can't get pregnant. so it was taking care of the other elements around that, the emotional, the energetic, and other things. But genetically speaking, had the green light. There was nothing there. 

Karen: Oh, I love that. You can get, indicators from mind, body, and spirit.


Robyn: exactly. Yeah. And I think what people will be able to see, and we'll have this on YouTube for those that [00:12:00] check it out, you'll be able to actually see what Christina is talking about when it comes to the markers or when it comes to talking about patterns in the eyes.

It's really interesting because you will never look at your iris the same way. You're going to be like, I want the map and I want Christina to help me figure this out because it's really fascinating. It is. 

Cristina: So if you want, I can bring up one of the irises. Yeah. We can start talking about the colors. So in fact, the three of us might represent the three families. I think Karen has blue eyes, isn't it? I do. Yes. And Robyn you mentioned you have mixed color. I do. I have hazel. And I have two brown. So we represent each family. Isn't that amazing? So this is a true blue iris. It has so much information. 

Robyn: I want to point out for those listening, we're looking at a closeup of a blue eye, A blue iris. And within that blue iris, there is a very distinct pattern that [00:13:00] goes around. It looks almost like a web, like an elastic web around the eye and right around the pupil.

 feels like there's a halo around that

Karen: It's beautiful. Just looking at it now, I can see why you love crystals, Cristina, because there's almost like this crystal esque 

Cristina: look about it.

Yeah, exactly. And there's so much energy coming out of it and, wanting to tell us, and that's the thing that there's a story behind, there's a story around the person's physical There's emotional self and also energetic self 

Karen: And, even on the outside, there's almost like another aura between the pupil and The white area of the eye . Galera. . It feels a this beautiful circle that's living in this like white sea. So tell us about this one, Christina 

 So when we look at the iris, we usually focus on what's calling most our attention, Because they have so many markers and if you go into too many markers You might even scare the clients because it's too much information. So it's usually work [00:14:00] with what's calling most your attention So this iris so we start with the pupil, which is the core is there anything around the shape or the size that's calling us our attention?

Cristina: Then we move on to that aura that you were talking about that goes right around it. That's what we call the nutritive zone. So that's where the stomach and intestines sit and that's really important in terms of health because as we know, it's that ability to digest and absorb the nutrients and send it to all the organs.

So that piece of information in the center is super important for us, will tell us, are they having The ability to digest and also ability to eliminate. so this type of iris, this is a very important marker because it tells us a lot about their ability to manage, the glands, so this is a polyglandular iris. This iris needs to look at the glands in the body. And that you can 

Robyn: tell from the wig because it's from the petals, 

Cristina: The petals. . So the petals is a very important structural [00:15:00] marker because it tells us this iris is it's very much related to this specific marker in terms of the glands in the body.

And then the next thing important to are pigments. These little colors that you see around the iris, orangeish and brownish, those are called the pigments. That's also a relevant piece of information. 

A little bit of color on the iris because it's blue. But it has these pigments on it. 

Robyn: And for those listening, what we're talking about is that we have this blue iris, and then there's like these little dabs of a yellowish orange color that, that are just painted on here and there throughout the iris.

those are called pigments. 

Karen: just to be clear even though your eyes are like a blueprint . Do these elements change over time, as you're saying they're indicating. either health or emotional things that you might need to address in your body.


Cristina: Yeah. And that's also important to highlight because it's a genetic blueprint that we carry. [00:16:00] Usually the markers don't change. Change is very debatable in iridology, because the studies, when they started, they were usually photographed in film, if you compare with the technology that we have today it's difficult to compare and see, what changed and what didn't change.

So it's very controversial. It's very debated. Changes or not, we know that the structure doesn't change what some iridologists have seen our pigments. there are two markers that they say might be manifested. 

Karen: And what is significant about the color specifically since we all have a different color? 

Cristina: Ah, yeah. So let's go to the colors. We have three families which we represent all of them.

The blue one is what we call the true blue iris. That's the lymphatic iris. The lymphatic iris is the iris that usually needs to take care of the lymph. They are more prone to congestion, to mucosy, arthritis, and things like that. that's why it's called lymphatic because the lympg for this person is something that to usually nurture.

 So what this family has in common [00:17:00] is that lymphatic congestion. And usually they're more reactive to inflammatory foods. allergens or allergies or intolerances and things like that.

So they're more sensitive to these types of foods. So depending on our color, there are certain things we need to focus more on. And then the second thing is when we look at this iris, calls our attention?

So this one has a lot of pigments, which is what Robyn just described like if someone got a sponge and just stamped the colors on the iris, they usually tell us a few things depending on where they sit, it might be related to the organ under it, or it might be related to deficiencies.

For example, orange is usually pancreas. Brown is usually liver. So , there might be something related to the strength of the organ, the resilience of the organ, or for example, ability to produce digestive enzymes. Interesting. 

So most probably we would asking the clients, how's your digestion? 

Robyn: That's so interesting. And everyone listening, what we're seeing right now is we're seeing these pigments more [00:18:00] concentrated more towards the center, which is right near the pupil.

And where we had just been looking at a different iris. where the pigment was a little bit more all over. So 

Cristina: it tells a different story. And this one because it has several pigments spread it around the iris that most probably is telling us their pancreas or their liver condition and things like that and then we need to check what runs in the family.

 If you look at an iris and you see a lot of white fibers and they're very tight together, that means that body is quite resilient and it works very well with you.

 That is incredible. Can the one that we're looking at right now, that again, this is the blue iris with a lot of pigment, is that showing you that the body is doing a good job processing all of these elements because it's showing up this way?

Karen: Or is it just saying, This is just an indicator of how the body is functioning. 

Cristina: It's more of an indicator like this person carries certain characteristics that most probably run in the family. So then it's, taking a [00:19:00] look at perhaps their digestion or specific organs and things like that.

And also important for this iris around four to five o'clock, these fibers here, we call them transversal. And this tells us that most probably there's some irritation in the body. So we would be asking, , depending on which side of the eye it is, , how's your breathing?

 so it is fascinating. And the maps that we used that was developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen. We have the maps. So that's when we also take a look at the organs under these markers. 

Robyn: I also want to tell people listening that you, what you were holding up for a second were literally maps that map each iris to the organs. And those were developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen.

Karen: The difference between the blue and the green and the brown I like it just in terms of color itself.


Cristina: So there's no green in iridology. Green would be the blue, because blue with yellow is green. So , it's a true blue.

And they have a lot of yellow pigments and [00:20:00] yellow pigments for us is kidney energy. 

Robyn: , and for you, Christina, I don't know if you know everybody that you have these irises for. But would you say it really does overlay with then the person that you're talking to like that?

it lines up. 

Cristina: Oh, yeah. There's always a match. And it's incredible because I usually start the analysis from the physical aspect. So I map out, the markers and things like that. then I check the emotional iridology, which are the emotions, right?

we also have markers and we also have a map for emotions. And then when we look at the spiritual iridology and connect the three of them, it's all explained. So certain markers are related also to a certain emotions that happened for the person in certain ages and that they went through, for example their parents went through divorce or they lost someone very important, or you didn't change countries, and had to break all the friendships and, and then they were marked by grief.

So the iris also tells us that it doesn't tell us the event, but it shows the age that it most probably [00:21:00] happened. And also the energy that took place and also the organ it's sitting on. So 

Karen: in that sense, then it does transform over time. It's continuing to evolve and tell the story of that person's life story.

Cristina: Yeah. All right. 

Karen: It's fascinating. So wait, so just to put like a finer point on the colors. So are those of us that are born with blue eyes, brown eyes is there? an inherent difference in our personalities or our genetics that we should know about.

So if I'm listening and I have, pure brown eyes versus, versus blue, is there just like a general story difference between the two? 

Cristina: Usually the colors are the ones that tell us the different areas of focus. So we'll go through the biliary and the hematogenic, but it's very unique, the markers for each.

 So then each iris will tell you one different story. The only thing that you can bring them closer to each other is what does that family carry? 

Robyn: so like Karen, you have blue eyes and I don't know if everybody in your [00:22:00] family has blue eyes. I think they might. Yeah, we do. So then, would you say, Christina, you might make the assumption that there's probably been something around the lymphatic system in some way?

Cristina: Yeah. So most probably what runs in the family is like some congestive states or high intolerance to certain foods and things like that. And maybe prone to certain conditions like arthritis and things like that. The blue iris, if it becomes very white. That means most probably it's becoming very inflamed then they're prone to joint issues and things like that.

Karen: Okay. That's helpful. Cause I, I can think that most of people listening are going I have brown eyes. So what does that mean about me? yeah. And we'll talk about 

Cristina: the other iris. We're getting there. So this is the mixed iris.

 This is what we call the biliary iris. So this name was given because this iris usually needs to take care of the bile, liver, gallbladder and also digestive functions. So it's almost like from the mouth [00:23:00] to the anus all things related to digestion. So that's, the package that comes with the biliary.

This looks completely different, 

Karen: it looks like art, these pictures. Yes, they do. They do. It's very orange, but also The focal point of the iris is so different, 

Cristina: exactly. And so the story around this iris is if you can look at the center around the pupil, that's the digestive zone.

. So this one tells us that most probably the stomach walls are , less resilient. So we would be asking those questions around digestive and maybe they're bloating, we would be asking a lot of questions around the digestion and elimination. Wow. And then you can see also it has little holes so those holes for us are areas of less resilience. It makes it more difficult for the nutrients to get to the organ, and it also, because the nutrients, when we deliver the nutrients, we also collect the toxins.

 And because of the holes, imagine [00:24:00] the toxin going in the hole, it's more difficult to get it out. So that tells us that most probably these organs, for example, here around two o'clock and sinus, I have holes in my sinus areas and my sinus is my let's say nutritive point, the point that I need to be careful because when I feel sick, that's the first place that's going to be triggered. So my sinus can go off easily when I'm not that resilient. And also this one has a marker on the heart area, And what we would be asking is do you feel any palpitations? Is there anything running in the family in terms of the heart health and things like that.

 And then knowing that it's taking care of it. My dad has a big pedal in the heart area.

His dad had a heart attack and my dad at very early age, he learned he had high cholesterol and he changed his diet. And that's how we learned how to change our diet through him. so he always took care of it. So heart is not an issue for him. 

Karen: Christina and this one, the pupil looks much bigger. What does that 

Cristina: That's a condition as well. What we say [00:25:00] is the larger pupil, usually it's the less ability to retain nutrients and retain energy. 

Robyn: So 

Cristina: this type of the person might feel more fatigued, easier, and you can connect it with because of the nutritive zone is less resilient.

They might have more difficulty to digest and absorb, it might compromise their energy levels. So it makes sense to have a larger pupil so what it tells us is that they need to maybe take more enzymes or be really mindful when eating. Eating in peace, eating calmly, connecting with the foods, and allowing them, to absorb, and take care of themselves, and also manage their energy levels, perhaps have mini breaks, , and things like that. you have another one. Yeah, I think this type of iris just so you have an idea of their multi dimensional thinkers. So if you connect to this iris, they will take you to different worlds and different dimensions. , how do you know that 

because of all these openings around the pupil. Oh, wow. so they take you in this journey that you go to [00:26:00] different planets, maybe. 

Robyn: I have a iris. 

Cristina: Come with me. and so I have another iris here, biliary. Which the fibers are tighter in the center 

so maybe the digestive function and elimination function is stronger compared to the other one. But it has another characteristic. Can you see what goes around these circular? 

Robyn: They're these rings. The 

Cristina: rings, exactly. So I love this type of iris because these rings are very important in terms of telling how this person looks at life.

 The main characteristic here are what we call the stress rings. So this tells us that this person is an a type person like do or achieve or they have the energy and the willpower to do things. They're like 

I'm going to achieve it. They get things done but it also tells us that they tend to tense a lot. So we ask, how is your jaw? Do you tend to tense a lot your jaw or your muscles? how your shoulders, do you feel any tension around your shoulder areas?

And also taking care of calcium and magnesium. [00:27:00] because they tend to stress the muscles more because they're always on the go, So then we need to make sure the muscles have the nutrients they need because they're using it more. So these are characteristics of biliary iris and in a biliary iris, you can still see the fibers, the details and all of that in compared to hematogenic. Eye, the true brown. this is the third family and HEMA it's the word for blood, So , these are processed the world and things more through blood. hematogenic it's more around ability and to store minerals. For example, we see in the hematogenic family more cases of anemia because they are not able to retain minerals as much. Very liver ish as well. So taking care of the liver functions and things like that. it's trickier to photograph because they reflect more light. So it's a lot around how to photograph it best, but you can still see markers. For example, you still see the rings. and you can still see a few holes.

Some of the rings since on the lungs So there might be sometimes tightness around the lungs, [00:28:00] so especially if there's stress. So helping this person, for example, pause, , learn breathing exercises and things like that might be really important and useful for them. 

This is me. . 

Robyn: It's so interesting. It also reminds me of my daughter who has a true brown eye and my daughter has. A blood disorder. 

Karen: But that's just speaking without even, yeah, deeper dive 

Cristina: that's what's going on. Oh, wow. Fascinating. So you see, Karen, it's a characteristic of the iris. So we would say she's more prone to it because it comes with let's say the package 

Robyn: I'm telling you, you're going to get off. And this is what I did , I put the light on in my bathroom and I stared.

I was like, what do I 

Karen: see?

As I'm sitting here listening to Christina too, I'm thinking about, a physical that might like my kids would get when you take to the doctor, and they look in your ears, they look in your throat, they take the light and they shine it in your eye for a second. And I feel like How can you just shine that light there for a second?

Because, I'm sure they're checking on the dilation of the pupil, [00:29:00] which making sure all is well, but they don't even know. And they don't even know. the information that's right in front of them. 

Cristina: it's so much. And I came across a doctor in Brazil.

Actually, she has one of the largest holistic clinics in Sao Paulo. She's a doctor, And then she studied a iridology because that's what she wants to do. She wants to integrate it in her her practice and she likes to take a photo of the iris when the client arrives and they go through all the treatments and then she takes it photographed at the end to see and she wants to compare and she wants to notice if there's any difference.

And also if it matches what the results of her diagnostic tests are telling her. So she wants so much information that feels really smart 

Karen: Yeah. Like you don't have to, do an invasive test, not to say that you shouldn't, but this is just such a wonderful complimentary kind of, portrait of our mind body spirit.

Cristina: Yeah. And so then going back to this type of iris, the hematogenic they tend to be more introspective. Let's see if it matches with with Robyn daughter. Yeah. More [00:30:00] intense as well. They like to be challenged. And in fact, for this type of iris, they need to work a little bit more on flexibility.

Robyn: Oh, yes, 

Cristina: they like to get things done as well. 

Robyn: So 

Cristina: tend to be doers and achievers. And in fact, I think worldwide, there are more dark color irises like true brown than any other color. 

Robyn: believe that. 

Cristina: Yeah. , 

Robyn: And the way you actually described overall, those are a lot of Bella's traits. 

Cristina: Wow. So yeah, so a lot of downtime, knowing how to hit the pause button, relax and things like that is important. 

Robyn: Karen knows Bella too, that is 

Cristina: yeah.

Oh, fantastic. And the last iris that I have for you This was one of the markers I mentioned at the very beginning that this is most probably created. we haven't seen this in babies, say young children. it's called an arc, cholesterol ring, right?

So this is usually manifested, we see later older people and also people that have an inability to break down fat. 

Robyn: And are you talking about the ring that's on the outside [00:31:00] of the iris? That's in between the sclera and the iris. 

Cristina: There you go. it's almost like a milky layer.

Like someone got a white pencil and circle the iris. So that's called cholesterol ring. So this is related more to diet. So pigments and this cholesterol ring are the ones that we tend to see that might be developed 

Robyn: and that could be on any of the irises, right?

It could be lymphatic of the eye biliary, right? There you go. 

Karen: See you're laughing it up So the sclera the white outside area And if there is more like I'm looking at some of these photos to some have a very, very white pure milky area and some definitively have a lot more blood vessel showing there.

What does that indicate? 

Cristina: Oh, I love these questions. girls are really cracking it. and actually one thing very important, if we see a pigment on a sclera, for example, of lymphatic eye or biliary eye, more lymphatic, we need to check that. We need to check. It might be an indicator something's going on while it's more natural [00:32:00] to see those pigments in a hematogenic iron.

So if we see any pigment on the sclera, usually it's hematogenic and it's normal. But if we see it in other sclera, So 

Robyn: If, for instance, for Karen or even myself, if you saw a lot of those Pigments or blood vessels. Is that what you're saying? 

Cristina: No, just the pigment. Oh, just pigments.

Pigments. Now, vessels It depends. We see it on all irises, some more, some less. But they are indicators. So then we need to check the health integrity of those organs being pointed at. 

Karen: That's incredible. So you're saying that if there are more blood vessels in one part of the eye than the other, you do the clock test, right? And that indicates the specific organ in the body is looking for being checked on.

Cristina: Yeah. 

Robyn: With the emotional blueprint, is that something that changes throughout someone's life?

Cristina: same thing for the genetic we don't see those changes. So what we see is we see those markers and imprints. on [00:33:00] ages range because then there's the clock and then but they're also markers for ages. And so that we also don't see change. 

Karen: Okay, so it's like your blueprint.

Yeah. Versus all of the life things that happen to you that influence Your emotions. 

And that would be a wonderful benchmark to have for people too. 

Robyn: Huge. 

Cristina: Yeah. And Let's say if something happened in a certain age in our lives, for example, divorce, right?

Parents divorce and then we carry that emotion of grief and then it sits on lungs. Then it's not a matter of only taking care of the lungs. like breathing exercise or something physical, It's also helping release the emotion from that organ. So what can you do to free yourself and let go, and things like that.

So that requires more healing work, maybe more energy work and things like that, or a therapist or something. that's how 

Robyn: you then help somebody on that emotional level. So if you see those types of markers. You can then help somebody figure out how to work with it and [00:34:00] how to release it. To your point, whether that's energetically, or through therapy, or through movement, or whatever it is, that's how you can help them figure out what's right for them.

Cristina: Ah, then it () goes to the soul connection. Yes, can we talk about 

Robyn: the pupil soul connection? 

Cristina: Yeah, and before that, is it okay to share this one? This is the family tree and I learned to do this with one iridologist Christos from Australia. He does a lot of family mapping and I found it fascinating.

So this is a family that I came across that lived in Hong Kong. So the mom she's a , true blue. She has, the greenish because she has a lot of yellow pigment. And , this is an interesting one because she mentioned her eyes became greener in Hong Kong.

So then one of the things we asked her, how are your mercury levels? And she actually had tested and her mercury levels were higher. Wow. Yeah, and now she's back in Australia and I've been talking to her and she mentioned her eyes are bluer again. 

Robyn: So 

Cristina: pigments is one of the things that it's debatable because some people see less and some people see it [00:35:00] more, like they can go up and down.

So the dad is, billiary. So very much digestion, but he has a few markers also on hormones on some glands right in the pancreas and both have actually markers on the pancreas. So that tells us all the three kids need to be attentive to that, It's information.

So two kids have true blue and one has a little bit more yellow pigments compared to the other. And the child in the middle is like dad and he has a lot of stress rings. So here taking care of the nervous system helping him calm down, and things like that is very important for his own health.

. So this child, true blue , you have to be really careful and attentive to the diet to avoid inflammatory foods and things like that, because she might be more reactive to it and more prone to say inflammatory states, which if prolonged for too long, then it might.

Compromise arthritis and things like that. 

Robyn: And so I would imagine because you're seeing a lot of this that is [00:36:00] tied to diet, is that something that you then help connect your client with a nutritionist of some sort, or is that something that you help do? how can you help them in that area? 

Cristina: thank you for asking because that's super important. What I usually do we map out the irises and because my mentor, she's a herbalist, right? So we make recommendations in terms of diet and supplementation. And also we take a look at, we often recommend things to do on emotional plane and energetic plane.

books to read or types of healing modalities that would be used useful. Even things like just listen to music and walk in nature. Yeah. , actually one of the most healing things for lymphatic is be out in nature. that's scary.

Yes. Because we know that the muscles are the ones that take care of the lymph system, right? Because different from the circulatory system, the lymph system needs to be massaged and using our muscles to massage the lymph is very important. So exercising, walking in nature is super healing for lymphatics 

Karen: wow. So interesting. Sidebar. But when I was [00:37:00] in. Sixth grade, my lymph gland got infected and I was hospitalized . oh wow. it blew up and it got so infected. I got a terrible fever and they didn't know what it was caused by and I had to literally go into the hospital and have it, drained out as a kid.

Wow. I mean it like, I remember my mom being so scared that it was something, obviously much worse, but it was definitely it ties right to the lymph, To your iris. Yeah. So , I would love to go back and process that. What was it exactly, what is the lymph gland in the neck?

And I'm the oldest of six kids, and how, like all these children coming into the fam, like how did that Yeah, because you were, 

Robyn: because you were 12 at the time. 

Cristina: Yeah. 

Robyn: Yeah. 

Cristina: that's so important. Cause for example, for lymphatic iris, one of the things we definitely recommend is do the IgG test, find out your intolerances and allergies, because what we don't want is to give the body what it doesn't like, because then it's going to be always reacting And triggering the lymphatic system. So that's the iris that should be investing in finding out allergies and intolerances. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. 

Karen: [00:38:00] Yeah. What exactly was it? Was it physical? Was it emotional? and it was on the left side. Is that significant? Yeah. What does that tie to?

anyway, that's the only time I ever really talk about the lymphatic, lymph gland. that's significant. 

Robyn: It's about how many times you really you hospitalized in your life. That's a big deal. 

Karen: So anyway, I digress a little bit, but it's just so interesting.

And look at child number two, how they mirrored dad. Yeah. 

Robyn: So 

Cristina: very emotional. Yeah. And I know the children are very very emotional, tend to be very reactive. So taking care of emotions and how he processes emotions And you can tell 

Robyn: in this photos, I think what is so interesting is there are actually a lot more rings in the kids than in the dad's.

And so to your point that child came in with all these kind of, stress rings that kind of goes to show you doesn't matter how old you are. that's just the blueprint, it's what you're given. 

Cristina: Yeah. And I love that [00:39:00] because it's exactly what you do with what you have.

So for example, for the parents knowing that it's just helping. The child to manage how they see the world, how they process things, without judging or anything. Some children are highly emotional children, but that's how they see the world. through emotions and through tears and all of that.

So instead of suppressing that, it's like helping and giving perhaps the herbs or the supplements that they need with that constitution. , it's supporting the child to find coping mechanisms, de stressing mechanisms, breathing, or mind practices or anything, or just going out also and kicking a ball and things like that, because there's a lot of energy and there's a lot of tension.

That needs to be released. 

Karen: I can't get over how having something like this with astrology, with all of the layers of things that we talk about all the time, just there's so much information we have access to if we just look at the 

Robyn: information and then it's also becomes validation.

 I think that is what is. [00:40:00] So cool. it's all available to us if we know where to look. Absolutely. All right. Let's talk about the soul connection. 

Cristina: Yeah, so this is an example of what I do. A lot of the soul connection. So again, it's going to the pupil, which we calls it a crystal ball.

That's where the information comes from. So the first thing we do is work with the highest intention, ask permission for this connection. And usually there are messages that come through in terms of, how they're living their life and what's the soul asking for them. So an example of a beautiful soul that came to us, and what was happening to this person was this person was containing herself a lot.

. The type of person that was asked to dial down a lot. 

Robyn: Don't 

Cristina: show up too much. Don't dress up. speak lower and things like that. So the person was, being dialed down big time by the, what was surrounding her, the environment and the people around her and the soul was actually saying that she was absolutely being protected and that she was asked to claim the power back.

to speak her truth and feel. Good about herself, and she would be fine and she would [00:41:00] be protected if she shined. , she was able to shine more the soul was asking permission and or asking her to dial up. And so sometimes it's difficult for me to explain these messages.

So I do drawings, so I was drawing like, what I felt was happening and what the soul was asking from her. 

Robyn: What I'm perceiving is that you are basically doing an energetic and soul session with people.

So you're saying that's where you're receiving those messages. 

Cristina: Yeah. It's intuitive work. I was trained on it and also because of the animal communication, I trained myself to how to do these things. So my clients know, I asked their permission, I'm going to look at the iris from different dimensions, One is the physical plane. I'm going to take a look at emotions, but also the energetics and they give me permission. So then that's the very last thing I do. I use the left brain to analyze the iris to, what's the story it's telling us, but then this is a more meditative, a more sacred place where I sit down and I, See what's the message for that person, for their [00:42:00] wellness, for their greatest good.

And usually I receive the information and then I draw it for them and convey the message. Got it. 

Karen: this is fascinating. Just to utilize, this is another layer, is what you're saying, of information. Yeah. 

Robyn: And it speaks to what Karen and I both do, and what we have others on to talk about.

It's really that intuitive reading. 

Cristina: Yeah. That's why it's like a crystal ball, we say, because you need to go in that space and read what's the message there for the client. It's almost the soul is telling them something. 

Robyn: Exactly. 

You get to hear it Through the pupil and from the soul. 

Cristina: Yeah, and it's also about trusting the message without judgment or anything, just trust and convey, because one of the irises I came across, actually she's a really good friend after doing her analysis, I told her what I was seeing and feeling was stage lights, what are stage lights for you, and she was so emotional, and she was like, I used to work in a theater, And as a performer and I loved it and I miss it so much.

And she gave [00:43:00] up to raise her child, her cause she was a single mom. So she gave up all that wild side of her, creative side of herself to work, and to provide. So she became , a very successful corporate person, but her soul was like, go back, have fun, do what you're doing.

At least don't give it up completely, right? 

Robyn: And I think what you end up giving somebody is this very comprehensive reading and analysis, right? So you're looking at them from all these different layers, and I think Karen said it before, mind, body, and spirit, so by looking at what you know is the blueprint from physical perspective and then the emotional perspective and then that spiritual perspective that soul message and so and it helps someone you because you've seen it all you when after you connect in with the soul and now know what else is going on from that physical and emotional perspective, you can really guide them to make real change and transformation in their life.

Cristina: Yeah. And I [00:44:00] find that's more empowering because we have information all those different planes and we hand it to them and then it's really up to them, right? If they're ready or not to take it on board, but usually who comes to us is ready for the message. That's what I like to say. And that's what I also like to send out to the universe.

If they want to do a rhidology, please be open, To receive the message. And usually they are. 

Robyn: How long does something like that take? 

Cristina: The session you mean? 

Robyn: Yeah from the time that you receive, let's say the images that you need, how long does that take you? 

Cristina: It depends on my availability. if I have the images, the analysis doesn't take too long. Sometimes it takes two hours, but the soul connection might take a little longer. So then to put the package together, I usually ask my clients around 10 days at least. Yeah, 

Robyn: to me, this is a lot of work . It's a lot of time. 

Cristina: Yeah, it's a lot of time. . And and also remember you, one of the things you were asking was how to photograph the human iris.

It's one of the trickiest things to do. It's very tricky because it's all about the light. So we need to put light from the side. it's amazing. You can do that with your [00:45:00] child at home. when we finished, if you project light from that, not the front, right? Because you can hurt the pupil, but.

From the side, and you approach the camera, usually it's the macro function. But some of the iPhones are amazing at, the close ups. And then you photograph from the front. And sometimes you have to take a few different angles because of the light. If there's, the light might be covering something.

So you move the light, and then you take those photos, the close up. 

Karen: I love all of this so much. It's like astrology in a way. And then some, because you're getting so much intuitive information that's like deeper. The eyes are the window to the soul I didn't know how true it was until we had this conversation.


Robyn: unbelievable that we have all of this within us. And what is something that after hearing or watching this, what is something that someone can do to start to pick up any information about themselves? Would you say it's comes because we went over the different colors of your eyes and understanding that on a certain level?

What else would you [00:46:00] suggest? 

Cristina: yeah, first from the colors, because that's the most obvious ones, And because to access the markers, you need light, and you need good photo and things like that. Not everyone can do that. But I would start there, the colors, just the colors alone, they tend to tell you which area to focus on.

And I would also invite people to check their family history. What runs in the family, and how to take care of ourselves from that prevention side. And knowing also it's not only physical, but it's emotional and energetics, what are the realities and things we are creating for ourselves?

So it's just having that awareness coming from a space of awareness. It's not only physical, the emotional and the energetics, have a big influence in our health and overall wellbeing. How do we take care of these three things from that awareness point of view, and proactive point of view, so if things run in the family.

Let's take care of it, which nutrients or which type of support do you need now to take care of yourself? I like maybe the example of my dad as soon as He saw what happened to his dad and he found out through a diagnostic test. His cholesterol [00:47:00] levels were high He was like, Okay, got to work on this and now he's 83 healthy, heart is not an issue for him because he's taking care of it.

He knows it's in the family and if I go there, it's going to happen, but I'm not. So he's in control. 

Robyn: I love that. Have you done your daughter? 

Cristina: I did a little bit. So she has hazel eyes as well. . Yeah. So we took a look in her for her. It's very much yeah, digestion, elimination and things like that. And a bit of the lymph because of the lymphatic side. So she tends to have a lymph and we did a diagnostic test on her when she was around nine. So we know the inflammatory foods and she doesn't have allergies, but she has intolerances. 

Karen: This is such a good guidepost, If you know some of the basics and can just.

I don't know, transition your diet in a certain way. Like you were saying earlier, knowing that these are sort of conditions in your family, why wouldn't you do that? To try to avoid some of these other, 

Robyn: And there's things I know when I talked to Christina last time, there were markers that you were able to see for like certain types of cancers and things like that, which [00:48:00] again, just more of an indicator to check things out. Exactly. 

Cristina: Yeah. It's learning the family history and okay. So what do I need to do to take care of that nurture point? So it's always going to be on my radar and I'm always going to be taking care of them.

So for me, sinus, it's always going to be there. Yeah. So then it's taking care of it and knowing how not to trigger it or, the foods that trigger it or the lifestyle things that I do that trigger it. 

Karen: , Christina, I love this conversation so much.

This is where we love the science And, a little bit of the woo, like all of it coming together because it's so actionable for everybody, it's try it look at yourself, look at how this reflects you and your family and your DNA, your lifestyle. And see if they're like simple things that you can do and then you could dive deeper, which I love.

Robyn: Yeah. And I guess the question I would have Christina for people who are listening or watching and want to dive deeper or dive in at all. What would you suggest? Cause I know for you, you're, we work with a lot of people in Hong Kong, [00:49:00] but for those that are in the United States or somewhere else in the world, what would you suggest that they do if they wanted to start in looking into the iridology of their eyes?

Cristina: Sure, I would suggest them to look at IPA, the International Iridology Practitioners Association, I P A, so it's a website that they can take a look at the practitioners closest to them, and if they want to do it face to face to be there physically in the U.

S. there are a lot of practitioners, in Canada I know there are practitioners, I think a lot of places in Europe, and even in South America, I know there are a lot. But there they would have, the practitioners or they can try to contact one, even if they don't live there, but get the instructions of how to take photo of the iris and then send it across for analysis.

Robyn: , we'll have that website in our show notes, but we'll also have you 

Karen: going to our mirrors minute. Yes, 

Robyn: we will be doing that. You can find out more about Christina's offerings. which in addition to iridology, she does flower [00:50:00] remedies, crystal healing, she is an animal communicator, she also works with Bach flower remedies for pets as well. And that's all at Manipura wellness. com, which is M a N I P U R a wellness.

com and on Instagram at Manipura underscore pets. And we'll have all of that in our show notes. But you really have just given us an entire new window into who we are. We can actually look at it. so fascinating. so much, Christina. You're doing. 

Cristina: Thank you. Thank you allowing me to share.

I'm super passionate about it. And I think it's one of the modalities that helped me understand my health and put my puzzle together. So I'm, highly devoted and fan of modality because it really helps. 

Robyn: Yeah, it's another piece in the puzzle. I love that. it's putting all the pieces together so that you can live your most fulfilled life while you're here.

thank you.