Seeking Center: The Podcast

The Power of Sound + Science to Alleviate Anxiety, Pain + Boost Your Mood - Episode 79

Robyn Miller Brecker, Karen Loenser, Madison Fournier Season 2 Episode 79

You know how putting on your favorite song puts you in a certain mood? Did you know that the power of sound can potentially reduce inflammation and anxiety, plus help you improve focus, memory, and creativity?

On this week’s podcast, we talked about sound and science with Madison Fournier.  Madison is Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Soaak Technologies, a leading provider of innovative health technology that uses sound frequency compositions to help people reduce stress and boost their energy.

Soaak Sound Frequencies are clinically proven to improve mood, productivity, mindfulness, and promote a restful night's sleep. Madison inspired us to try Soaak ourselves – and woahh! We’re now recommending it and have a feeling this may be one of your new go-to remedies that will be in your earbuds or on your smart speaker.


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Robyn: [00:00:00] I'm Robyn Miller Brecker, 

Karen: and I'm Karen Loenser. Welcome to seeking center. The podcast,

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Karen: we're all about total wellness, which to us needs building a healthy life on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

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Robyn: You know how putting on your favorite song puts you in a certain mood? Did you know that the power of sound can potentially reduce inflammation and anxiety and help you improve focus, memory, and creativity? We're talking about sound and science with Madison Fournier

[00:01:00] co-founder and chief marketing officer of Soaak Technologies, a leading provider of innovative health technology that uses sound frequency compositions to help people reduce stress and boost their energy.

Soaak. Sound frequencies are clinically proven to improve mood, productivity, mindfulness, and promote a restful night's sleep. We have so much to discuss and we have a feeling your next 

Madison: remedy may be in your earbuds or on your smart speaker. Hi Madison. 

Robyn: Hi Madison. 

Madison: Hi. Thank you ladies, so much for having me today.


Robyn: we're extremely 

Karen: happy to have you here today. We have learned so much just by listening to your frequencies already, let's start right there around the basics. Why does sound have such a profound influence over 

Robyn: us? 

Madison: So I love this question because sound is really a universal language. It creates a really deep resonance in you and in anyone.

If you think about, birds or babies, whenever they hear music for the first time, they automatically start dancing [00:02:00] to it. So there's no barrier to entry, when it comes to sound. It's something that affects your emotions, it affects your thoughts, and it affects your physical wellbeing as well, which you know, is more on the science side of.

Sound and sound frequency therapy. And the way that our sound frequencies work are, they are all compositions that we curated in clinic and they work through sympathetic resonance. So talking about how it resonates with everyone sympathetic resonance is. the example that we like to use is if you have a piano and you have another piano next to it and you play an a chord on it, and you look at the other piano, you'll see that sympathetic resonance on the strings.

So through sympathetic resonance, that's how we're able to use our sound frequency therapy and how it has such potent effects on the body. So many 

Robyn: questions. Just 

Madison: even from that. Me too. I know it's a lot. 

Robyn: okay, let's define sound frequency therapy and then we'll come back to a couple of things that I know I thought of while you were just giving that incredible explanation.


Madison: what [00:03:00] is sound frequency therapy? So sound frequency therapy is whenever you play sound frequencies to a person or an animal and based off of that sympathetic resonance it operates off of the idea that everything I. Has a vibration and there's, tons of studies and research that backs us, plus our own clinical experience that we had as well.

And whenever you have something in your body that's out of alignment, you can play certain vibrations. A lot of people have heard of like specific her 432 or whatever. But what we did in clinic was we layered different composition. So we have different frequencies that would help you sleep or, alleviate anxiety or help with mental clarity.

So whenever you play those frequencies, and you actually don't have to listen to it because it's all through vibration, it's all through resonance through that sympathetic resonance that I explained earlier. Your body comes back into alignment and it kind of mirrors The unrelenting frequency.

So because our body is, human and malleable, our frequencies tend to get out of alignment. And whenever we play that steadfast, [00:04:00] unrelenting frequency through sympathetic resonance, we come back into alignment and we basically, it's like tuning yourself, right? So we tune it to match that frequency through sympathetic resonance and do we as human beings.

Robyn: With their soul inside of us. Do we have a certain vibration? Is that something that you have measured 

Madison: Yeah. Yeah. That, every living thing has a vibration. And I think some could argue that every. Material thing has a vibration. And when it comes to having a specific frequency, our body is made up of tons of them.

And when it comes to addressing things like anxiety or sleeplessness or heart health or gut health or blood pressure or, H R V or , anything like that the frequencies will vary on what you're putting out. And also, You know what you should be taking in and we've all heard a lot of people even talk about in the manifestation world, match the vibration that you want to.

whatever your goal is, what you want to achieve you first must be it to match it through that, frequency. And we have a lot of health related frequencies in our [00:05:00] library on the app, but we also have some really fun ones like wealth and prosperity. And just all of that it's incredible because it's all backed by science.

And, we try to really use that as a unifier because, frequencies and frequency therapy is as old as time It's an ancient technique and we're modernizing it with our technology. And it's something that everyone has within them and it's something that is available to everyone and it works for everyone.

And so it's something that we're very excited about. I 

Karen: just an aha moment. This will listeners at. Robyn and I talk about energy vibration 


the time. Yes. And so 

I'm just literally connecting the dots in my head right now. Between frequency is how we feel, right? And then how do we balance that?

Let's say it's the frequency of anger or fear, how sound can actually help do that, I don't know why it really occurred to me before that when we talk about energy frequency, we're still talking about. A certain kind of level of [00:06:00] sound or resonance frequency as well. And so is that how your sound frequencies help?

these frequencies are at a certain level or at a certain resonance that help counteract maybe some of the anxiety or fear, whatever that we're feeling at that 

Madison: moment. That's exactly it. Going back to the tuning example, whenever you're feeling anxious or you can't sleep, or you have brain fog, something that's out of alignment in your body, that's not how we were, made to be.

So whenever we use the sound frequency compositions and the soaak app that we created, In clinic playing those unrelenting frequencies literally tunes the body through sympathetic resonance to achieve the results. So whether that's the anti-anxiety frequency, the brain fog, the mental clarity we actually just wrapped up a phase one contract with US Air Force to help them with mission readiness for their fighter pilots.

And so using like the focus and mental clarity frequencies and again, going back to talking about how, you know it is. Sound, but you don't technically have to be listening to it, so it doesn't interfere with comms or anything like that because you can [00:07:00] use bone conducting headsets as long as the vibration is getting to the body, the efficacy is the exact same.

 How does that 

Robyn: work for, let's say, like a normal person, right? So I'm not a fighter pilot, but 

Madison: I do, let's say we wanted to listen to the 

Robyn: frequency, but we have meetings going on all day. How do you recommend then having 

Madison: that play? Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna use my mother-in-law as an example.

So she teaches kindergarten and she is a beautiful soul and we love her, and her job is really hard and she has a lot of, unruly kids. And she teaches in the public. School system in Florida, and she will put on stress relief or anti-anxiety, and she'll put it on her phone and just put it in her pocket.

And the vibrations are helping her throughout the day. They're affecting her, but they're not distracting from her lesson plans or, the kids can't hear it or anything like that. And she calls us all the time and she's man, I had a really hard day. And then I put on my, soaak sound frequencies, I put it in my pocket and it completely turned my day around.

I felt more centered. I was able to be a [00:08:00] better version of myself, the best teacher I could be and really, give my students the attention and the love that they deserve and, not be distracted by stress or anxiety or brain fog or anything like that. We've seen a lot of really neat instances of that.

For me. I really enjoy the sounds. And I know this is something that we've talked about a little bit. Whenever you get on the soaak app, there are three listening options. So original nature and music, the original sound frequency compositions sound a lot like singing bowls. Woos up and down and it's fine.

It's very meditative, but we also have layered it with nature sounds. If you prefer that style or. Music, which is my favorite. And I wanna share something about that. And I know we've talked about it before. So whenever we created the music track for our frequency compositions, we had. Actually a family friend who is just a very talented musician go in and tune his guitar to the hertz of the frequency composition that he was playing to.

And on top of that, he used mindfulness prayer, meditation to really intend on whatever he was playing. So whenever we layered the anxiety track with his [00:09:00] guitar, he was intending on whoever was listening to it. They would just be free of anxiety that they would feel at peace and just covering it with his intention and his prayer.

And I think it adds, an extra, a layer of something to it. While the efficacy is the same across original nature and music, my favorite is music because of that reason. And I just enjoy the sound yeah. 

Karen: So Madison, for those who are listening who may not have had the opportunity yet to listen to what the soaak frequencies actually sound like, could you pick a favorite and maybe just play it 

Robyn: briefly for 

Madison: us to listen to now?

Yeah, absolutely. So one of my favorites is mental clarity. I play it a lot while I'm working. And I actually have it right here on my phone. So I'll play a little sample. This is the mental clarity with music, but then I'll also play the original so that people can hear the difference.

So that's the music and 

Karen: then,

Madison: Let's do the original.

[00:10:00] Yeah, so it sounds like a sound bowl And then you'll hear the different compositions that, some of them sound different. Some of 'em are really high pitch, like the pain support super effective especially the headache and migraine.

One, we get a lot of testimonials about that specific frequency composition We have 30 right now in our library on the app 

Robyn: And it's so interesting, when I started playing the original and I didn't have the music, the original sound, my dogs went insane. 

Madison: I've never seen that before. It must have been pain relief. 

Robyn: and they went crazy, But then when I put it on the music, They calmed down, when I was listening 

Madison: to more of the anti-anxiety and and focus. I just had to say that. I actually heard that feedback before and, the the, I guess the ability for dogs and animals to hear different sounds, different hertz, different frequencies outside of the range that we can even hear. I can't even imagine what the track actually sounds like to [00:11:00] them.

'cause I'm sure it sounds different because it is a frequency composition, so it's layered. I'm sure they can hear things that we can't and there's also not The mental barrier either with animals and with babies, they don't have those limiting beliefs is what we would call them against, trying different things or holistic remedies or anything like that.

And so we find that the efficacy really goes up whenever, you played around animals and, I have a story with my dog too, that we use the frequencies with her. And it was just a miracle really. She made a miraculous recovery from something and it was, really incredible to witness.

Madison, can you 

Robyn: talk a little 

Karen: bit about the different types of frequencies you have on the soaakk app? I was blown away by some of them. you've got common cold and flu digestion support, enhanced creativity, exercise enhancement, mental clarity, pain support, P M s. Self-confidence, success. Sexual health, stress, tooth and gum support was one that fascinated me since my dad was a dentist.

 How [00:12:00] did you decide on these specific frequencies? What caused you to wanna create these specifically? 

Madison: Yeah, So was actually born out of a health clinic that we had. In our health clinic. We had doctors MDs nurses, we had chiropractors, we had functional medicine doctors as well.

And throughout all of the different modalities, whenever people would come in, we found that our sound frequency therapy, which we did in clinic, was the most popular modality. And we decided we wanted to. Make it easier on people because they were having to pay a lot of money. They were having to come physically into the clinic in some cases three times a week.

And we wanted to equip people with sound frequencies 24 7 because while it is a great proactive thing to do, it's also a fantastic reactive tool. It's a great thing to have in your toolbox if you're feeling anxious or you can't sleep. So whenever we went to put it into an app, we thought, gosh, we have so many frequencies and frequency compositions.

And that's our, real differentiator is that we compile them and layer them together to treat different things that we just took our [00:13:00] top 30 out of clinic. So it was the top 30 things that we were seeing people for. We took those compositions and we put them into an app. And so that's how we came up with it.

Robyn: When you started that sound frequency within the clinic, had you had experience with composing for this specifically? Was there an expert that you were working with at that time? How did that come into 

Madison: play?

Yeah, so we had a whole staff of people in the field who. All were passionate about holistic health. And, together through our different practitioners as a team, we curated those compositions and really, built them and layered them. And in our findings of the people that we saw in clinic, we, found these certain combinations to be the most effective.

And that's how we did it. Let's talk about 

Robyn: how you got started doing 

Karen: this too, because this is such a wonderful story about how your family has been involved with soaakk and the launch of it. . 

Madison: Absolutely. So technology started from myself my father, my husband, and my dad's wife.

So the four of [00:14:00] us, we've call ourselves the core four. That's what we started from. And, we've obviously grown into a larger company. We're in over. 133 countries. We've streamed over 15 million minutes of sound frequencies and we've been able to impact a lot of lives, but we got into it just from a deep desire to help the world.

We wanna change the world. We want to lift the vibration of everyone on earth. And we all have a very deep rooted passion for holistic health, but, Also for helping others. And that's really at the core of what we do is, how many people can we positively impact? And, based off of those who we positively impact, how many are they gonna impact?

And you start seeing this start multiplying and snowballing and that's how we make a true difference in the world. It's really just one person at a time. And. Even beyond that, we have all had personal testimonies of using sound frequencies and mindful intentions and even how we created our 21 day programs, it's a really fun story there too.

[00:15:00] But we have had a really positive impact from what we compiled into the soaak app and it's been really exciting for us to do that as a family and to grow that way. And, I work with my husband, He's our C O. O., I'm the c m O, and. It's really fun for us. We like to grow things together and it makes a really fun culture at work too.

Robyn: And can you talk 

Madison: about how holistic health and 

Robyn: How has holistic health and talking about energy and so forth been a part of your 

Madison: life? Yeah, so this is an interesting an question slash answer as well.

My husband he originally was studying to be a doctor, and he's a huge science nerd, like very much into medicine and He majored in I think it was chemistry, he just, was very into data and all of that. He worked for a couple of doctors while he was in school and he ended up switching paths at the last minute and did law school instead.

But again, just. Rooted in the desire to help people. And as he was going up through that path, he was like how can I help the most people? And maybe that's from a business development point of view and maybe we can, have an [00:16:00] innovation. And this was even before him and I met, which is crazy because, so it came away after we met and got married and had, our family and all of that.

But. For every single one of us, at least the core four that I mentioned earlier, we have all had that impact of switching over to a more holistic way of living, whether that be through the clinic and, seeing our own personal story or, I actually used to struggle from anxiety.

Really Strong anxiety where I couldn't even get out of bed. I thought someone had drugged me. it was very debilitating. And until you experience that, you really have no idea what someone is going through. Whenever you're looking at them from the outside and they say, just don't feel right, I feel anxious, I feel off.

And you're like, come on. Get it together and nothing's wrong. But when you've experienced that yourself and you've had that debilitating anxiety where you have to pull off of the highway, or you can't get outta bed, or you can't, meet up with your friends like you had planned on because your entire mental state has changed it's hard.

I think it's hard for some people to empathize and to sympathize. But I treated my anxiety with. Holistic remedies and [00:17:00] part of that was actually through the frequency therapy that we had in the clinic at the time, because this was around a similar time. But I remember I actually had an appointment with a psychiatrist and I was ready to go and try, pharmaceuticals or different drugs or whatever.

And some people need that and that does work for some people, but for me, it didn't feel right in my gut. And I knew that there had to be different path. And so I switched my nutrition, I switched my supplements. I started doing sound frequency therapy and my life completely changed.

And I haven't had a day where I couldn't get outta bed due to anxiety in a really long time. And, there's multiple factors that go into that. But, having experienced it firsthand I feel like. I'm able to help a certain group of people because I've been there before and I've overcome it.

And of course there are instances where I feel anxious or stressed out and I always pull out the Soaak app and I put on stress relief Music is my favorite track that I listen to over and over. And it's amazing to have that as a tool, in my back pocket. We've been talking 


Karen: lot about that lately and how, there's so many different modalities for feeling better, [00:18:00] but this is one that's just so simple.

It's non-invasive. You don't need a prescription for it. You don't even have to tangibly, wear it. It can just be something that's in your space and that can influence. How you feel right away, which I think is why I love it and I love to meditate with sound, with frequencies. Yeah.

Not even music necessarily, but just that frequency of putting you in that state of receiving and focus 

Madison: absolutely, and I'm a huge advocate of meditation myself. I love meditating with the sound frequencies.

I feel like it really supercharges the experience for me. It helps me really get into that zone. And if you meditate, you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes it can be really distracting whenever you close your eyes and you try to, work on your breath and center yourself.

And really supercharging that with the frequency therapy is great, but then when you don't have time to meditate and you're, driving to go pick up your kids or. From A to B or your cooking or whatever working out, we have frequencies that you can listen to passively, and they don't require that active [00:19:00] participation like meditation does.

So it's a great solution I think for our modern society, but also everyone should meditate, I think.. And can we talk 

Robyn: about the science you mentioned it earlier in this conversation. 

Madison: But what is the science 

Robyn: that backs up using sound 

Madison: frequency therapy?

Yeah, so there are tons studies. There's been research in the fields of neurology, psychology, quantum physics and all of that research supports the idea that our bodies are inherently vibrational, which is what we talked about earlier. that different frequencies resonate with different parts of us.

And by exposing ourselves to the right frequencies or harmonious frequencies or, whatever that goal is, we can create balance and healing. So internally and we say it's like a symphony of self-care. And it just fine tunes your body, it brings you back to homeostasis. But yeah, there are a lot of studies about certain.

Frequencies, like you'll find specific hertz that go, if you go into research and all of this is actually linked on our website. If you go to [00:20:00], we have a science page and you can read through the articles and it's super fascinating. When you were in the clinic 

Robyn: and you were seeing how different people would resonate with the different frequencies, were you ever able to capture in my mind, I picture almost like seeing waves.

 A frequency. 

Madison: Yeah. Is it something where you could take somebody at a certain frequency and then you'd see it change at all? Yeah, so we saw the change through the energy body. we would measure a baseline and so we would see deficiencies or what was out of alignment and then through their treatment plan and the process that we would go through.

'cause like I said, they were coming in multiple times a week for a set amount of weeks. We would. Do a re-scan and see just incredible results that on top of all, of just the testimonials of people saying how much better they felt or certain, symptoms that they had been experiencing for years, that they were tired of treating with a pill were suddenly going away because we were treating that root cause and we were bringing that body back into alignment, back into homeostasis.

And then further most recently with the soaakk app, we, we had a [00:21:00] relationship with HeartMath they have devices that measure your H R v, your heart rate variability. And so we did some experiments with Breathing with soaak, breathing without soaak.

Seeing, is there a difference in the H R V and there was a huge one. And so that was really neat data for us and our team as well. . It was fascinating. We saw really positive results. And then on top of that under the soaak Technologies umbrella, so we have soaak Digital, which is the soaakk app, which is what we've been talking about.

And then we also recently Acquired neurofeedback centers, so brain mapping and neurofeedback. So we're able to use our sound frequencies and marry those two businesses and ideas together and we can measure brainwaves now too in-house. And so that's been a really interesting thing for us as well.

And we've seen a lot of positive results too, both through the neurofeedback therapy which is amazing. And whole other talking point but also through the sound frequencies. So it's been really cool. That's 

Robyn: incredible. 

Karen: You have the immersion, 

Which is your 21 day program. Can you talk a little bit about the amount of time that you would recommend that [00:22:00] somebody spend on a daily basis with the app, and then why the 21 day program is so effective in changing 

Robyn: integration?

Madison: Yeah, First I'll answer the question about how long someone should be listening to sound frequencies in that, we see positive results in as little as five minutes. The tracks go up to 20 minutes. When I'm at work, again, I just very much enjoy the sound. So I'll listen to a 20 minute track of mental clarity and then a 20 minute track of stress relief and kind of.

Do my own little concoctions, but it really is effective in as little as five minutes and there's no harm in listening to it all day either. We have our sleep frequency, which after numerous requests from our community, we finally looped it on like a eight hour loop because people just like listening to it at night.

But originally we only had it for 20 minutes because, no one would really stay awake fast, five or 10 minutes listening to it. And you don't need to, you really don't need to listen to it all day. But a lot of people just enjoy the sounds and makes 'em feel good. They like to do that.

And then the 21 day programs so we actually, we've done a couple of them [00:23:00] in-house, but we partner with thought leaders, influencers, experts in the field, and we curate 21 days of like specific intention. We did one with Michael Beckwith on the Art of Forgiveness. So that was the topic, and then it's 21 days of specific mindful intentions for that topic.

There's a deep dive where the speaker goes into a longer conversation around the specific mindful intention, and then most of them include two bonus tracks, which are either affirmation, repetition, or. Guided meditations or things like that. So just depending on which 21 day program you pick it's just a more specific focus for, the 21 days.

So they're really cool. They were actually created from one of our team members who had a specific goal for herself and it was a financial goal actually. And so she had no. Idea how she was going to, manifest this amount of money. She really needed it and she spent 21 days listening to sound frequencies specifically focusing on [00:24:00] this goal, matching the vibration of it.

And sure enough, by the end of the 21 days it manifested and it was just incredible. And our team has done that with. A lot of different goals. Actually, almost every Sunday we we'll hop on a call, which of course we're family. We'll hop on a call and we'll write down our goals for that month.

And then, the following Sundays, we will stick with that same theme and we'll, visualize it. We do a group meditation, group prayer. And they always come true. It's one of those things where we'll recap and be like, man, this happened. Can you believe it? And we're all like, yes, we can believe it.

And it's been a really cool thing to witness. But that's really what the 21 day programs were born out of was our our track record of being able to really focus on something for, a set amount of time and then see positive change in our life because of it. So we wanted that for our community too.

I remember 

Robyn: too from my Oprah days, that 21 days from a scientific perspective, was the amount of time it usually takes to incorporate and make something a habit, And I can't remember who said that or 

Madison: where that's from, but Right. But I [00:25:00] remember that 21 days. Being that point of where if you could do it for that long, 

Robyn: then you stick with it.

And I love what you're saying. If you stick with it for 21 days, you'll actually see something 

Madison: actually transform or change within your life. A thousand percent. it really, it goes hand in hand with what you just said. It takes 21 days to make a habit stick. And the reason that's true is because you change you physically, mentally.

Wow. Theologically, you change as a person and you match whatever that goal was, which is something we talked about. Earlier and you achieve it or you have it, or you are it, and it's really phenomenal how all of that really backs itself up in a lot of different ways. So 

Karen: It's focus, positive thinking.

I was using it as a meditation in the morning because I'm one of those people that my thoughts always drift off. And it really helped me, not only with the music really ground. All the positive affirmations that were part of it really gave me something to focus on too. So just for those listening, if you wanna try it as your morning meditation, it's really, it's a really positive way to start the day.

Madison: [00:26:00] Yes. And okay, 

Robyn: as we're talking about incorporating it in these different ways into your every day, whether 

Madison: you follow a program, whether you just 

Robyn: decide to make a commitment to listen to one of these frequencies, or more than one every day. What about using it?

As we started to talk about earlier in the conversation with pets, or I know you have a newborn. How have you incorporated using sound 

Madison: frequencies with your baby? Yeah, absolutely. So my daughter Annie, she's actually one now, so I guess technically she's a toddler. I'm like, I have a, oh my God.

I'm like, I have a 14 month old newborn. Everyone's what? My goodness, I can't believe that. Okay. Yeah, she's one years old. But whenever she was first born, she was born a couple of weeks early actually had a fantastic pregnancy and a lot of that was through. We call 'em mindful intentions, but they're basically just affirmations.

And anyway, she was born a couple weeks early, everything went pretty smooth, but she had a lot of gut health issues, so gas, colic things like that. And I remembered talking to other parents who had [00:27:00] similar issues and they said, I'm so sorry, you must not be sleeping at night. And I was like it's, we have the issues, but no, she sleeps, 12 hours a night.

And they were like, oh, she doesn't have colic or gas. And I'm like, no, she does. I play we have a digestion support sound frequency, and we have a sleep well frequency and and I'm in there too, just praying with her and, while I'm nursing her and playing the sound frequencies and.

And we're good. And they're like, no, she must not have co lic so it's interesting because, it goes back to what we were talking about earlier where. Babies don't have a lot of the limiting beliefs or mental barriers or emotional barriers or spiritual barriers even that we do as adults.

And so we see that efficacy 10 x itself whenever you're. Around animals or babies. And we've had a lot of really neat testimonials from our community too about using the frequencies with their babies or toddlers or children or, family members or pets or whatever.

And it's been really neat to witness 

Robyn: , I can't wait to get my daughter using this, especially, she suffers from anxiety and I feel like this is going to be a [00:28:00] tool for her. And she's 15, so she's not young. But 

Madison: in those teenage years, I feel like this can be, it's so hard.

Yeah. And all of the hormones are all over the place, and that affects our mental state a lot and, the brain gut connection is so strong. A lot of our neurotransmitters are actually in our gut as well that control serotonin and dopamine and everything like that. And it's just it's truly Life changing whenever you find something that can help you with that, because again, it is so debilitating whenever you're dealing with that and you can't live your life as the best version of yourself whenever you're constantly, worried or upset.

And for me, people would ask me what are you worried about? Said, Nothing really. It's just, it's a literal physiological shift that happens in me and it takes me over. And I encourage everyone to use it both proactively. So even when you're not feeling anxious and reactively, whenever you, when something comes over you, you put it on.

If you're busy, if you're in a meeting, turn down the volume and put it in your pocket. And it it still works, which is [00:29:00] incredible. You can be sneaky about it, 

Robyn: Yeah. You can 

Karen: have it playing in your house on a very low level because especially with the nature sounds to me, are just so comforting and soothing and can barely hear any of the other frequencies.

Robyn: Underneath 

Karen: it, so 

Madison: yeah. Whatever resonates with you, whether it's the original or nature or music. Something really cool that we have coming out here in a couple of months we actually haven't announced it yet, but I can share a little bit about it. We are doing an app update and it's going to be a complete overhaul of the it's called ui, ux of the user experience, the user interface.

And we're adding in some really neat features that work with your Apple Watch or your Fitbit or your whoop or whatever, and it reads those biometrics and then it can tell you like, Hey, you're feeling anxious right now, or Your heart rate has gone up. it can notice that and then say, why don't you listen to anti-anxiety frequency?

Or, did your heart rate go up because you're working out? Here is the exercise enhancement frequency. And so using some of that predictive analytics, we [00:30:00] can better serve our community that way and help people as they're living their day. Again, being that toolkit for people, whatever they're dealing with.

So it's exciting stuff. That is so 

Robyn: awesome. 

Karen: it's proactive, Yes. To get outta it, I was also wondering too, Madison, as you're talking, if you use these sound frequencies regularly, does your body respond faster to them? have you found that , it's like, it recognizes, oh, there's the anxiety 

Madison: frequency just curious.

Yeah, so I don't know if we have A clinical answer for it or a scientific answer for it. But just speaking from my own experiences with using frequencies and the app and really anything the more you believe in something, and the more that you see that it works for you, the better it will work for you.

And again, talking about animals and children and how they don't have the barriers that we do as adults, but the more that you listen to it, Obviously, from a scientific perspective, you would be bringing your body back into alignment. Over and over. And so you would have a stronger base.

But then also just from the mentality that you have you see something [00:31:00] work for you over and over, then you have that confidence and that faith in it, you know it's gonna work and you almost start feeling better before you even start it. So it yes, for a couple of different reasons.

Robyn: What are other go-to healing modalities that you recommend people look into because you are very versed in holistic health in general. 

Madison: So what has worked for you and what would you recommend? Yeah, absolutely. So movement is a huge thing. Movement and hydration. So drinking lots of water. as basic as it sounds, it is so impactful.

And you'll see our whole team, we love drinking lemon water getting in the the vitamins and even the cleansing elements. We live in a very, Polluted world from a lot of different perspectives. And, being able to get up, go for a walk listening to a frequency while you're walking drinking water, meditating.

I think everyone should be meditating, but I understand that, it's hard and we don't have time sometimes again, it's a great time to listen to frequencies. But yeah, I think it's all rooted in hydration movement. And then of course, [00:32:00] Nutrition as well. So making sure that you're fueling your body with the right nutrition.

We've all heard food is medicine because it is. And setting yourself up for success in that way I think is probably the best thing that you can do. As simple as it sounds. 

Robyn: Yeah. And when you were talking about how 

Madison: you. 

Robyn: Overhauled your own nutrition 

Madison: As part of your 

Robyn: remedy of figuring out how to handle and cope with anxiety, what were some of the things that you felt made 

Madison: the biggest difference?

Yeah, absolutely. So just eating real food real whole foods, again it's always the simplest answers. It's what our body was designed to consume. I grew up with all of the, processed snacks in the nineties that were convenient and, all the little packaged and, the Kool-Aid, jammers and dunkaroos and all of the really fun things that 

Robyn: I'm with you.

Madison: We didn't recognize as a society how harmful it was. And, I truly believe that having that in my system so regularly definitely impacted my anxiety levels and, brought my body out [00:33:00] of whack a little bit and. Through changing up my diet, my supplements, listening to frequencies moving, drinking water I've seen drastic change especially my ability to focus.

I get anxious. My menstrual cycle regulated, I used to have really painful periods and all of that just went away. it's incredible. So I've been really happy with my results. That's huge. 

Robyn: So what would you recommend to people who are listening right now that wanna get started?

What's the best thing they can do 

Madison: just to get going? Yeah, absolutely. So if you wanna get started with sound frequencies, we actually have a special offer for listeners today. You just go to and you sign up for a membership there using the promo code. s c P 30 and that will give you 30 days free of soaakk.

And so you can get in there, check out the frequency library you can do a whole 21 day program, have the mindful intentions sent to your phone every day and be part of our community. So that would be the [00:34:00] best way for someone to get started if they wanted to check us out. And I love those mindful 

Karen: intentions.

They're so positive and they do punctuate your day. So if you do it in the morning, it's just such a good reminder as your day might deviate from that, centeredness of the morning. It's a really. Wonderful. Added value that you get with the experience. 

Robyn: Yeah, I agree.

I feel like they're a pleasant surprise during the day, 

Madison: a little reminder.

 I wanna point out to people that spelling 

Robyn: soaakk, S O A A K is how you spell soaakk for the soaakk app. S O A A K dot com 

Madison: Just so that Yeah. We'll also 

Robyn: Have this. In our show notes , but I just wanted to make sure anyone listening if you go 

Madison: That's right.

Every time I see soaakk spelled the, traditional way, I'm like that doesn't look right. I bet. You . So yeah, www do then you can find us at on social media everywhere too. By 

Robyn: the way, you also have a beautiful video 

Karen: on your [00:35:00] website, just explaining what soaakk is.

So everybody should check that 

Madison: out. Thank you. Yeah, especially on our Instagram at Daily soaakk there are a lot of educational videos, a lot of testimonials, and it's a really great place for our community to meet and show up and learn about sound frequencies and share their experiences too.

So we would love to have everyone be part of that. We're 

Robyn: so grateful to be connected to you, to be using the 

Madison: soaakk app ourselves, 

Robyn: and just for everybody 

Madison: listening to now have a better understanding 

Robyn: of the power of sound frequency therapy and their own 

Madison: vibration, and that they have these tools that can actually help 

Robyn: change their vibration and therefore live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

So thank you 

Madison: Thousand percent. Thank you both so much for having me on. I love our conversations together. I feel like it goes by like that. It feels like it's been five minutes. And again, thank you so much for having me on. It was a a joy getting to speak with both of you again.